>mods are cheating
>fun is cheating
>having colonies is cheating
I'm bad at starting these.
/rwg/ - Rimworld General
First for building walls is cheating.
Fighting raiders is cheating, just leave some things for them to take and they'll leave you alone.
>There is no genetics mechanic, and you can't breed the perfect superhuman with RJW
On the plus side, there's no downside to going full Crastor. Also, is there a way to tell what species the baby will be when you impregnate monstergirls? Or do you need to breed them with their own species?
*post your temple
If these generals are gonna last we need to start compiling pastebins for recommended mods and whatnot to put in the OP.
I think you might be cheating. Can you post your mod list real quick to clear this up?
Since when do we have generals? I only know they died some time ago
Janitors really crave not getting paid.
stop cheating fag
Huge pastebin filled OPs are pointless
>not making the thread on /v/
Mods will just move it here anyway, it's better to skip the middleman.
What's everyone's opinions on door placement? I'm an autist, so I always make my rooms have odd dimensions. 7x7, 5x5, et cetera. That way the doors can always go exactly in the middle of the walls.
I think doors are cheating.
Only cheaters use doors.
Thats just ocd autism.
EDB Prepare Carefully
SS Damage Indicators
Facial Stuff
Custom Music
Health Tab
Relations Tab
Wildlife Tab
Hand Me That Brick
Prison labor
Locks(for locking your doors)
Combat Extended
Apparello 2
Simple Bridges
All of the Vegetable Garden modules
Dubs Hygiene
Animal Logic
A Dog Said
Nature Is Pretty Sweet
My Little Planet(for super small, and comfy planets that load quickly)
Faction Control(to make sure your small planet has more than six other settlements on it)
i'm with you, off-center doors look wrong to me.
i like to place them off to the side but not against a wall, it really depends on my base layout
>90% of the mods are blatant cheats
Fuck no.
I fucking cut my finger on a fucking mug handle.
>wanderer joins in
>Val, Chief
>sweet a new g-
>Val is going on a food binge
>Val is throwing a tantrum
>Val is going on a murderous rage
>arrest Val
>Val is going berserk
>Val breaks the door and leave the map
This isn't your blog brainlet
put this shit in the OP since mouthbreathers dont understand where to get mods from
What are you going to do about it, faggot?
The idea is to keep doing it until they give up. Worked for the Risk of Rain threads if I remember right.
>tfw nearly lost my thumb last year
Raiders again Randy? whats next? Fucking Mechanoids? I don't have Anti-Tank weapons
I'm doing it, Anons. I am becoming the Breaking Bad guy.
Unironically doors can lead to cheating
Is the hands mod compatible with weapon mods? it looks so fucking cool, but I'm using the Rambo Weapons Pack right now.
wait i thought the hands mod only works for vanilla weapons
how am i supposed to get them when i pirated
You find alternative download links.
use the other link then faggot
not everything is on there
>I can't find that weapon even though I'm using Rambo Weapons Pack for CE
What mod adds that? 20th Century Weapons?
I think it works with most weapons. The only ever weapon ive seen it not working is that SKS on Isak.
But everything else, even the most convoluted weapons i had the Hands working.
Beg anons to upload it for you.
>4 raiders
>7 colonists
>one raider with a rifle and 3 shooting skill hidden behind a rock
>5 colonists with 9+ shooting skills behind 3 layers of sandbags and walls
>2 colonists killed, 4 downed and the last one blinded...
>... by that one raider behind rock who got barely scratched
I fucking hate this game sometime.
honestly only RimJobWorld is needed, the rest is cheat
Use CE
>long range combat
are u retarded?
>more monstergirls
>vegetable garden
>predator hunt alert
>age morphosis cells
>alien races
>colony manager
>combat extended
>improved workbenches( they don't actually improve them)
>my little planet
>more furniture (unbalanced trash btw)
>stack merger (LITERALLY
>vanilla animal husbandry master
>Not using CE to avoid this bullshit
No wonder.
I think it's from the Rimfire mod that adds a good amount of weapons.
I specially avoided adding the rambo pack because it had WAY too many weapons and made it difficult to navigate the bills option. So i went for a more lite upgrade of selection of weapons.
Non steam workshop version where?
6 20x40 warehouses full of stuff and I'm forced to get a stack mod because I'm just out of space for all this shit.
Why would you cheat?
>Katana wielding cyborg loli drops on your base along with a small squad of mutant hybrids
>better get high
Why should i use vegetable garden over fertile fields? are the extra crops and shit actually useful or are they just bloat for comfiness?
And mission completed. Now i'm expecting another Raid right after this. or a manhunting pack.
Randy fucking loves doing that shit.
Does installing a second bionic arm help any more when their other arm is ok and their manipulation is already [Enhanced]?
I don't think there is one. It's called Drug Overhaul, so just search for it.
I'm also using modded weapons, will it work?
what mod has those lights on the wall?
My colonist keeps fucking this bear
Probably not, unless they are compatible, or have compatibility patches. There are enough weapon packs for me to be happy.
yes? it's not like they could win
also >katana, loli, mutant hybrids
The word "enhanced" is just there to say it's above 100%, of course adding a second arm will increase manipulation.
Most likely it won't. So id recommend you to disable all of your weapon mods and exclusively use CE compatible weapons. Its worth it and theres a fuckton of CE compatible weapons.
>have anything to do with age
>doesn't have anything to do with age
>This nigga just stood up after pretending to be downed for a bit and is trying to escape.
Not on my watch mate.
>Run away
Honestly, you should have let him go.
>not just letting him escape out of some common, human decency
The rim changes people...
>not beanbagging him, and putting him to work instead of killing him
>CE has no B18 release
so there are no issues by using it in 18?
>guy wants to kill you
>let him get away
>next week he returns and does it again
is there a more soyboy choice
There is an unstable release for B18, and it's actually really stable. The devs are just thinking about how to make explosions better.
>40C indoors
>put on cowboy hat
>temp just right
>Major break risk
>Has AA-12
>Can probably take out the whole room if she feels like it
Oh God.
found it:
ill try it
Mechanoids are funky though. Some people report their mechanoids ignore colonists and don't actually fire their weapons.
Domino looks qt
>creepypasta tier face
I agree
>The devs are just thinking about how to make explosions better.
what do you mean with "better" ?
They are debating about whether or not roofs should hinder explosions, and thinking about how to make walls block explosions.
ex. grenade is on the other side of the wall, so it shouldn't hurt someone on the "safe" side
woah nice, the general is actually alive
oh, ok. sounds good.
and I mean it's actually alive, not artificially kept active with shitposts
that's a bit of a stretch
>trying to reinstall jaw
>doctor fails and fucks up patient's face despite having a inspiration frenzy for surgery
>gonna have to make her some dentures now
>shitposts are cheating
Install EPOE and make the pawn bionic dentures. Relatively cheap but he will be even better then before.
You can also harvest another jaw from a prisoner in EPOE and give it to your colonist.
The doctor failure is actually pretty trivial with this mod
Is there some secret jap rimworld mod site? I'm browsing the workshop and there's shit like 2b outfits in screenshots
Making artificial eyeballs and a nose too. You know, just in case.
Well, you shouldn't take away her fucking jaw for talking about being homesick
>tfw you have a colonist with a full set of advanced bionics and synthetic organs while being high on Go-Juice and Luciferium.
How does it feel, user? Post him/her for us.
>install EPOE
>My Little Planet
How well does the game's perfomance increase with that mod?