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>General Resources:
>WoW Token Price:
>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
EU: rodent.io
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sub or sin for 2s?
and post your arena rating so i know youre not some rp fagshitter
>its the autistic draeni poster again
>xhir is probably going to tell me to take my meds
where did it all go so wrong for /wowg/?
>the state of these threads during eu hours
>draeneiposter boogeyman
yes newfag do take your meds
literally look at the arena ladder for most amount of this spec of rogues
like 2016
im not asking for the meta im asking for which one is more annoying to face
>decide to try lfr for some relaxing fun
>get to coven
This is worse than kiljaeden
nth for big tittied dark iron dwarves.
no draeni poster here, you are right, yessir, no way no how
no you are just unmistakably retarded
>>decide to try lfr for some relaxing fun
go back
they are stacking on golganneth, running into centre on khazgoroth and randomly attack aman'thuls torments. they wont even stack the bosses
this really is hard for lfr
taking guilds out of the OP does not make them not wowg guilds
having them there doesn't make them wowg either so
Plan on leveling Druid and Monk on a fresh server, can't decide on which to start up first, especially since I know that Artifact traits and legendaries can possibly turn an average spec into an incredibly fun one. Going to play all specs.
Mentally restarting, playing at a really casual level and will work towards M+/Heroics, but just enjoying the game for what it is instead of rapidly rushing to Mythics and burning out.
Also, Glyph or Moonkin form?
Gentlemen, can I get a quick rundown on Jeff "eSports" Kaplan during his WoW years?
Was he doing a good job with WoW in his "final" time or it was good that he left?
then be a hero and explain the fight instead of crying to an imageboard like some pansy whiny bitch
>Also, Glyph or Moonkin form?
Since it has literally 0 effect gameplay wise only you can decide if you want to be a translucent elf/tauren/worgen/troll or be gigantic chicken (favoured by Elune btw).
no never
he's a bad game designer only exists in blizzard due to nepotism
and ruin the entertainment?
report this shit thread
How do draenei men handle their women being stolen by literally every other race?
i mean if you have no life with hours of time to blow then go for it my dude
t. babby upset his reddit guild isn't in op
meds, pajeet
I want a night elf wife
what is the best spec for rp?
what looks better?
when is the meta spec not annoying
frost dk
if you need to use a tabard as crutch to finish your mog then neither
Every monk spec is good
both shit
I like both, but I don't play Paladin and I never wear tabards outside of Rep bonuses.
First if you replace the tabard of the eternal jew. Second otherwise. Consider finding less bulky shoes for the second one thou.
ur toon looks like a tranny
>tfw bored and want to level a new character but I've played every spec that interest me
I guess I'll try Hunter. Is marksman fun?
level as survival, marks is end game
Or should I level/play them both equally? I'm indecisive as fuck.
Blizzard introduce a new way to get legos, perfect for people who want to gear up through 7.3.5. with their alts and new characters, and dalaran afkers are still crying.
Best shemale where?
degenerate spotted
>dalaran afkers
i still don't understand why people are afk in dalaran when they aren't even engineers
for 135 wakening essence you can exchange for a random legendary
What did he mean by this?
muh tiny dps loss in super situational fights
>move unit frames to the center of the screen because they contain important information
>upper left corner of the screen is now empty
this feels unnatural
If you're EU remember to NEVER trust a Kazzak or a Frostwolf player
The holocaust never happened tho.
and also
>too little too late
>doesn't fix the rng-ness
>if you upgraded your legendaries like a noncasual you can't get the quest i.e. get any more wakening essences
how is it a crutch?
t-thanks u 2
>tabard of the eternal jew
>not doing the quest on every plate class to sell the items at the end
it was better with the old faces
she looked angry
Never said to not do the quest. I said consider using something else other than that overused, unoriginal shit with "Hey guys I post with a secure tripcode on Veeky Forums" written on its back (even if you don't).
>this is where i wish the holocaust was real
>still around with Hitler
Is a Blizzard dev holocaust without Hitler not good enough for him?
I think I'd go with the blue version
AOE Moonkins using the shoulders/cloak and then moonfire/starfall spamming their way to the top of the charts was pretty fucking retarded tho.
well i use that because i had one tabard for each spec
tabard of the hand for holy
SC tabard for ret
and tabard of the argent crusade for prot
all with mogs to match
how about work on your healslut spec and gear before considering looking good
>"the revamped level scaling is the focus of this test"
>no changes to the level revamp system are discussed with every new ptr build
Literally the only thing I noticed is that lockboxes stopped dropping like candy. Nice test, dotards.
I think red/gold looks really good, especially with the white hair/red eyes thing you've got going
5 man skeleton crew
honest thoughts on pezado lads?
>join a moonguard RP discord to find cool RP people
>go to the art section
>find this gold
>healslut spec and gear
kill you're self
i tend to agree but i also like to stick with the paladin theme like in
r8 the gob
absolute fucking mongoloid retard and should be killed and then have every post ever made purged
hello pezado, crowdsourcing your self-esteem i see
Three (3) toes
honest thoghts on amirelevantyet lads?
A proud and noble heritage.
meanwhile, every BG is multiple alliance healers stacked against horde DPS.
It's obvious that the devs main alliance.
Now, granted we got some lucky kills and narrowly won but that never should have happened in the first place.
yeah your ilvl is so low that i can gank you on my bank alt, and you are doing the alliance a burden rather than an asset
you are missing the point
i didnt tell you to kill yourself because of my gear
i told you to kill yourself because you unironically said the word healslut
you fucking faggot
>People still queue up as tank for minigames
>Feminist has gone offline
Do we have any kind of ETA for 7.3.5?
*demonic tramples across wsg with the flag*
never speak to me or my inner demon ever again
oh bienvenidos reddit!
how's ?
Do you like night elves?
>but instead of Jews it was these worthless developers
So still jews?
Does tumblr know about the /whistle emote?
theyre ok, i like it when they tank as a bear
maybe you should go ask them and stay there, overreactor
Worgen players are the smartest I think...
i want to have gentle cuddles with a night elf female