Would including a random Jabberwock be a good idea for PDK?
Cooper Powell
Nathaniel Thompson
>start second vs rune >no way to counter mage of nightfall
Matthew Sullivan
Brandon Moore
Sounds good for memes, but it would probably end up being way too inconsistent.
Easton Carter
just lurching conversion bro
Brody Myers
Why does it hit for 4?
Kayden Young
>banish 3 dark alices in a match i almost feel bad for the guy
Joshua Wright
Lucas Sullivan
Because it's neutral. Read the cards.
Christian Foster
>prince catacomb >skeleton prince >immortal thane >wight king >underworld ruler aisha >demonlord eachtar so why does shadow use more nobility than the designated royal craft
Gavin Hughes
tin soldier is neutral
Noah Moore
>allied Havencraft follower
Tyler Thomas
>whenever attacks It's not clash so they deal normal damage when you trade during your turn.
Kayden Wood
William Gonzalez
Royal doesn't send their royalty to do the dirty job. Their role is to sit on their asses and be all gay with their handmaids.
Jordan Miller
That's bullshit. So haven gets to use both haven and neutral cards?
Thomas Powell
Does Aegis die to bane?
Kevin Cooper
>So haven gets to use both haven and neutral cards? i hope you realize how retarded you sound
Wyatt Perez
Successfully trolled
Jose Wood
So you are one of those who chip damage my tin soldiers believing they are rendered useless?
Aiden Russell
Wowie, user. You gonna be alright?
Thomas Collins
>discord OP
Grayson Price
Otohime has always been /svg/ newfriend
John Harris
>Both new IPs Those are two different posters
Leo Long
What an idiot.
Julian Bailey
Eli Cruz
Angel Hill
cute feet
Evan Anderson
>play unlimited for dailies >unga >bunga >unga bunga >unga unga nice mode unlimitedbabs
Carson Hall
god i just want eachtar to pin me against the wall and plow my pussy with his huge throbbing cock i want to take his meaty head deep inside me and have my mind broken while i cum violently as he inseminates me with his zombie children
Adrian Reed
Go away, Ceres.
Logan Ward
I haven't played this game since they phased out the first ever expansion, what do I do to git gud?
Camden Long
>phased out the first ever expansion So literally less than two weeks ago?
Julian Gray
Are the new prebuilt decks good value?
Nathan Myers
No. Wait for the next ones if they'll ever come.
Cooper Diaz
What are they talking about?
Easton White
Thomas James
Adrian Long
>Haven't drawn Cassiopeia for 6 games in a row >Last time I drew them was wolf tutoring 2 of them to hand
Robert Adams
Some are. Some are not. Some are but only once. It also depends on whether you spend crystals only on daily deal or whale with no regard for efficiency. One pack (50 or 100 crystals) will give you 400 vials on average. Compare it with the crafting costs of cards you need from the prebuilt decks and you will know whether it's good value or not.
Noah Anderson
Is it ok to craft Psema?
Henry Martinez
Trying to make a deck based on mysteria and dealing damage with spells
Anything glaring that im missing or that I should take out?
Connor Richardson
No. He's useless and a bad card.
Jose Thompson
Old man Levi got outclassed by the Owl long time ago.
Hunter Ortiz
Spellboosting isnt the focus of this deck though
David Perry
>Owl in a deck with no spellboosts ?
Andrew Richardson
are you a netdeck bot or what, the deck is clearly about hitting face with spells, not spellboost cheating your way to victory
Alexander Reed
While I'm still opening CG packs for albert and exella leaders, I managed to get myself a full set of bellringers today, second gold set after squasher.
David Collins
>seven games in a row where I start second Biggest issue with shadowverse.
Gavin Sanders
Only 1 copy for your collection.
Matthew Smith
Stop playing coinflip aggro decks/unlimited.
Bentley White
Let me guess, you won half of them. There is no issue here.
Jackson Moore
>you know what shadow needs >an albert that doesnt need an evo point
Why would anyone think this
Jackson Jenkins
>need 4 chests >no will to finish this grind
Tyler Brown
It's hard to reach 10 shadows. Thank you for playing Shadowverse.
Easton Sullivan
>Aisha can storm your face for 5 on turn 5 and 6
Thomas Martinez
>Stop playing coinflip aggro decks/unlimited. If you look at the data the only deck where starting second won't lower your overall winnings by a lot is Dragon. So your advice is for me to become a dragoncuck. Fair enough.
Caleb Young
Funny game.
Luke Cooper
Is he playing the Chronos Blood meme?
Nathan Thomas
Avatarfag is back Thread ruined, everyone go back to the real generals
Parker Wood
Working as intended. If they didn't spend enough shadows on other threats to have 10 to spare for Aisha, you deserve to be slammed for 10 in face.
Anthony Wood
>1 card in hand >4 attack minions on board Why would you think he had chronos?
John Cruz
How do I unlock this Isabelle alt skin?
Isaac Martinez
Unironically this
>AISHA IS JUST BETTER ALBERT BOYS Anyone that actually thinks this is fucking retarded.
Connor Powell
Because I'm retarded, apparently.
Connor Nguyen
Nope, i had horrible draws and couldn't spellboost my hand at all until later turns. It's a mod from just google it
Brody Reyes
I legit got to the point i simply don't understand why the fuck i try playing anything but Dragon
Lucas Young
>back He is showing off his mom posts 24/7 in this general, he never leaves.
David Long
>take melissa >give her the antiquity effect >suddenly shes good wow why doesnt cygames hire me to design their cards if they want to keep being retarded
David Hill
You're trying to salvage your last shred of dignity.
Jaxson Collins
>play vs sword >here comes arthur >saha isra at 7 >play vs blood >phantom cat at 6 >SAHA ISRA AT 7 >play vs forest >cassio at 6 >classic wolf elephant stuff, i know of this >saha zeus Can we PLEASE remove the neutral cancer to diversify this meta?
Nathaniel Hill
>Floods the board with cheap shit >Compounds the board with Catacomb >Floods the board with more cheap neutral shit >Has infinite hand refill with Semen Eater >Floods the board with Wights 3 turns in a row >Finally stabilize >Albert comes down and kills me Damn, that shadow player really outplayed me....if only I were smart enough to go first like he was....
Adam Flores
>mom posts But i lost there.
Sebastian Martin
dumb shadowbabs
Nicholas Anderson
What deck did you play? I will write exactly the same 'op craft pls nerf' story for it.
if i was him and you didn't surrender, i would simply pass to let you draw reaper
Connor Perry
I want more cards that give ward desu
John Gray
>if only I were smart enough to go first like he was.... Literally everyone's problem right now (excluding Dragon, obviously). Except mid Shadow is hit twice as hard by going second.
Gavin Carter
>more cheap neutral shit >neutral What?
James Perry
>8 different classes with its own specialty. >He just want to play one class.
Benjamin Nguyen
I am just trying to get good with Elephant now that i got all the cards i need but every single game just feel pure suffering, playing this game as a whole i mean Gonna end up skipping the chests today i guess, i tilt after playing 2 matches
Camden Rodriguez
It's fine. As long as you do not spam them or post uninteresting ones it's a decent addition to the general. Deffinitely better than craftwars and other bitching/shitposting.
Henry Taylor
There nothing interesting about reporting his shitty mods 10 times a day, hoping people would ask him about them.
Isaac Moore
You've never seen a shadow run goblins?
Benjamin Lopez
i have always wondered what those dildos on the master emblem are
Lincoln Gonzalez
Your mods are still ugly as hell. It's okay to have shit taste as long as you don't flaunt it, you know?
Levi Phillips
I know that feel. It takes 6 wins for one chest to appear for me and I am currently at 6K MP due to that.
Henry Walker
Feeling better now?
Parker Rogers
Infinite carrots.
Cooper White
Daily reminder to DANZAI shadowshitters into the dust
Colton Fisher
Congratz on that!
Daniel Torres
Literally maybe once since the start of the expansion and it pulled them a goblin. Goblin princes was played as some point in WD but nothing more than that.
Juan Sanders
>buy crystals >thank you
Grayson Martin
All you're doing is posting for attention You're not posting anything even remotely remarkable, just spamming blog screenshots because you have le epic mods, the equivalent of avatarfagging in MMO generals
Noah Foster
>Semen Eater Don't you badmouth my cute lil daugtheru