/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >Saber Wars
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC
Read the guide below before you ask about what to do in the event

>Saber Wars Summon
5* Mysterious Heroine X
4* Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
4* Nero Claudius

>[Event Guide]
Altrium Calculator: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0sr4mocLHeQk0MZIBWal9gq_WapjcBXXpNu74-LOAQ/edit#gid=0

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975


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Post FC plz.


Celebrating Stinky Saint's Birthday!

I got lucky last banner and rolled 2 of the focus target+invincibility CEs, so I've been cheesing Scat by putting them on my level 1 silver sabers

This is a MHXA thread now. You will all worship her and ignore her stormtrooper panties

You're gay if you wouldn't fuck.



Hows the grind going bros?

>Wears a bra
>Doesn't have tits

>Mysterious Heroine X and Child-Gil
>It seems she has a crush on the younger Gilgamesh.

What the fuck Xbros, I thought that she was for (you).

literally who

>21 hearts
But why?

It annoys me that people say taunt CEs are useless. I fucking want them but I can't seem to roll them.

... Rejoice! It's an exp CE!


Which node is that?


I hope you never get her then.

because it looks cute

Nobody is for you user. Kill yourself now.

>user doesn't get her when da vinci hits
>his dick explodes and he dies

Scat's - Equipment Gathering Galaxy

>He doesn't have a Herc

I better get Jeanne Alter or I'm quitting the game, and taking all of your accounts with me!.

Exactly, why aren't you using them right now?

I have 20 hearts, should I use them to level wavers skills or 10/10/10 gil?

Think with your dick

Please post your high level okita friend codes for me.

purest being in nasuverse

I ascended and grailed my daughteru anons!

Are you a man or are you a mongrel?

but theyre both guys

fuck off pedophile

I was looking into starting this game, but if I can avoid the re-roll hell of the first few hours I'd like that. If anyone has any decent rolls saved for Android I'd appreciate it, specifically just a roll with a strength high enough to get me started. If nobody has anything, what are the specific servants I should be rolling for? Waver specifically at this point, or are others equally strong/better for current new account rolls?


You tell me.

will we get another grail before MY BOY ASTOLFO comes out?

Would take two of those clusters, thats the galaxy node, correct?

Is it possible to max out on points just on Scats node? I don't want to give up the hearts.

>states daughteru
>immediately a pedophile

This is why we can't have nice thing

is this actually an unedited CE?

Vive la France!

My luck with drops died once I got the hearts needed for Marie. All I've gotten today is like 2 gears and my first CE, which was the least useful of the two.

You're a good Mommy

Everything is possible if you open up your wallet.


Roll for Siegfried

jack every thread until she has her banana buddy

Looks like it.

When do we get more pages? My waver is stuck on level 5 skills because of that shit.

tfw costlet who cant equip 2 stars and 2 blooms

Siegfried is the best for now? Thanks.

have you done blackbeard's interlude?

Is it possible to max points on scats node? I don't want to give up the hearts. I figure a few apples would be needed though yeah?

Ignore the retarded shiteater. Jack triggers him for some reason.

when is the next heart farming event? Should I use all my apples on this one if hearts are my #1 priority?

>kill demon with Zabaniya
>he always drops a heart
I figured out the trick.

yes which is why he is so popular in memes here and on reddit!

Why the fuck is Jack the Ripper dressed like a bunny?

nice excuse pedophiles

>could do it if I replaced Caesar with Mashu
>don't really need it
This is fine

Is jack secretly Kakyoin?


Your first roll is out of a pool of tutorial servants with at least one 4* servant assured, from that you'd be set for a while if you got Heracles. Waver's a premium choice to get if you get him on your first real roll or if anyone gives him out. Sadly we don't have any giveaways going on right now so re-rolling would take an assload of time to get the quartz together to roll a real roll. There's plenty of people with accounts to giveaway so don't despair too much, someone will eventually give something out.

Blackbeard's interlude shits out pages, your welcome
Innocent until proven guilty

This is such a cool final ascension. I'm kind of tempted to roll for her now

Welcome to motherhood.

Never farmed pages and my waver is soon 10/10/10

You've left it late, good luck rolling a Waver on a non rate up. May as well wait for Jannu Alter or something you really want.

They also broke the emulator reroll instancing, was running five at a time when the game came out.



I’m only at 250k with a max of 130% farming scat.... I’m not gonna make it bros...

Best pirate gives you 10 pages for free. Hans with level 6 skills is great. Get to it.

Well thanks, for now I'm re-rolling hoping for a 5*.

>They also broke the emulator reroll instancing, was running five at a time when the game came out.
I rerolled a couple weeks ago and multi-instance was working fine on Nox, I was only running 3 though

Don't forget the very first roll you're forced to do can never roll a 5*. It guarantees you at least one 4* out of a pool of starters though.

>No doll joints on Nursery Rhyme

Guys I’m 80 bucks in and no mhx do I keep going? She is really the only limited assassin that looks interesting to me.

ironically the artist started drawing lots of astolfo after this

If your gonna whale at least do it for a good servant ...

>80 bucks
Keep going user, you're bound to get her sooner or later!

No, why would you ever spend money on this kusoge in the first place.

if you are a gameplay fag, stop
If she's not one of your top 3 servant yo want in the game, stop
Otherwise continue


Reminder that best girl has the best doujins

>only 80 bucks

Ignore this idiot though. Fuck the memelist.

If you can afford it and want it, man, go for it.

They must have found a way to work it on emulator again then. But I'm done with that, got a nigh awesome account and gave away the rest here.

its really out of character though wtf

he wears cute clothes for being cute not bras to be le funny trap meme

nice shit taste RWBY spic

why are these translators retarded?

Does NP skills get affected by formation, like Arts++ vs Arts+, or does it only get affected by other NPs?


>2M damage
God damn, the retard is strong.


It's okay user, I am sure your waifu will get a doujin one day.


This is the rarest servant to date in JP servers with only one drop event. If you want her roll, she is not great for gameplay.

Saberface collector?