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I want to steal Nephenees Bread__
Soon... right
no es fake
-HP/+Res H.Henry how do I build him?
>panties covered in white dust
what did they mean by this
>tfw I want to roll NY Taco for Tobi emblem but I'm poor f2p
But he's also not blond so it's not really hurt, but still.
So my pity rate got fucked by Sheena and Saber.
After I level them to get their confessions, who wants Slaying Axe and Slaying Edge?
Literally everyone who doesn’t have a prf
>NY Azura
Plenty of Axe users want other, more build specific axes though.
Why are they all blond?
Post IVs of every Unit and then we can tell you what your best units are.
Because good taste.
After some shit rolls how is this?
>Mae powders her panties
Uh oh
Dumb, smelly hick.
Catalog tells us very little. It's more important you reveal your 5 star rolls.
I don't know if I can give you good team advice in general, but Nowi is definitely still good, a lot of people run her. As a general tip, since Bow Lyn is pretty dominant, you'll need units that can counter her well.
Go look for Hector or Ryoma or some character with a built in Distant Counter weapon.
Assuming that Lyn was free, it’s an okay roll. Post IVs of your 5 Stars just to make sure.
Post barrack no the hero catalog, also ninian is good
Sanaki and Ninian pretty good, check iv first.
Bride Ryoma and Groom Honkers never
Are the Mathila and Tharja 5*? (show Barracks instead so we don't have to guess if they're 4 or 5*)
Unless your waifu's in there reroll.
Ninian and Bow Lyn will carry you until you get better units to fill the other two slots, but Olivia (who you get for free) would do just the same combined with your free Bow Lyn.
I'd recommend re-rolling until you get a distant counter unit.
Can’t get Panic Ploy or Threaten Def (I can get threaten if I advance a unit to 5* but don’t have anywhere near 20,000 feathers)
Got Bonfire and Vantage though. Hectors almost complete
>that stat, sp, and hm count
Damn, that's aesthetic.
Can you tell me where I can find the barracks. I always feel so retarded when I play a new game and I can't find something...
Edit Team, they mean
lol, are you a drone who can't think for yourself or push buttons? literally click Allies on bottom
Allies>edit team
allies -> edit team, sort by rarity to have 5* on top
Ares when
How did you figure our how to navigate this website.
*burp* mythical gods don't exist morty
lit who
It will be set in Magvel.
The original black knight
Okay, I thought edit teams was the barracks, thanks for the confirmation.
It's eldigan's son who also literally looks like him.
Now, check iv. Click unit, compare their stat to website like wikia or gamepress, post result.
Nice. Now sort by rarity and you'll be good to go.
re-roll desu
wrong pic well just with the filter
I want to roll for both taco mochi and hone flier dancer but I need to really start saving orbs for when my wife is added to this game. Got 111 orbs right now,and currently doing a few SAs and CCs
Will Lene be on the banner so they can cuck both esport and waifufags at the same time?
I want to fuck him. I find him so much sexier than Eldigan for some reason, even though they look the same. The edginess is hot.
I'd say reroll, you want more 5 stars than that. The Ninian is also -atk.
honestly brave lyn + dancer can clear almost anything and snaki is nice bonus
you need to reroll
sanaki is hot trash. slow shitty garbo mage that would fool you into thinking ranged units arent overpowered
ninian is a good support carry, but they give you olivia for free
lyn is the best free unit pick so choose her again when you get a good start
so as for rerolling, no matter what anyone tells you, distant counter is beyond the best kill in the game and will let you clear most content way easier
my dc unit typically kills half the map in endgame content while everyone else has to just stand around or they'd die
reroll for ike, ryoma, or dorcas and pray they have good ivs. ike should be on the starting banner all new accounts have so maybe just chase him.
Welp earned another 5 orbs from some lunatics that I’ve not done and pulled this after.
Lucks with me today. If I can get lucky with a green I’ll have got all New Years Units
Swordbreaker for Gray -hp+def?
Only after Leif, wait your turn!!!
>he doesn't have a red tome cav
Here are the IV's
Will keep that in mind thanks.
>he doesn't have a red, blue, and green tome flier.
>He uses Leo
How many orbs took you for camilla
R e r o l l
About 15
I’ve wasted like 40+ on Azura
keep it nigger, dancer+blyn clears almost anything, that nino and tharja, provided both arent -spd can safely be upped to 5star and also clears most content. Later you can exchange most units with better IVs.
And even an effie, just hope she is not -atk or -def, then just buttrape everything.
I'd reroll
>not even on the tier list
Pro tips: Red Tomes are shit right now.
IVs of effie, nino and tharja pls. They are top tier units.
who cares about their ivs
best iv sanaki is still shit and ninian is a fucking dancer
stop posting and reroll already
Leo a cute
But I do
They are just basically inferior
He is the best
No one can take his place
>He follows the Reddit tier list
Go back
Goddamn right
He's the best
Hopefully Brynhildr gets a refine that lets it compete with Gravity+
Don't make me roll for this dagger, user.
Man, I love Tobi.
>Not using bladetome
What a waste!
They have olwen in the same bracket
If you honestly take any tier list seriously you should probably kill yourself
Can a unit have more than one refined weapon?
So mommy will leave us again in one week, huh.
That sucks.
He can't oneshot units due to low atk and he can't double
And he has qr3 out of the box
Bait Raven build is his best set
They’ll be back for the Shadow Dragon dlc where Navarre will finally become a playable character
Just for you but now I'm just gonna roll some more and look for those distant counters.
Why is Rukina-chan so retarded?
I was looking for some pics and found this, is this official?
So what does everyone think the next new units banner is gonna be? Thracia? Binding Blade?
Children of Awakening
How did your arena runs go this week, /feg/?
even if they had perfect ivs, they'd need a ton of investment to shine. thats an awful way to start the game
they're also available at 3-4 stars. he'll probably get a good nino eventually just like everybody else and be fine (tharja is both slow for a blade mage and a bad color while effie needs massive investment with dc)
quit enabling this newfag and let him reroll for someone that will jumpstart his progress instead of leeches that will suck away his feathers and skills and still under-perform compared to other units he could have rolled
even a -atk hector will be 1000x more useful than a perfect iv 4 star effie. hector tanks and kills over half the game while effie cant do fucking anything to anyone but squishy blues without a shitton of investment
ryoma, dorcas, and hector are probably your dream pulls, but if you dont think you'll play the game seriously or for a long time just settle for (regular) ike hes fine
Posts like these make me want to try and luck out like that but it never works
Either Binding Blade or another Sacred Stones
Adding Nowi is doing what I want, so that’s cool.
It's not today's screenshot right? Is that score enough for t19 anymore?
Did it with minimal attempts this week.
Apparently I'm able to stay in tier 20 despite not having the legendary hero + blessing.
Makes me think that legendary hero being a horse hurts scores alongside not everyone having access has brought down arena scores.
Which is good because fuck legendary heroes.
Fuck me, I thought it's 20-19 and I meant tier 20.
Forget it.