/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >Saber Wars
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC
Read the guide below before you ask about what to do in the event

>Saber Wars Summon
5* Mysterious Heroine X
4* Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
4* Nero Claudius

>[Event Guide]
Altrium Calculator: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0sr4mocLHeQk0MZIBWal9gq_WapjcBXXpNu74-LOAQ/edit#gid=0

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975


Other urls found in this thread:



>deleting friends

Need a friend
Just say your name so I know it’s someone me from here

Okita is getting overworked this event.

Reminder that Ushi is for (you)

Based Discordbro

Which Servant would be begging (You) to put it in her ass so she won't get pregnant?

if only she didn't dress like a whore...

i'm a latefag and can only reliably clear through jeanne, should i only farm her for more artorium with 3x trueshots and turn the transistors into lenses for ascension mats or run tamacat with 2x mikotto for lenses but only get about 1k artorium per run?
im at level 60 and 260k artorium right now and can probably clear all of the daily missions up to the level 70 or 75 ones with friend servants



Is this bait or are you new, because it's clearly Jannu.

I’ve never used discord, I just grew a level so got another friend spot and only want people from here on my friends list

Anyone have a trash account with a 5* they dont want? Its tough starting without being able to reroll

The discord we are talking about is the reddit one right?
Or did alter make one for some reason

Limited clothing makes it easier to maneuver in tactical situations. She would know, she’s a genius.

He’s not

Bro a good Okita can oneshot Scat

She loves her onii-chan.

Browse servants in NA
>grailed herk
>grailed gil
>grailed jannu
>grailed waver
>grailed scat
>grailed whaveter cookie cutter servants is the "new sensation" over and over again

Browse servants in JP
>see cool shit like this
>genuine grails for love

Why are americans such a fucking gameplay spergs?

See for yourself

Guys don't let discord tear us apart like it did to /d2g/ please stay strong /alter/bros!

Fuck off already. Aren't you tired of constantly reposting that?

There's two level to the discord. The r/grandorder one and then you have the elitist one for real /fgoalter/ retards

Stop falseflagging because you all got called out.

Nice pasta

Fuck off retard

Don't ever depend on converting lower mats into the higher. IT's a 100-1 ratio from transistor into tube. Never worth it.

If a solo support okita can't clear Scat for you then just go do the lower quests for lens/tubes.

If you have a good support Nero she can cockroach through Scat as well.

Because there aren't enough grails to get a 4* to 100, let alone a 2*

Your just too much of a scrub to get on the gameplayfags friendslist on jp

There's literally nothing wrong with discord.

>nothing wrong with discord
>Veeky Forums bans discord links
pick one idiot.

Discord kills generals

Because they feel validated when they complete easy content easily. Didn't you play western vidya in the last decade?

I couldn't take it anymore bros, I joined the discord

>hey guys post smug images at me cause I said something stupid

Falseflagging won’t save you now

It has its uses, but having a server for an anonymous imageboard thread is retarded.

First of all, you're really stupid if you failed to consider the most grailed servant in JP is Herk.

Second, you forget about the anons who have put their all towards their shitty favorites, Hell, Spartacusanon has been here since day one gailing and already has his bond CE, he's just not as loud as the typical run of the mill Shishou/Jannu/etc. fucks who polute this thread with 50 images of their fucking waifus every single day.

>10 runs
>0 hearts

Wasn't the most grailed servant in JP BB? I think they put out some stats recently about that.

i started a little over a week ago, my servants aren't good enough to kill tesla let alone scat, i was basically asking what would be better in the long run, more artorium from jeanne or more lenses from the tamacat map for ascension items


BB, Passionlip and Paul

The devs revealed that one of the most grailed servants in NA is Cu. This sperg has no idea what he is talking about.


Do you have a link to these raw sprites, this one is really choppy and has artifacts.

Im gonna fucking do it man!

Most grailed of 2017 sure

Most grailed overall in the 2 years and something? Herk

>No ahoge
No wonder nothing drops

That was just the most grailed in 2017 iirc

Will there ever be another event where shit is guaranteed like Xmas instead of lolrng? I'd like to minimize the amount I need to take chances on if possible when spending apples.

The best part of farming hearts is that if you see a gold chest drop from the demon, it's definitely a heart.

Screw those times you see a gold chest and a caster cookie or even worse, a gold exp card comes out of it.

jack every thread until she has her banana buddy

>8th heart drop

>not already having a 10/10/10 Gil

More artorium

Yeah, Christmas 2018

>19th heart drop

Without discord niggers, we're actually not hitting the image limit because no one is posting homo bait or pointless reaction images.

based ntr bro

They're too busy doing damage control, notice how we reached bump limit and only had one thread made like the old days

Was kind of thinking, but if their dad was a Ruskie, would Kariya and Shinji's dad be hapas?
That would actually make sense with their behaviors.

Devs also revealed that Spartacus is the most received Servant out of all the drops.
Is Spartacus /ourguy/?

>roll 2 tickets hoping for Saber Atlter
>Nero spook
But do I really need Salter when I already have shitloads of SR and SSR sabers?

You're gonna drive Ushilet-user to suicide.

>Do Seiba 40AP because I need more mats for Lily and Modered
>Bring Lancers behind my Mash and Tamcat
>Remember after starting that Lancers are bad against Sabers and not good against them
>Cat hard carries the entire team with no losses

Best Cat

Who wins?

latefag here, they do a rerun of santa alter around next christmas and a rerun of nobu a little over a year from now, right?

Isn't Alter getting a solo rate up tomorrow?

He's everyone's guy

Three days' time.

Luvia having anal sex with Rin!


>6*10 rolls
>no Nero/MHX
>got 3 4*s and nothing else

Be sure to participate in the KnK event.

>Shiro, Rin, EMIYA and Arturia
>Vs two shitty MMO characters
Emiya killed Heracles 6 times before dying, he could probably kill two chucklefucks alone without the other three with him

>Literal fuckboys who just happens to be good at videogames vs magic anus and lil garcher
I dont know

Lavinia servant when?

>Two malnutrition human vs a sword autistic and a kung fu mage

KnK is just a bunch of missions isn't it? how hard is it to np5 shiki?

Why are they're no Luvia Rin doujins

Luvia's luvias

P-please no bully, I'm at the gates of despair.

>poopchute survives with 6HP
>pops evade

LF Account with any 5* I can't do the event with my crappy 4* :(

Why's she so perfect, bros?

>Unlimited Codes
>fucking FGO
Altria and Emiya are technically video game characters now, boys. You have no excuse

>ywn _be luvia
it hurts bros

the guy that asked last thread. I got that pic from here: nhentai.net/g/209594/

But I heard next Xmas will have a cap on the boxes? That you can't spam all your apples in it?

In terms of autism, I think it's a draw.

>get back from a long day at the coal mine
>finally received first late paycheck in six months
>go to roll for Umu using all of the 10.99 I received
>she's no longer solo rate up

sent :)

Lads I have an important question,

Was it kino?


A better match would be MHX vs Kirito

>none of my friends have scat with purely bloom

pathetic Icuck

Because Lolis get all