being a good support edition
being a good support edition
xth for wanting to look EXACTLY like Cho'Gath.
Udyr is cancer.
> same face
absolute wasted op and shit taste.
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
Wait did we get a new champion or something? The enemy team just locked in this weird armored bear thing and I'm freaking out.
Caitlyn and Vi are the best couple and lovers!!!!!
Xin v Sona continues
What champion would she main?
Zoe, since she's going to be murdered.
>Pick Rek'sai
>Enemy picks Udyr
>Can't duel him at any point in the game because he just straight up destroys me in a 1v1 situation based on how binary he is.
is jinx supposed to be small
her legs look long af.
>Still no Dark Elf champion
she's suicidal probably Yasuo
That's Volibear!
He's a bruiser, and not a tank like everyone seems to think he is. He will fuck you up if you politely stand still and do not walk away from him!
she might not even be petite but i've gotten used to saying it
Zed desperately needs a Blood Moon skin. Aside from Syndra and Kayn (who's still too new) he's like the only champion left that doesn't have one like his other lore-related champions do. Shen, Jhin, Akali and kenen all have theirs.
That and it's about time he received a legendary skin and Blood Moon would've been a perfect skin line choice for that. Even Yasuo and Jinx managed to receive their legendary skins before he did. And it's not like he isn't a popular champion by any means.
But nope, Riot is clinically retarded and they wasted this year's skin on that immensely shitty and overpriced Halloweeen one instead.
>getting a Blood Moon skin this year
If the leaks didn't even mention overdue, niche champs like Aurelion Sol, Kled, Ivern and Taliyah getting skins, then what makes you think that Camille is going to get one this quickly?
>picking Rek'Sai
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
I wish I was exactly like Ezreal!
>Wanting to be a "human" male
>then what makes you think that Camille is going to get one this quickly?
I'm sure they'll probably be some change in plans like how Sewn Chaos Blitz and Amumu got shelved.
>Best body.
for void incubation!
I want to look EXACTLY like Diana!
I'm already halfway there!
>botlane feeds their asses off
>hard carry with some help from Urgot soaking Ori ults
>end up outdamaging Sivir 45k to 44k
>got an S+ and not
Probably cos I tried to forfeit twice because I didn't think I could stall out to carry
I hate Udyr. Goods ones are uncatchable, unkillable splitpushing stunbots.
The bad ones literally don't do anything for the whole game.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>not picking Rek'sai
I pity you
That's wrong though.
>ywn get to lay your monster eggs deep inside Sarah
I want to breed Lulu after her visual update
That reminds me that it's weird that the Blood Moon skinline became a "What if this champion were to be more edgy" skinline even though in lore, well used to be, it was a part of the Ionian culture where the champions who had it play a part in the story.
Right now it's literally dozens of champions trying to gangrape Akali if it were to stick with that.
I want to be MURDERED by Diana!
He's the dreamiest!
Tribunal was a great system. It should never have been removed. You could even bring it back and tie it into XP or other loot rewards.
Except Camille is a niche pick champion like Aurelion So, Kled, Ivern and Taliyah. Most people only seem to play her when she's an A or S tier meta pick.
Diana doesn't seem like the crazy type. Lux does.
Is this because you want to spite kevin?
Youve asked me several times, and I dont know if Kevin is even a real person but no
Sona's breasts are too big for her to be cute
It's still kind of like the old lore though, some of skins clearly have champions remain in their human form where they're just dressed as demons, while other champions are re-imagined as literal demons.
Examples being: if you look at Blood Moon Twisted Fate and Diana, they're clearly still human. Meanwhile Jhin and Talon were straight-up demons, and so were Yasuo and Kenen the year before that.
That's it, I'm maining Riven.
You shut your whore mouth.
Post the most cancerous team you can imagine.
TOP - Illaoi
JGL - Master Yi
MID - Zed
ADC - Vayne
SUP - Blitzcrank
your imagination is lacking
Then you shouldn't do it.
It's just wrong.
>Lux in any of these at all when she doesn't even acknowledge his existence
would leblanc let you use her clone as a bodypillow?
Gaze upon this and despair. Know that her cow tits will forever make her misshapen and ugly. Only in flatness can cuteness dwell.
I'm pretty sure there's like 4 of you guys and kevin is one of them right.
>he wants to be why teams lose
TOP - Kayle
JGL - Uydr
MID - Zoe
ADC - Miss Fortune
SUP - Alistar
I just want to have fun.
Why is Jinx cosplaying as Sona??
I think theres 5
Only heard from meripu
why the FUCK did they rework alistar why would they give any champion that amount of cc he used to be bro-tier support honestly fucking cancer now
>riven being any fun
That's hilarious given how most of the time she just gets shit on.
I think she's fun.
ip refunds for runes are crazy. and i got the rune curator icon/skin for my halloween runes lol
Could you give Sona what she wants anons?
Do you mean giving him (you)s?
>tfw playing ADC cause if I go any other lane the ADC int feeds
>not too bad myself, moreso gamesense than mechanics though
>supports are all monkeys that pick shit like Sona and other supports that get shit on by good engage tank supports and they int feed for me
There just is no winning this is there?
It's even worse if an Alistar builds any kind of AP item right now. The damage he does is fucking insane.
Nope everyone has a 0% win rate.
Someone bully me please
how many of these are hacked accounts that you purposely get banned and how many are genuinely retards getting banned???
thank god attack damage soyboys whined and shit their diapers until riot games made them relevant and now your entire game rests on the fate of 2 people who each have a 60% chance to be terrible
ur probably bad at this video game nerd
Youre a dumb no good slut kys yourself hornhead
If I ever catch you in one of my games and we lose i'm going to take ALL my pent up frustration out on you. You'll have trouble walking for the next few hours.
Why are little bitches so scared of Ornn? He's not even that good.
is corki fun and good
>lock in yorick
>push lane
>push lane
>push lane
>die to gank
>come back
>push lane
>take tower
>team fight dragon
>fuck that push lane
>push lane
>half health 2nd tower at 14 minutes
>push lane
>ganked and die
>come back
>push lane
>ganked and die
>go back
>push lane
>team fight mid
>push lane
>lose team fight
>take tower
>take base tower as they take mid 2nd tower
>go bot
>push lane
>gank and live
>push lane
>push to 2nd tower
>take tower
>team fight baron
>push lane
>take base tower
>no one gets tower
>take inhib
>go mid
>push lane
>forced to team fight
>win team fight
>push lane
>take inhib
>go mid
>push lane
>take nexus towers
>team fight
>go back top
>summon R to push lane
>tp bot
>push bot lane
>team fight
>fuck that
>push lanes
>2 for 2
>survivors cannot defeat 2 crashing waves of supers and yorick maiden and yorick
>push lane
>take nexus
I am yorick. I will push this fucking lane until we win or we lose. If you want to win don't fight or at least don't lose too badly. This fucker is just an objective murdering machine.
>Pick Maokai into him
>Watch his slow descent into madness when he realizes that he's trapped in a farm lane and he has no idea how to teamfight when not 10/0
Top - Jayce
Jungle - Rammus
Mid - Kassadin
AD - Kog
Sup - Morg/Corn
I despise all of these champs.
Is Sion actually good or is he just a noobstomper? Should I play him to stomp other noobs?
t. noob
>He's not that good
He autowins every trade toplane
Not going back means he gains power on you and wins, going back means you lose CS and he wins
One of the best teamfight ults in the game on a 40s cooldown
He has a passive that is 50% late late late game power and it doesn't even fucking matter. That's how busted that guy is.
Being ADC is suffering. And now you know why they all act and play like "monkeys" in your games.
HINT: It isn't the ADC.
I need pictures
Pictures of Soraka!
I don't get it did you actually just watch one of your games and greentexted it all
who is
in the midlane
who's the guy wearing the condom at the back? Jhin?
I'm gonna throw on purpose.
Pretty much. Point is if you stay in lane and push yorick will win. Your mid and bot have to feed their fucking asses off to deny you a victory on split daddy. Fuck team fights. Fuck dragon. fuck baron. Push the fucking lane and you will win.
>Get a Soraka with a Diamond border
>Tries to fight the Xayah/Rakan level 2
I can't wait till next season when all the Ardent-crutchers are dragged back to Bronze.
I'll abuse you even harder