League of legends general /lolg/

Best freljord and best waifu edition

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xth for my wife Syndra

wait, the lissandra autist is actively sniping new threads so it can put it waifu in the OP?

There really isn't any difference between it and the lulufags

nerf lucks pls she ghit me with snare and lazer kill me wtf

tightest noxian

best facesitter

I wish I were a girl~

which girl would you like to be?

Why is he so cute?


>wait, the lissandra autist is actively sniping new threads so it can put it waifu in the OP?

No im not, I just made a new thread because we were close to the limit

theres also this stupid thing that always happens when I make a new thread, the old thread is stuck at around 740 posts because no one wants to post that late in the thread, then when I make a new thread everyone comes out from hiding, usually telling me to kill myself for making a thread early

comfy bfs~

I wanna cuddle Jinx and make her happy

>Dark Lux will never sit on my lap while she plays League of Legends


No. Vayne

>Queue up for a game, feel like supporting
>Jungler on my team wants to play Zed, fuck it whatever, I know I'll lose anyway
>Someone dodges
>Back in champ select, same guy on my team, Zed gets banned, he locks in Viktor
>Not in the mood for stupid nonsense, I just want to relax and have a fun game, just go ahead and dodge
>Come back like 20 minutes later and queue
>SAME NIGGA ON MY TEAM AGAIN, locks in Zed jungle, fuck it whatever
I don't think Zed was explicitly the reason why, to his credit. He did better than everyone else other than myself in terms of overall contribution.

Best lux is storm lux, this is not an argument.

Storm, Magma, and Dark are all equally best of the final forms.

Best couple


I agree the best couples are onesided unrequited love

it leads to great character development then naruto-esque settling for another girl

post top 2 rows
r8 and h8

zero range/10

id hate to duo with you and have to suffer every time you dont get adc



>ADC main
You don't have much fun to choose from so I can't blame you.

I don't give a single shit about half of the champs in my top two rows. Feel free to guess the ones that I do.

im bretty decent with zed and eve

people who only play 1 role r some sad clowns
shit isnt even fun u just do the same shit every game

>get fed as adc
>support uses solari, face of the mountain and knights wov to try and save our feeding udyr
>enemy ahri does flash, ulti, ulti, ulti to get in melee range of me, charms me and kills me
>this is my fault

I used to be an adc main like you, till i found out i won more games when I didnt have to share lane with autofilled supports vs premades

tfw cait is shit now and kindred isnt fun since the reworks and nerfs

My wife is the cutest!

>no box with VIktor

why is he so fucking weak right now fellow vikbro
tfw you land an ult on 3 people and barely dent them

but is she the tightest?


I wouldnt know since i dont cheat.

>Duo with ADC buddy
>Most of the times we lose
>He says he will solo to not ruin my winrate
>Proceed to tilt off the face of the earth and lose all my matches as support
>Always blame myself for the losses as i tend to go too ham to kill enemy ADC and tunnel vision (Leona,braum,nautilus,taric)

well is she tight enough for you?

I played him maybe twice last year
he can have a good, aggressive laning phase but having to play safe so you can get first back at 1250 completely ruins all that potential and punishes you for trading.

buffs in 8.2 tho

i would never be your friend.
eh...theres room for improvement
no.. just no
probably a real asshole
i feel for kindred too
yeah,im happy with her tightness

Types 'gg' after first blood

Will always be 50 CS down on their laner because they refuse to stay and farm, can be good or bad

Biggest '1v1 me fag' player in this thread, doesn't leave top lane even if the nexus is going down

I don't really know what baseless assumption to make about you other than the fact that you don't seem to play much

Will bitch about stacked Veeky Forums teams

I can tell you play like a pussy from here


Same. I would strive to be the best chick friend ever for all my friends and learn to be their best waifu

I'm trying out animation and since /ic/ is moving at the pace of racing snail trained by riot's balance team here it is.

Assume it's Riven. And ignore the bulge it was just an experiment.

>TF otp
>down in cs

not how it works son

Don't let Vladfag hear you, she'll be bombarding you with fanfics about why you should fantasize about Vlad raping you.

>doesn't leave top lane even if the nexus is going down
A Darius main who tries to split instead of teamfight is a fucking moron.

lets get over this

Why does Sona have such a fat ass ?

I never said you played the champs correctly :^)

Experiment successful

seeing shit like this makes me want to main jinx

Disgusting mix of a hipster and a colossal waifufag

how is ping on 4g?

I've Telenor and my internet is gonna be cut for full time 4g connection soon

I mean you can make assumptions all you want but Yorick is the only one of those that I autistically split on

>I don't really know what baseless assumption to make about you other than the fact that you don't seem to play much
I don't, actually. If I had my way though my top two rows would probably be something like: Vi, Cho, Warwick, Evelynn, Wukong, Rek'sai, Skarner, Kled, Poppy, Tahm Kench, Ornn, Viktor, and maybe Jinx or Xayah, idk. There's a few others that could make their way up there really, it kind of tapers off at the end.

I really like Jinx a lot but I don't like ADC, I just pick her if I ever go ADC but lately Xayah has been growing on me a lot more.

>live comfy in europe, play league without lag and shit
>have to be in lebanon for a few months now cuz family shit
>lowest MS i got was 80
>so much packet loss and it keeps spiking up to 1000s
appreciate what you have lolg

>maining Jinx

nice taste in adc



not bad

I'd become a cuck for Xayah

I'm pretty sure most people in the 3rd world don't have time to play video games.

tell that to latina america


>i don't know anything about other countries

I like both Xayah and Rakan and both of them are made worse by their relationship with one another.

>incredibly fit body
>does multiple kegel routines a day

Sure why not

>he has no idea how female bodies work
average league player

>thinking fit body means can't be loose
>thinks kegels are a thing in the era they live in
>thinks she'd bother with that anyway since she's braindead as it is.


I would like to see the difference in winrate between blue Kayn and red Kayn. Blue Kayn is fucking garbage and probably has a negative winrate and red has good winrate.

>muh red is just for when there's a lot of tanks on the other team

No, it's for scaling into lategame and having insane survivability in teamfights since your ult can heal you almost back to full HP.

>thinks kegels are a thing in the era they live in
>being in a different technological era makes human muscular structure different

>he has no idea how female bodies work
>implying you werent going to say something about her being loose because she fucks garen regularly

This is a cat. Please pet the cat.

I'd rather pet a good champ.

is this a joke lol
blue has been broken for a while now with his insane 1 shot potential

what happens if I pet the cat?

Any Kayn player with half a brain switches between Blue and Red regularly. You can look at any high ELO Kayn player and they play both. Blue Kayn actually works better the higher you go because instantly deleting a carry or support in a major fight is game ending.

not really i was about to say that the "women are loose" thing is a meme and that most vaginas recover after sex

remember that the CLIMB is a little over a week away!
are you planning to play ranked on day 1 or are you waiting?

I don't play ranked.
I have nothing to prove.

blue is really good if the enemy team is right for it and you know how to play it. blue has a reputation for being trash because it attracts trash players more than red

Is blue kayn that bad? I always thought red was more enjoyable to play, but i have like 15 matches in a row against blue kayns and they all got super fed. You legit need a duskblade to hit any enemy for 900 damage just from 1 auto.

I say they lack kegels purely by not knowing what that is. That's like saying the Dark Ages had kegels. Which I highly doubt.

He sustains if you won't get exploded but at the same time deal enough damage. It worked before since you could actually use % damage and build some defense.

Hey, you're alive!

I meant to quote but I'm a retard and didn't click it
>most vaginas recover after sex
a surprising amount of people don't know this, apparently vaginas are the only muscle that gets weaker with regular use

The Dark Ages are not a good example for knowing anything. There is some evidence that places other than Europe knew about kegel exercises for a long time

funny how I get this from my top row but not my threadly comfy bfs post

Blue Kayn isn't bad. A lot of Blue Kayn players are though.

Absolutely disgusting

because half of us have it filtered and the other half reflexively ignore it

hello new husbando when

swan too old

is this loss

Pet the Cat

I'll only pet her if i can pet her with my tounge

Kayn was pretty recent

New legitimate waifu when? Haven't had a new one in a while beyond tumblr bird feet.

I thought it was someone impersonating you but when I saw your champs I knew it was u

That's what i thought. Blue is far from being bad, and i feel like is usually better than red anyway. Rhaast gets fucked from grevious wounds and is really weak as soon as he transforms, since he loses all base damage from Q in exchange for only % damage. Also he runs out of mana really fast in teamfights.

I only go blue if me and my team are dominating the game and can end it quickly. If you think it's going to drag into lategame you should always go red instead.

frostbutt inc silly

I prefer to know what I'm getting myself into
I would pet that midriff though

Which champion pisses you off the least?