Fighting Games General /fgg/
sniff loli
>Capcom Ships a Semi-Finished Street Fighter
Patch notes Monday right?
literally obsessed
rainbow mika
Who should I pick up in Season 3 now that Mika is in the trash?
Mika's better than she was in S2.
Was there something a few days ago that blew out waifuniggers forever, or was that just a dream?
the damage increase on command grabs does not make up for the whiff penalty
she was already mid tier and she's getting worse
>throws nerfd character cant be good :(
need some braindead wojak in here
S2 sent me to hell, but I'm going even deeper.
Take back everything I lost.
(my wins, my wife... even my hair. it's like they're still here)
What character does KIT 15 ShinBlade play?
Year of the dog!
Stand up
posts in this thread make me so angry
its just retarded vappa posts and bait posts 24/7
>le wojack meme
>le retard meme
>le wojack retard meme
im tired of it all fgg has never been worse.
>character gets nerfed and nothing else
>deyre aktually better now :)
>and nothing else
literal bronze post
PLEASE stop playing Capcom games!!
no i dont want to
what fighting game should I play if I'm diamond in shitposting
he fact that capcom hasn't released the true patch notes indicates they are still ajusting an looking at things this late
whatever retards, we'll see who's right in 3 weeks
Why does this exist
why is the only rebuttal on here to post a wojack picture or call someone a retard?
are you all RETARDED?
Guilty Gear
play succ
hey guys remember when this thread used to be a positive and friendly place?
Heh....nothing personnel kid
*OTKs you*
>Capcom going the extra mile and making adjustments until the final hour
Based. Jacken 7 can't get a single balance patch.
no thanks I'd rather play tekken
Anyone DOA5LR or Tekken 7?
When I see someone talking about balance changes in SFV it makes me think of brainlet wojak pics
It can still be user! Be the change you want to see!!
Why are Bamco and Arcsys hiding the DBFZ DLC characters? Why not just say who they are rather than demanding people buy a mystery box?
makes more money
monetary gain
Same reason why every other company does it now. Because the mystery builds HOYP!!!!
i don't, actually.
it's fun to make believe sometimes
Reveals build excitement, especially when it is beloved characters
Plus the promise of good things are coming does better than if Dabura is revealed and people go fuck that
literally all characters with a command grab got hit by it you idiot. For Mika, it went from 52f to 60f. That's barely going to be noticeable, it just means that people will be better about max punishing it.
I can't believe the english goober god sold us out like this.
>Because the mystery builds HOYP!!!!
wtf I love jiyuna now
Cancellable Lady Mika to vskill or special >>>>>>>>>>>>> +8f of recovery on whiff.
dabura is based tho
jiyuna is vappareddit
I find BB both more fun to play and more fun to watch than GG desu.
I love LTG
Capcom being the good guys yet again.
Wtf man? How can I get twitch to delete this shit?
>gets mad at "Darnell" and "Tyrone"
>name is literally fucking "Dalauan"
Wasn't the purpose of this kind of URL because it was easier to remember than a bunch of random shit?
That's why hes so upset
He will live his whole life with a meme black name
you can change your name you know
That's just his stage name
His real name is Dale or something
It's certainly easy to remember if you live on twitch chat.
Are you okay with fighting noobs or do you look for good players only? Just curious.
I got SFV yesterday for 20€, and I've played mostly with Nash so far. He's pretty fun.
I have money just for 1 dlc pack, which one should I buy?
I loved Urien in third strike, but I really want to try out Ed and Kolin.
Defend this SNKeks
If you're not that good I can just play a character I'm looking to practice more or sub instead of my mains. I also try to be more predictable to see if they start to adapt and catch on to things.
which chars have LTG seal of approval
quiet you literal fucking ape i'll play what i want
The most honest mirror man of many mixups and honesty.
What the fuck did they do to Lili's face in T7??
Because they want people to buy the season pass believing they'll get Broly, Cooler, those faggot girls from Super, etc. instead of learning the truth (That they're getting three more Gokus and an extra Vegeta)
Just bought SFV for cheap on PS4, coming from absolutely no experience in 2D fighting. I couldn't even beat Survival mode on Normal, I can coast through the first 25 rounds against braindead AI, but then starts taking serious hits and by the time I'm fighting Bison I always choke.
Should I even bother to go online at this point or do I need to grind more in training mode
Lili is very cute in T7.
only Gill.
never watched super but i'd be totally okay with the girl saiyans
Why does Ibuki look so cute in SFV when she was ugly in SF4? What changed?
I feel the opposite way.
What's wrong with it?
>SFV is all about collecting costumes now
a lot of girls play that game huh :) btw I wasn't wrong, as someone who isn't a scrub shitter that just lies or hacks or whatever, I know for a fact the director of SUPER Street Fighter 4, was a woman. the old man attributed to "SF4 director" to niggers who can't into Google would either be the vanilla or Ultra director. I and anybody who isn't an ACTUAL FUCKING '09er would remember the dev blogs.
Play cute chink of bullshit evasion
Reminder that there is a ft7 tonight at 10 pm est between Punk and MenaRD in jive, and SonicFox and Cloud in Mvci
What's more fun to watch at top level, Blazblue CF or SFV?
>feminine arm
>suddenly man hands
What the HECK happened?
She looks more like a barbie doll toy now, and not in a good way.
probably after 8h maintenance to upload patch notes, yeah
her eyes are very small, like FASD small
>man hands
what kind of low t soy receptacle are you
Hello /fgg/, I have somethings to ask you guys.
I've always loved fighting games since I was a kid (started on Street Fighter 2) but I've never been truly awesome at them. Yeah sure I can stomp my friends as they are not really huge fighting game players, but for instance I am Ultra Bronze in SFV (maining Ed).
I want to get good at them, but I first want to know which game I should invest time in. I think anime fighters looks really good, and I actually own Xrd Sign on Steam. I think it would be more rewarding to get good at anime fighters, as the different characters personality feels like you're a unique player (dunno how to word that). Are Anime fighters really really hard ? Can I get enjoyment while learning or will it be a pain until I manage to combo 60% life every time ?
I own a PS4 (on which I have SFV) and a PC (SFV and Guilty Gear Xrd). What should I look to buy ? Are the new Guilty Gear Revelator worth it ? Are they good ? Are they on sles often ? Is PC better ? I have a Xbox One controller.
Fighting against the ai is retarded. Just learn the combos in trials and do training mode while you search for casual matches or rank online.