Thoughts, Veeky Forums?

Thoughts, Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:!oJxURBQZ!Bl0mUMBa5NiTSe8lcEyPk1z7QtDehkBBCDD3u8ZTAiU

Really makes you think

It seems like insecurity to me. If someone is so scared that any kind of outside thought or information will destroy their ability to believe in their religion, they must not think it's very compelling on its own.

Back when I was like 7 years old, before I even had a computer in my house, I would get bored during sermon and read the bible. I finished the first 2 or 3 chaptwrs, and even then I was frustrated by all of the inconsistencies in it. How could god be all knowing and not know that Satan was deceiving eve? Why did he even put a tree of knowledge on earth if no one was supposed to use it? How come eve's descendents magically inherited the knowledge gained by eating the fruit? Was god not aware that people would just become wicked again after he flooded the whole world? Cain and Abel should have been proof that evil is just part of people.

>needing religion to offer you guidance and meaning in life

>How could god be all knowing
I just added a new text to the /omg/ library:
>A Critical Theology of Genesis: The Non-Absolute God!oJxURBQZ!Bl0mUMBa5NiTSe8lcEyPk1z7QtDehkBBCDD3u8ZTAiU


This is cult behaviour 101


When I was a kid grade 4 I was told that any other god of any religion is a fake god and they will go to hell for worshiping it. Being a retard I didn't want my friends to go to hell so I told them stop worshiping statues. They got mad at me and I got bullied for 2 years before I moved but by that time I was already damaged I hate Christianity.


Sorry but that's hillarious

Could YECs be classed as a cult?

Christians don't actually believe this, do they?


mainly subscribed to by a fringe of fundamentalist american protestantism

What hentai is this?

Good point. You should get off the internet and never ever come back faggot
You wouldn't want to be exposed to an original thought or Heaven forbid, actually HAVE one


are there actually any christians left that believe any of the bibles, as currently known, are the absolute and infallible word of god?
its not even about religion, just that pretty much every single church is fairly open about the fact the book as been rewritten for close to 2000 years by a bunch of very much fallible humans

>differing opinions destroys faith

the faith was probably not that strong to begin with then

Fuck reading. All books should be burned along with the people who read them. This includes the bible, if you need to read to find God you're not a real Christian.

>Fundie Christians have weird fetishes.
Nothing new desu.

I mean, isnt it usually the anti-gay preacher that gets caught with homos? Lol.

>christian ''''''fundamentalists'''''' need to coddle their children with cotton wool

is this some kind of victimisation complex?

lol that's insane

>World Religions Topics:

Bottom kek.

welcome to america

Watch Bill Nye vs Ken Ham

Athiests btfo