/assg/ Asymmetrical Slasher Series General

Mid-Teir Murderess Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Sac'd Thread

Opening topic: discuss ways to buff your main's worst teachable.

Decide to play somebody other than Hillbilly.

>doing some gens while retards play with the killer
>killer finds you
>oh well time to jog a bit
>most pallets are already kill
>still 3 gens to do
solo survivor was a mistake

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck are Hatch standoff Real? Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Hook The Claudette Like Nigga Just Grab the Survivor Haha

Nice meme.

>Knock out
>Tier one: 16 meters
>Tier two: 8 meters
>Tier three: 0 meters

post yfw getting camped or farmed

I'm honestly not sure what I'd consider worse, STBFL or PWYF, they're both awful, so I'll do both.

STBFL: Revert the stupid chase mechanic, allow for both hit and missed attack cooldowns. Keep increased missed attack cooldown even after the obsession is dead. (now its still useful after your obsession DCs when they wiff their DS)

PWYF: Grant tokens for missed attacks instead of the stupid chase mechanic.

Now both perks work well together, like perks of the same killer should.

>Applies to dead survivors

Lise loves Ace but Ace doesn’t love Lisa!

>Brutal Stength
>gain a token for every pallet you break (max 3)
>instead of losing bloodlust, lose 1 token instead
Could make the early chase much easier.
My other thought was making it possible to break pallets that arent thrown down yet but it takes a long time, with even tier III BS taking a moderately long time.

On a mission to get good with nurse

I'm running four perks: Stridor, A Nurse's Calling, Unrelenting, Deerstalker. All tier 3; mostly because have much else. Unrelenting specifically because I suck at hits so that's basically my training wheels. (I also don't use add-ons)

Should I be running no perks until I get higher rank so I can get better without those? Or should I stick to these. I was thinking about getting BBQ & Chili as well when it's better.

P.S getting good as nurse when you can barely play much is fucking hard

Does the whole "Delete your Save to Derank" thing still work? I want to go back to when DBD was fun and I didn't feel like I had to tryhard to have a good time.

Wake Up now allows for a takes much longer transition into Freddyworld, as well as the ability to snap out of Madness 2 completely.

Actually I don't know what to do with it. It's too niche.

Perks are fine, and you don't learn faster losing, but Unrelenting isn't great. Seeing how you move slower than survivors, most hits should be after blinks, which means fatigue should be most of your recovering, rather than the swing.
It's good to learn to play without add-ons, but there are 3 usable combos for nurse: Fragile Wheeze and nothing; Dark Cincture and Wooden Horse; and Bent Spoon and Pocket Watch. I recommend the last pair both to you and in general because it's important to dominate without always needing three blinks, but it's nice in a world where you can't trust everyone else to also not have crutches.

>snap out of madness 2
I like it.

As someone who’s not bad, but not good, definitely aim for 3 things because nurse is not exactly as hard as most people think.
>don’t be afraid to use the pocket watch addon. Less fatigue helps a lot when learning & gets you back to the chase a bit quicker.
>bait pallets. If you’re getting good with nurse rn, i’m assuming you’re in the double digits with killer rank so this is an easier thing to practice. If people stand in front of a pallet for safety against you, let them throw it down, then quickly blink to the other side. They will either be grabbed off the pallet or you’re guaranteed a hit
>aim for BBQ+C, & if you’re having trouble while learning, NOED. Nothing gets a survivor saltier than a nurse with NOED.

I'm not sure how I feel about perks that counter specific killers. I already feel like small game could be reworked into faster walk speed and slow vault speed. Maybe wake up could let you manually open black locks once gates are powered? You're right in that end game survivor perks are weird. Even something like "spawn another exit gate" would just be a gimmick.

Small game is good for finding totems though, thats where it really shines. Sometimes it’s the make or break for finding that one cheeky devour hope or ruin totem.

no, and we still don't have a safe method to do it so yeah less and less killers these days

I remember seeing a tip in the game that Hag’s traps can be destroyed by shining a flashlight on them. Does anyone here actually do that? I feel like I never even could try that because unless they’re on Lery’s or in a building, they’re not easily spotted.

I've had to deal with too many Docs today.

I could dig that. Maybe have it take a little longer than opening an exit gate.

You can do it, but it takes a few seconds to destroy them and it also gives hag an alert when they're destroyed.

>traps are drawn in fucking mud
>can't just crouch walk up to them and rub them out with your hand

If you know you're playing against hag, crouch and look around. If a pocket of air is shimmering, there's a trap near it. Shining a flashlight near a trap also causes it to glow, like an aura.

I just suck so bad.
I played against a rank 3 streamer and I didn't even want to play the game anyway but I forced myself to do it before I went to sleep and he kept juking me and I got mad and rage quit. He called me a pussy and made fun of me.

feels badman

It's okay to be upset user, we all have bad games.

You'll get better with practice.
Just remember to take breaks when you're getring frustrated.

Take a break.
Play doc, or a less stressful game.
RQ is for survivors, killers are in it for the long haul.
>This is no place for the weak, or the foolhardy.

Which survivor deserves to become a killer's cumrag

You already knew the answer.

I hate this game.

>Buying Freddy
You brought this upon yourself

I'm more or less annoyed that Rite of Mud doesn't even register a telehit.

Oh, yeah, I've forgotten how awful that daily is just because how bad the game's acknowledgement of a hit is. RIP

>devour hope totem gets destroyed LITERALLY 1 SECOND after getting the fifth token
I almost ragequit right there, I think I had aneurysm

>mud phantoms have collision
what does this mean??

you can use them to block off tight corridors

anyone know if google fiber is planning on rolling some cable out to my area?

wew lad. Got it.

>83 levels on huntress
>No barbeque


That's the good shit dude.

>Make another account
>Set up family sharing
>play dbd on the second account

That’s all I can think of

even without escape points, the low rank did amazing. I'm happy for em. Only hooked em once and never saw them again except for watching them run out the gate.

>Beast of Prey
Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with the Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable. The Red Stain disappears for 5/7/10 seconds upon pressing the activate ability button.

Beast of Prey has a cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds.

It dawns on me that this perk is even more useless now with the bloodlust changes.

Bloodlust was a mistake and soils everything it touches.


does anyone outside of rank 18 and below even pay strong attention to the stain enough that losing it would cause them trouble

rank 1 is cut throat

I wasn't even allowed to ripen before I was farmed.

Why do people moonwalk if that's true?
It's never going to be a meta perk but getting rid of the stain could be slightly useful when chasing around gyms/killer shack.

Play with Your Food
You become obsessed with one Survivor. Every time you chase your Obsession and let them escape, you receive a Token up to a maximum of 4 Tokens. Each Token increases your movement speed by 3/4/5%. There is a thirty second cooldown between gaining tokens.


>20% speed boost
>nothing about losing tokens
big dumb killer scum

>Hex: The Third Seal
Any survivor hit suffers a loss of aura reading and a flat 10% action speed negative

No reason to loose tokens.

Continuing topic: discuss ways to nerf your most hated perk without making it worthless

Decisive Strike:
Once per match, when the Killer's Obsession, activate this to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds. You can activate this at any time by hitting the corresponding hotkey.

However using Decisive Strike applies Exhausted for thirty seconds.

It would actually be good if they made it that way, why they gave it such a long add cool down I have no idea

>making ds an exhaustion perk
might actually work


>Burn an offering for blackwater
>Two decisive strikes
>Instant medkit
>Literally ran up to the D-strike shitter and instant medkit him on his last down
>I decide to say fuck it, going to the basement and sitting there
>Al three zerg the basement
>Two get clubbed down
>Hook again
>They zerg after healing up
>I proceed to facecamp the person who was downed twice, D-striked, and then had his discord buddy instant medkit him
Did I mention they burnt an offering for blackwater?

Streetwise: Make it not a stupid Item related perk and turn it into a stealth perk.

Still waiting on a mass genocide of survivor mains.

So I just played my first game as killer (Huntress). Managed to get two people on the middle 4 prong hook and camped until they died, then got BMed post game. Thoughts?

That just sounds like every game of Huntress.


good job! always camp survivors because they are shitheads who don't deserve anything. If you get them in the basement you keep them there.

If a survivor manages to get into the basement, its their own fault and they deserve it for playing like a shitter near the giant metal box containing the pit of absolute hopelessness and despair.

What's the next Jason you want to see?

>Reddit is pro-survivor, a role based around friends and taunting the lonely shithead in charge of griefing them
>Veeky Forums is pro-Killer, a role based around sociopathic tendencies and murdering people having fun
really makes you think

Yeah, people do it. It gives te Hag notification though, like snapping Trapper's traps. Most people who don't exactly see the traps before erasing them, just take a guess according to what they know about a regular Hag strat.

Killermains want the game to be fair and balanced. Since it's not, they're going to to take every opportunity they can to punish survs who just want to bully and BM with their meta shitter perks.

reddit is pro killer

WTF, I hate killers now!


>Veeky Forums and Reddit are pro killer

not fooling anyone

I guess you're a survivormain who gets camped a lot.

>i'm totally not a survivormain btw

That's exactly what a survivormain would say...

there are no killermains, just survivormain larping

dwights have no rights


That wasn't really a farm just a massive misplay by everyone.

You decide to put your feet up, play a little killer. You equip your Prestige 1 Trapper (with a Rogi mask, of course), whip up the ol' NOED, Agitation, Brutal Strength, Enduring combo. Nothing too tryhard, of course. You click ready up, then tab out to browse /assg/... tabbing back in, you get only a glimps of who you will be facing.

In the lobby, you see:

>fully bloody Claudette with a Jenpai hat and a flashlight
>rainbow vomit Meg with a bloody face and a flashlight
>numale Dwight with pizza shirt and bloody pants (and a flashlight)
>Legacy prestige Jake with a toolbox (but he switches to a flashlight last second)

What do?

Tunnel and facecamp.

No one puts their feet up to play killer. you put your feet up to play survivor.

stop browsing /assg/

wonder why I bothered tabbing back in and tab out until I hear the map load.

The absolute state of steam discussions.

>Keep things very interesting for the killers
This is how you know it's just someone deliberately baiting for (You)s on steam.

Anytime I see more than 1 flashlight I swap to Billy. I'm not better with him, he's just the only one blessed with Lightborn 3. Also, why Agitation over Unnerving?

>already have TWO (2) chances to get off the hook, with three (3) attempts at janking out yourself
>before that you can get hit twice before going down, lose the killer and escape a chase
>all perks to escape already like DS, SB
>STILL want more get-out-of-jail free cards

Reddit isn't survivormain central, the Steam Forums are.

Basement plays? Although for that I'd swap BS or Enduring out for IG.

>slippery meat, DS, DH, BT
>free chance in a chase
>free chance being carried
>6 free escape chances
>free hit if someone goes for an idiotic unhook
>another free chance if the killer follows you

Man, survivors have it easy.

>>What is Friday the 13th?
Don't even pretend you can talk about that game here.

>not just typing gg ez and leaving asap

>be trapper
>grab a downed claudette
>other claudette tries to flashlight me but fails hard
>hook is literally two steps close to me so I chase the flashdette
>she gets cocky and tries to flashlight me again
>get hit
>I keep chasing her, she doesn't know where the hell to go
>down her when she tries to drop a pallet on me
>other claudette still in my grasp
>calmly walk to the hook
>hooked her then hook the flashdette

Man I love the Agi+IG combo.

Maybe you should wait to play doc until you at least have range addons, he’s not very good for BP or much else without at least the yellow addon for range.

steam forums are also pro killer