Fighting Games General /fgg/
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>Guilty Gear is shit
>Has the best sniff though she's a shit character
Year of the dog!
is this accurate cammy discord?
Post your favourite furry rendition of your waifu
Is it just me or does Nappa's saibamen look very low budget?
They remind me of Koihime Enbu.
Bullet, Makoto, Es and Nine are the worst Blazblue females.
Down with fat hags!
reminder not to preorder videogames
there is not going to be shortage of megabytes to download on release
I used to think this about Makoto, Es, and Nine. I changed my mind after playing them quite a bit.
Bullet is ugly and smelly though.
I feel a +20 or +25 to all hado and shoryu damage would make him decent. And fix the donkey kick animation and allow it for more combos.
I miss donnie
why the finnish flag
Traffic signals are unable to halt this vehicle
too late sucka
but you can sometimes get free dlc or useless 2 dollar trinkets with your game if you pre-order.
Dead games are fun and fun games are dead
damn abigail looks like THAT?
But I'll be getting blue goku for free
>not just asking game stores if they have any extra codes
I never preorder. I usually just go up to the store and ask if I can have a code. They get so many that it comes out of their ass.
karin is a cheating bitch fags btfo
aka shitty udon fags from /co/
What was the reaction like when Akuma was revealed to be in tekken? I bet no one cared.
I still don't understand what the mean by "early unlock."
They are putting out trailer videos for them as if they're in the base roster, but this seems like the same thing they did with Eliza.
buy it for me user
Cant till till March lobbies and you pussies kick me.
You will play him, right?
You can unlock both Blue Goku and Vegeta for free in the game, probably from story mode, pre-ordering just means you wont have to unlock them
>implying Karin or anyone for that matter would cheat off a moronic girl like Sakura.
Sakura's boyfriend looks like THIS?
>one and done
>one and done
>one and done
>one and done
Sure is fun playing SFV lobbies.
that's what UDONFAGS would imply, so tell them that
I went from thinking maybe I'd stuck with Tag 2 to preordering T7
play galaxy fight universal warriors on your neo geo today
that happens in every fighting game
Are you on wi-fi, user?
cuz im gonna finish all over her face
Wait so Chun Li isn't a Japanese high school teacher who happened to be in charge of Karin & Sakura who just happen to be classmates??
This costume gives me a funny feeling lads
no lol only fags will play super characters
badum tsht
I would have hoped that the most alive fg wouldn't have this issue. I've barely been able to play SFV for more than a consecutive half hour in the last few months, it's a major problem in SFV.
i want to do her homework bros...
I hate how certain moves now have greater knockback, which might fuck up his combos. Literally why would you do this?
I have the router next to my PC -10cm tops- and directly wired.
>tfw people play ft3s with you for an hour on average
this game is gorgeous, post more webms
Is your PC capable of running SFV, user?
i like the ppl who play long ass sets like that. good sports imo
And it's not even her best one.
Broski how the fuck do you play with a 360 pad, this shit is terrible.
you saying you dont think Blanka will be out until March?
Nine more days, bros. Are you hyped?
R51600 GTX1080, I could run this while playing at the same time, while streaming, streamboaring and have enough juice left to use Sony Vegas.
bros. SFVAE and DBFZ in just 2 weeks
the golden age is here!
they better have improved SFV's net code for crying out loud
>yipes retweeting dbf stuff
lmao marvel really is dead
so close feels good.
Please stop it.
marvel died when it became property of (((Disney)))
what site is this?
>black hair
Into the trash she goes
this. didn't the buyout only finalize between MvC3 and Ultimate and that's why we got Ultimate before vanilla was even out a year? fuck Disney
Id be surprised if he came out before then.
>tfw sakura will never be signed to muteki
>tfw really want to buy some of her costumes
>tfw kinda adamant on picking her up because she's crazy technical but still like, mid-tier
capkeks btfo
>not knowing black hair is objective hottest hair color
see yourself out queerfam
no, chunli is into lolis so she teaches kindergarteners instead
Stay cucked.
Can't wait until sakura and falke nude mods
Who #Storymode costume here
the lack of selfawareness on kappa is ridiculous
Another day of opening up SFV, playing 10 matches at most and then 3 hours of nothing but unplayable connections and waiting in lobbies. This game is dead and nobody is changing my mind.
Is mvci worth it for $15?
Default > Story > Nostalgia > Yuri from King of Fighters
Only her main costume looks good the others look like crap
it is a good game
Reminder that Broskis job at Eventhubs starts next week.
I fucking hate spending money but I might actually buy all of these eventually. They're all so fucking good.
Might buy Nostalgia and/or Story day 1 though.
NeoRage still a thing? wish I had AES
if you care that much about mega long sets then just ask people.
>job at Eventhubs
is our boy broski going to be a video game journalist
>you can be a homosexual white supremacist who false flags to displace blame and still get a job at eventhubs
who knew
Not on PC user
What the fuck is up with that AI on SF V?
not on anything