Tyler Fucking 1 Unnbaned Edition
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>7.24 Patch Notes
Tyler Fucking 1 Unnbaned Edition
Last Post: >Very Useful Links
>7.24 Patch Notes
First for stressed about uni work
xth for my wife Syndra
You guys actually like tyler1? where has this place gone..
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
>tfw no qt petite gf
I made it my new years resolution to get one
Tyler1 - Sanjur0
He went through a redemption arc that climaxed with the TCS. He's ok now.
Please, that's too much pressure. I can't like something if you make a sarcastic comment about it.
Vlad only does missionary with the lights off :^)
That girl might not survive the night.
But it's pretty much identical to Evelynn's appeal so nothing we haven't seen before.
That doesn't still stop the fact that he got special treatment of getting unbanned when he was perma banned.
Why is missionary considered a meme position? It's actually great.
No he didn't dumb cuck. Multiple players have been unbanned from permas, even player bans and even pro players. He jumped through Riot's hoops and they decided why not?
The same thing happened to Jensen after like 1 year and he was worse. Also Tyler is actually likeable unlike Jensen
jensen is a pro player. tyler1 isn't
yes he did get special treatment. special treatment being him getting unbanned. if you can give me source of a reg player being unbanned from permabanned
It's a more bland version of the mating press. Which you can hold hands and kiss in too
are you confused about the difference between a permanent ban and an identity ban?
Because of implications that it's somehow more moral, pure or some other shit.
the match that finally made me post this complaint was actually with Cait, fighting ez
I had like bt shiv rh merc berserkers rfc
I had more cs and kills than him, but he was melting me and told me I didn't know how to change weapons and I'll be forever bronze, so I was like fuck this character if thats what I have to learn
regular players don't get identity banned, only permanent bans, and they can always just make new accounts.
tyler1's perma banned accounts are still banned, he is just now allowed to openly make new accounts, whereas he was ban on sight before (read: he had to play "in secret").
So the only brainlet in this game is like trash tier? There's gotta be more
I'm genuinely asking I'm newly 30
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>Salty as fck
His accounts aren't getting unbanned, he's just allowed to stream/play League openly again.
Jensen did legit illegal shit and Riot still left him off the hook for it.
>jensen is a pro player
>somehow an excuse
Just after complaining that Tyler got a special treatment.
i will CLIMB lolg!
the CLIMB to gold is coming soon!
Ok if you don't make it to gold this season then never climbpost again.
Is assassin poppy a thing? any guides or tips on that?
yi malz maokai basically every tank and most 450s and 1350s
Which League girl would be into spanking the most?
That's what you think yo!
I live for the day Riot games will decide to give Shaco a VGU. I cannot wait to taste the tears of all the autistic mains that have nothing better to do but ruin the game for 5 other people every single time.
t. butthurt
Kinda works but she scales like ass. Just don't try. She is pretty much a tank-assassin already.
>Velkoz mains are fucked up
literally a lie
Can you fucking stop posting this autistic facebook meme?
Are you fucking 14?
You're the literal worst piece of shit in this general, you got a few you's out of pity because you're a literal BRONZE SUPPORT MAIN braindead aids retard, and now you spam and shit up the place every thread.
There is nothing, NOTHING, worse than a newfag that tries THIS fucking hard with FACEBOOK tier memes.
No. Lethality Poppy is ass and cost me my Diamond border. But bruiser splitpush Poppy is great.
I will have to play against another one now. At least I will be the ADC so I may get dicked in another way.
Do you guys also main a new role each season?
yeah, actually
im playing jungle right now. i have ivern and warwick down but still struggling with reksai and eve
You're trying too hard to fit in now.
Yup. I did Mid s6 and top s7, now starting jungle. Been having a blast with Khazix but now he's getting nerfed? Any suggestions?
Ok so did you know that Veeky Forums as a site likes to make jokes and is very sarcastic? Also did you know that Veeky Forums was for years known as a shock site where people posted gore, goatsey, and other things like it was normal? So can you understand the joke about why missionary, considered the most bland position, would be memed into being this over the top deviant sexual practice?
nonsense user!
thats when the CLIMB to plat begins!
wow user (you) seem upset :Δ)
You are against that but totally okay with the lewdposting circlejerk or the attentionwhore mongrel and his enablers. What gives?
Not really. At some point you have to maintain your role. But my secondary switches a lot.
Forcing yourself this hard for epic you's is the most pathetic thing I have seen come out of this general.
Come on, post the EPIC DBZ images again.
What are your comfort picks for each role?
>Darius, Poppy
>Warwick, Sej
>Syndra, Cass
>Soraka, Leona
>Jinx, Jhin
At lest they're not newfags.
My sides, I am pretty sure the leonanon has been around for some time now. You are indeed trying to fit in way too hard.
Dead game
I main two roles and usually switch one for something else every year.
I think I might go jungler/ADC instead of mid/ADC this time around since games feel like they're almost entirely decided on bot lane's performance now. Mid lane feels like it's ever so slowly losing its carry potential while top has been a nonfactor for ages now. At least junglers have the potential to camp and feed their bot lane with kills and ganks as long as the other two lanes are relatively stable.
Not necessarily my mains but these are the champions I always play when the game is looking potentially awful so I guess you can call them my comfort picks
Did you edit that yourself with an editing program or does wallpapereditor actually offer an option to split the columns?
you can upload custom images to it
Oh right. Well I'm dumb, that's a lot more simple than playing around with capes and shit in photoshop so they align well.
Would you help sona go shopping for clothes?
She's having a really hard time of it
>r6s servers all down
>weekend league full of teenage inters
What am I supposed to do with myself?
I'm starting to become toplane cancer. Right now, I've mostly played Yorick and the walking bicep that is Pantheon.
What are some obnoxious toplane tanks? I'm not entirely skilled enough to play Jayce well.
t. noob.
Play tree man of infinite cc and heals
Play another game that you can put your waifu in and play that for a while.
>wall of text
>Playing TITs
we've been through this before
don't be mad that Lissandra is better than ur waifu hehe
>tfw lack of good shyvana porn
Some good top lane cancer picks (in no particular order) are Kayle, Quinn, Renekton, Teemo, Maokai, Heimerdinger, Ornn, Shen and Fiora.
I'd recommend Gangplank, Singed, Illaoi, Gnar and Kled as well, but those aren't necessarily beginner champs if you know what I mean.
>tfw your wife is too pure to lewd post
get your slutty shyvana and sonas out of here
>a shit character has shit porn
Holy fuck she's ugly.
Scientist man of warcrimes and eurobeat
I don't have a waifu, what I am trying to say is you are delusional.
Don't you dare to call that precious dragon like that...
Maybe if I'm a fag.
hey guys im complete shit at this game but i desperately need attention
which league girl should i post and whats my epic saying that i spam every thread gonna be?
please help ill even pretend to be a "cute girl(male)" and spoiler text erp if needed
post PURE waifus
> implying sona is a slut
Your waifu just isn't attractive enough to be cute and lewd at the same time
>1 hour old thread
>Not even 100 posts
Is /lolg/ dead or is it just finally LoL dying?
quick, do i play ranked or do i shitpick?
Veeky Forums is dying. thats what.
post reasons to live
Purest off all waifus here.
Why won't riot make a cheerleader skin for Lux? Do they hate money?
Spam Vayne pics and ERP with me. I want to teach you to enjoy your beautiful twisted sexuality.
Cute petite girls
xth for Cute Ashe
Season 8 Soon Edition
He's a hybrid like Qtpie,so i guess it's fine
Hi there!
>pic related
Working on Top lane as 3rd role,just incase
Fiora,Leblanc and Shyvanna not included
a cute young white hair gf
If you're gonna be an avatarfag or a waifufag, then at least try contribute actual game discussion in your posts.
A month of no new game content and excessive, degenerate trap ERP & waifuposting will eventually does things, user. It'll probably gain traction again once the Swain VGU is revealed and the new ranked season starts.
Also this.
its canon that Lissandra can steal forms and take other forms
stay mad retard
strong, attractive women
How many hours until t1 stream? I can't into time zones
I don't know if you're the original ikefag, but if you are, you lost points by calling that the "literal worse piece of shit". Don't call everything the worst, or else that phrase loses all meaning. Save it for the actual degenerate shit.