Comfy Feros Edition
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Comfy Feros Edition
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gigi-chan best waifu
Feros is pretty cool, but I wish it was a bit more open. Even if it's just a massive city with sprawling spires, I'm sure the protheans could build wider areas.
Shepard is blocking our escape! He's with Cerberus!
I liked how it had a sort of eerie atmosphere in the small colony where you knew something was off about the colonists.
Garrus is my waifu.
I have questions regarding Jack. Would /meg/ humour me for a while, if I ask your opinions?
Maybe I should just ask and take it from there.
Anyone else notice how everybody that got close to just, prior to meeting Shepard just died? Her sisters, that guy who she was certain he was going to screw her over, but actually gave his life for her? That other couple she supposedly played house with? Didn't any of you find it a little strange?
Jack seemed to almost be cursed.
Toli is cute.
That's the thing, I don't think she's cursed. As far as her "sisters" go, either they were figments of her imagination, or she killed them herself. She was going to kill Bardock as well, the guy that sacrificed himself for her at least I think that was his name which gave her survivor's guilt on the one hand but actually sorta grounded her to reality on the other.
The reason why she acts so "tough" around Shepard is because she doesn't want him to get close, as she usually gets extremely paranoid towards people that befriend her and she ends up killing them, regardless of intentions.
It is also worthy of note that, due to her conditioning, she could actually kill somebody she liked and get off on it, which is doubly weird and would cause her an even greater guilt trip, as soon as she came to.
What do you guys think?
>gets close to shepard
>shepard dies
I always took her sisters as having been a real group of which she was a part, but you make me start to reconsider.
Which is a terrible thing to happen, if she's romanced. The psychological repercussions to her, volatile as it is, mental balance, could cause her to relapse, possibly killing her own students or taking her own life, or, and this might just be the best case scenario, distancing herself from others again and secluding herself somewhere isolated.
I think people misunderstand how crazy Jack is, just because she seems to snap back up, while on board with Shepard. I believe the firsta wake up call for Jack happens when she realizes that Bardock wasn't out to kill her, as she though. So she starts doubting her "instincts", like what if the other couple she was shacked up with, weren't actually planning on screwing her over? What if that was just her paranoia? The second one is when Shepard, an, as far as she can tell, Cerberus agent, not only shows up to free her from prison, but also to offer her a shelter and answers about Pragia. Then, at Pragia, she finds out not everything was as she thought, which makes her even more aware of her own paranoia. And then comes the next test, where she asks Shepard if he only has plans to fuck her, in which case she agrees to fuck as a sort of payoff and then proceeds to reject him completely. But her paranoia doesn't let her comprehend what he could possibly want from her, if he turns down her offer. In that way he earns her respect and, maybe, Jack begins to realize that she actually likes the guy, but still tries to push him off, because she's scared her paranoia will win her over and kill him too
Am I making sense?
I understand what you're trying to say user
I don't recall who Bardock is at all but you're definitely making sense overall. I didn't have the impression that she regretted killing the couple at all or even had second thoughts about it but I'd say it's something that could have happened for her internally, or maybe I've forgot some other details about Jack's story.
Gas the Colonists
In one of her stories about her past, Jack tells you about this guy she use to pull jobs with. She was certain he was going to backstab her, just like everyone else, so she was going to get the drop on him first. Somehow, one of the jobs they pulled went south and, for some reason she didn't understand, Bardock stayed behind to cover her escape, telling her he'd meet up with her later. Jack, of course, bailed, as Bardock was as good as dead. A few days later she got a pre-recorded message about how he was trying to save up so they could start a new life together and how that was never going to happen now because he was obviously dead. It's also on the wiki. It was the first time Jack realized she was wrong.
And then we see multiple times later on, especially in her loyalty mission, how realoty disagrees with Jack and her memories. Which leads me to believe that Jack doesn't remember things as correctly as she thinks. It could be for a number of reasons. Possible brain damage from Cerberus' experiments on her, drug induced haze, substance abuse, or paranoia that sprung up from years of abuse?
Incidently her Purgatory prison rape, might not have gone down exactly as she remembered, as well. Her behaviour early on in the Normandy has some semblance to withdrawal syndrom. Her metabolism would have helped maybe, I guess, to mask it to an extent and her conditioning, the rush she gets from killing, would relieve her, which might also be the reason she picks a fight with Miranda and why she's so powered down during it. Or maybe she was still under the effect of red sand, when they woke her out of cryo. It all sounds so reasonable/plausible to me.
Today I bring you sad space news, Astronaut John Young has died.
“Today, NASA and the world have lost a pioneer. Astronaut John Young's storied career spanned three generations of spaceflight; we will stand on his shoulders as we look toward the next human frontier.
John was one of that group of early space pioneers whose bravery and commitment sparked our nation's first great achievements in space. But, not content with that, his hands-on contributions continued long after the last of his six spaceflights -- a world record at the time of his retirement from the cockpit.
Between his service in the U.S. Navy, where he retired at the rank of captain, and his later work as a civilian at NASA, John spent his entire life in service to our country. His career included the test pilot’s dream of two ‘first flights’ in a new spacecraft -- with Gus Grissom on Gemini 3, and as Commander of STS-1, the first space shuttle mission, which some have called ‘the boldest test flight in history.’ He flew as Commander on Gemini 10, the first mission to rendezvous with two separate spacecraft the course of a single flight. He orbited the Moon in Apollo 10, and landed there as Commander of the Apollo 16 mission. On STS-9, his final spaceflight, and in an iconic display of test pilot ‘cool,’ he landed the space shuttle with a fire in the back end.
I participated in many Space Shuttle Flight Readiness Reviews with John, and will always remember him as the classic ‘hell of an engineer’ from Georgia Tech, who had an uncanny ability to cut to the heart of a technical issue by posing the perfect question -- followed by his iconic phrase, ‘Just asking...’
John Young was at the forefront of human space exploration with his poise, talent, and tenacity. He was in every way the 'astronaut’s astronaut.' We will miss him.”
- acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot
some more recent portrait
I didn't ask for these feels man.
Where's the Varren sluts?
Varren carry too many diseases, surely nobody would fuck one.
>page 10 already
Off to a good start tonight.
Gotta start the thread off on page comfy early.
Here we are, yet again.
Sorry user, was sleeping.
No sleeping while you're on station, cadet.
You know, quarians with fat butts are good for morale.
Is that so?
Absolutely. You must have noticed.
Well then, have another.
I also feel like doing a little writing. Any of you anons have ideas for a one-off greentext you'd like to see? I'm game for anything except Asari.
MEA had some concept pics of Asari with tentacles coming out of the back.
It was assumed that,at pre release,Andromeda was going to make Asari parasites.
Does anyone else remember these pics? I can't find any.
Was it a curve ball? Was it an idea that was such shit that even they gave up on it?
I'll have to consider what I'd like to see.
Not sure about those pics, I'm sure I'd recognize them if I saw them.
What would you write about, anything you'd greentext about yourself?
That Femtur looks like E.T.
She will never be normal,will she /meg/?
There will always be a broken part of he she will never be able to know how to fix.
I'm just glad I destroyed the reapers,maybe she will find solace watch her kids grow up.
Meaning your own choice, not that it would be about yourself.
Maybe now that Cerberus and the geth are gone...
I like to think that before Jack calls it quits,she visits Tali and hangs out at her house on Rannoch for a bit.Tali sings a song,Jack takes off,maybe Liara loses track of Jack,except for the rare piece of poetry(maybe the occasional Cerberus hold out get destroyed before anyone else even knows it exists.)
Replayed the series,stopped two months ago,SO close to the end.
Who is gonna feed my hamster?
You should do a one with a qt Vorcha.
Cant open this pic,just want to see what it looks like POST!
Hey'll just say it.
I was digging in my back yard,the neighbors dog made it look SO fun.Long story short I hit a large stone and I took a pic.
I have large gaps in my memory and whenever I "wake up" all of my neighbors are either digging up my yard or snatching up more neighbors.
tl;dr My HOA is gonna be pissed,any advice?
Liara would.
Well, I think this gives Jack a much greater depth as a character, if I'm correct. It is a shame we didn't get to explore it some more. I believe she's had some counselling for her problem, working with the alliance, or they wouldn't let her work with children. Which is why she seems so much more chill when she asks if you want to break up with her. I don't know what kind of monster would break up with her, though Still, your death to save her would spiral her down again to more survivor's guilt. Even if you did die to save the entire Galaxy and not just her.
>your death to save her would spiral her down again to more survivor's guilt
I kept her kids alive,I think she is too strong/proud to ever let them down. Them kids will produce children,maybe just one pair,but now way will she miss a birthday. She missed out on too much to let down her kids.
Man, I hope so.
How about Drell? or Hooman honestly do whatever
>page 10
One of the greatest unrequited legends of outer space is the tether. Tethers, long strands of material, hold the promise of stabilizing satellites, generating electricity, and allowing easy transportation. Possibly the most ambitious vision of the space tether is the space elevator popularized by Arthur C. Clarke, where a tether is constructed that connects the ground to geosynchronous orbit. One problem is strength - it is difficult to make a long useful tether that does not snap. Pictured here is the deployment of the Tethered Satellite System 1 (TSS-1) by the space shuttle Altantis in 1992. Like other tested tethers, TSS-1 failed to live up to its promise, although many valuable lessons were learned.
Some links regarding the expiriment
Also in honor of John Young, a transcript
The inciting incident in question occurred on March 23, 1965, while Young and fellow astronaut Gus Grissom were orbiting the Earth as part of the Gemini 3 mission. The duo were meant, in part, to be testing how astronauts might be able to eat in space; hence Grissom’s slight surprise when his co-pilot suddenly pulled an unauthorized corned beef sandwich out of his pocket. Here’s the official NASA transcript, which we can’t believe hasn’t been made into a movie yet:
Grissom: What is it?
Young: Corn beef sandwich.
Grissom: Where did that come from?
Young: I brought it with me. Let’s see how it tastes. Smells, doesn’t it?
Grissom: Yes, it’s breaking up. I’m going to stick it in my pocket.
Young: Is it?
Young: It was a thought, anyways.
Grissom: Yep.
Young: Not a very good one.
Grissom: Pretty good, though, if it would just hold together.
The problem, of course, was crumbs (although the worries were more about them getting into components and shorting them out)). Certain members of Congress, though, were incensed at the thought that Young had ignored all of his very expensive space food in favor of deli take-out, and ended up setting an appropriations committee meeting to question NASA administrator George Mueller about the event. Thus, the immortal congressional line: “We have taken steps…to prevent recurrence of corned beef sandwiches in future flights.”
Drawfaggotry or writefaggotry?
Okay. Of/about what?
but seriously I personally don't care, if you wanna hit the biggest demographic on here go for femtur/femquar but you do you
>if you wanna hit the biggest demographic on here go for femtur/femquar but you do you
Who do you think you're talking to?
Alright, I'll write something up. Gimme a while (like tomorrow), I write slowly and autistically obsess over the small details.
I'm very well aware, that's why I gave you the out
Can't wait
>which we can’t believe hasn’t been made into a movie yet:
Fuck, I'd watch it.
That's the thing, I can't think of anything that hasn't been done already, which is why I'm asking you guys for ideas.
Not Pokerfag sadly, but I will consider including a somehow qt Vorcha, if one of you guys gives me a good idea for a situation or topic to write about.
A qt lizard girl? Can do, my man.
I doubt these page ten posts.
I spam the update button and have never seen page ten.
I say good day to you,but not in the friendly way,but in the 1700's way. GOOD DAY SIR!
Drawfaggotry,minus the odd sex shit you fuckers do.
Too late, already writing.
I'm not good at arting, but I'll whip up something later.
I said good day.
Daily reminder destroy is the only option.
Sorry Jeff
Anderson is best dad!
goodnight /meg/
Lunch-time Miri post
Deal with it loser, that "odd sex shit" is here to stay.
Stay comfy user.
Whats the name of that Mass Effect porn game? Asking for a friend.
the tenth page
Lust Affect.
My friend tells me that it's called Lust Effect. I definitely don't own it or anything.
Jeff deserves it for not letting me, Commander Fucking Shepard, bang him and going for a sexbot instead
Was he the one that brough a corned beef sandwich into space?
Oh, well, there you go.
>playing ME2
>Garrus loyalty mission
>You're the one who taught me killing was the best solution
No you became a psychopath on your own and I have no idea how you wound up this way. There's no way one betrayal can turn someone into this much of a maniac. ME2 Garrus was really at his worst. ME3 Garrus returns to comfiness but that's development for you.
The world needs more bare Miri butt.
>I have no idea how you wound up this way
Laws get in the way. >:3 Killing is better. :D My squada is dead :(
>There's no way losing your whole squad whom you've formed a close bond with because a person who you thought was your friend stabbed you in the back can turn someone into this much of a maniac
Or is there?
He was an edgy psychopath before that, though. There was a reason why he fucked off to Omega and formed that goddamn squad because "b-but muh laws". And that was after I told him to stop being a retard in the first game.
It wouldn't turn me into a psychopath. Would I be down for revenge? Probably. Would I become the Punished? Probably not.
That's what I get for mobile posting
>There was a reason why he fucked off to Omega and formed that goddamn squad
Yeah, he thought he lost the woman that was his friend, mentor and commander, got angsty and wanted to follow in her footsteps.
>knows Shepard for a few months
>goes full psychopath when he dies
Shit character development, just like everyone else in ME2.
>It wouldn't turn me into a psychopath.
Well, unless that actually happnens to you, i won't take your word for it. Tho i hope it never will.
>page ten
Hey, look, we're on the page that comes after 9.