/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2593

Right Behind (You) Edition

>Recent News
Qilin and Huanglong Changes - 1/10 - Gold Bar droprate increased for Host but will be removed from MVP Chest.
New Years skins are available - new skins for Lancelot, Charlotta, and Zeta
Varja, Earth Vaseraga, Ilsa, and Grimnir released
Olivia released - gbf.wiki/Olivia
AK-4A 4* released - gbf.wiki/AK-4A

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

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Abby is flat! FLAT!

Now that the dust has settled, did Grimnir save Wind?

Naru cuckeningq storm SOON



Hades x Hades is only for when you have a superbuncle and have a good amount of bluts

so uh, guys
anyone have more than 2 fingers? Can you post how hard you hit the dummies with fist proficient characters?

(You) is recruiting one player. Bonus points if you have a fire pool.
We are superseeded this GW, which means no honor requirements during prelims, only some meat farming.

If you're interested, you can contact game.granbluefantasy.jp/#profile/10750538 (Xil#9613 on Discord) for more informations or to apply.

So, JPYahoo or what? Because I wouldn't mind dropping $10. When I actively played GBF, it was actually fun. Then I realized I had dogshit.

gbf had no doujins at c93
and the ones that were released this time were utter shit

How would you try to get in Beatos pants?

>Join twin elements train
>Half of them die before I can even one punch

>tfw I wasnt here on Lecia (Grand) release
>missed on all cuckposting about how Lecia ditches crew and slept in one inn with Pommern
wtf bros



>how Lecia ditches crew and slept in one inn with Pommern

By not being the bassist.

Do I have to be always active in discord or just during gw is fine?

>No Anthuria event
Feels good to still be Gransexual prime

I would become close friends with her then after establishing a relationship would ask her out and go steady for a while before having consensual, intimate and purely romantic sex with her for the sole purpose of procreation.

>ever getting to drop her pantsus

Fuck off Eustace

Hello bassist.


Not really

Do I start uncapping now? For offele what will take place of spymur guns- more axes, vohu guns? Baihu instead of seraph?
Gilgamesh spear good enough for place in grid or is it only for mh purposes?


You don't have hades or even paid the slightest amount of attention to it if you actually think double hades only started with blutgang FLB

I regret reducing all my vohu guns

>Not wanting to sleep in the same inn as Pommern

What's up with Bea and the bassist?

She didn't fuck the bassist.

She didn't fuck him

>still need 1m honor for the last ssr weapon
>2 days left for the event
Should I use all my 1/2 elixers and ep berries to try and get it?

the joke is that everyone in the band except the bassist has slept with her

it's pretty tasteless.

Bea has nothing to do with the bassist it's vicious lies about an unrelated woman.

me too my man

bea's seiyuu fucked whole band beside bassist
the guy wanted to stay faithful


newfag here, how should i build my dark team?

Build it with care.

By rerolling for Zoi

Double hades was still poop for any content that actually requires effort. Same as double agni.

beato, vas, zeta for the ultimate society team

saru, beato, cog

Where did you get it from? It's slow as fuck on sukebei.


Forte, Bea, and Sarunan

What is Zeta's defining character trait?

>tfw reducing all bows and staves I get for upcoming eruopa weapons
wind will get gun again

Only Sane Woman


Anthuria will always be the canon wife and only true Gransexual in the game. No other girl actually loves Gran.


from there, it's slow as fuck

Jeanne, Azazel, Cog
Forte and Vas in the backline

I don't know why I ever try and talk about the game in this general because people are just going to say whatever shit they want. I don't need anyone else's input if I have the calculator anyway.


Pleases old men for money

>tfw I could've gotten shiva 3* if I was in a crew earlier and gotten a few sunstones
feels pretty bad

Naru will get axe or spear prof not sword
hope you rike it

Being shit

If Siegman who uses a big fucking greatsword has a katana prof how can't Naru get a sword prof?

how the fuck do I get rid of homo sr katanas, cant reduce them and they dont show up as usable fodder either

I'd rather listen to darkfags that I actually know they have hades and use it instead of user.

Because his summer version uses a katana.

thanks tia chang

>there are people in this thread who have trouble with rupees
>there are people who didnt farm millions of those blue corals from solo coop during magfest for free with halfpot drops
I actually gained pots over the course of the BIGGEST 14 days from solo sliming.

>this thing
>a katana

How do you not kill yourself after 14 days of sliming.

Yes, it's a katana.

It's a big katana.

For you.

Host anubis


show autism bros

he fashioned his katana after colossus'

>bothering with coop when you can spend 4 moons and get 1m which lasts you several months
Next you'll tell me moons aren't completely worthless and you actually need them for pots.

>tfw my amount would probably only be half that if i hadn't sold my off at one point.

but /gbfg/ said you run double cortana + atma

But even colo katanas look more like katanas then then that can'tana

Should I pick this account instead of my Light and one go with wind?

Off element swap seraph for fist
all might is MH when you need DT

i kinda wonder if i should replace an axe with a spymur

>tfw no co-op since fall 2016

>/gbfg/ said

>replackíng a katana isntead of baha

rupee is a bonus
the real shit is to get exp/emp

Thanks. How about my Earth team?

>leeching celeste for 2 weeks straight
>0 claw drops
>this shit happened instead
I hate dark

>stumble upon a /v/ granblue thread
>it's cowniggers posting their shittiest cows and mommyposters arguing with pootaters

Tub girl and 2 choco cats

>going to /v/ in any year after 2008



>Atma sword in dark
I thought dark uses Orchid + Six + Zoi?

Show buffs

Orchid is actually fairly weak, and Six has his own DATA.

orchid is kinda shit desu if u'r a dark lover since u'll be playing with hades by the end. and orchid deal potato dmg in hades grid. it's usually seox/naru/vira/dao+djeane+s.zoi

>i kinda wonder if i should replace an axe with a spymur
Replace it with a crit fist.

She's trash. Naru/Djannu/Zoi is the holy trinity of Atma dark.