hello boys
bad day today
yeah really feeling the heartburn today
and its cold and i'm miserable
cannot wait for monday
probably my favorite day of the week
im still sick and feel like shit but maybe I will be better tomorrow
the norms have to go back to work and stop fucking with me
how do I git gud at this game? Im such a fucking trash it hurts
keep making workers
dont get supply blocked
keep producing army
these 2 get me every time
you have to play way too much and take it very seriously
b-but i have life I cant play too much :c
a gf???
what.. no of course not im too edgy for that but I have job and hobbies and shit
i dont think im jealous of your life in that case
no need to brag
are you actually jealous of people who have GFs? thats pretty sad... do you want to talk about it?
no i dont want to talk about it
but you should, not with me of course as I dont give a fuck but with therapist, but dont worry youre not missing out on anything but you would know that if you ever had one
ok thanks but its ok
its really not you sound like sad person
well dont kick me if im down then
im not, im just giving you genuine advice
if i had a gf i would make her suck me off! every day!
dumb niggers
dont bother apparently gfs arent a big deal...
that's not how you treat a beloved
if she loved me she would want to suck my dick
then you wouldn't have to "make her suck" you off
but its my fetish
every culture is valid
i'd just beat her up if she refused
i dont find mistreating women to be funny
i don't think its funny either
it gets me horned is what i think. mhmmm
have you ever tried or considered therapy?
Ezekiel 23:20
yeah. i regret going. the therapist put all these bullshit ideas in my head and it really fucked me up bad
wanna talk about it
gonna watch some rape jav
the javs where the girl wears a pregnancy belly thing and they punch her stomach are funny as hell
oh yeah punch that unborn baby *jacks*
not into pregnancy
Never kick me when I'm down, because when I get back up... you're fucked.
i should start doing karate
i'm just sitting here getting angry
have you tried meditating?
you can control mood like the tone of your voice
higher your frequency and experience bliss!