Fighting Games General /fgg/

Other urls found in this thread:

>color edit mode
>play pale balrog


>need a DVI cable so i don't have to switch HDMI cables with my PC every time i want to jive on PS4
>walk almost half an hour to reach the only PC store in a radius of kilometers
>accidentally walk into a traffic sign so hard my sinus is now a cosinus
>finally reach it
>they don't have DVI cables
>only a VGA cable
>15,99€ + tip

Looks like I won't jive for a while

that's the type of thing that triggers dumb twitter wars

>Before retards start asking again

Why don't you just buy a splitter on amazon?


should've streamed it

Just get one from amazon, I don't get why cables are so expensive in stores, I wanted a long ass ethernet cable to plug in my PC shit was like 30€, when it's only 6 on amazon.

>Pale Balrog
Would be pretty fucking based honestly

italians are all braindead

Why is everybody telling me that Eliza is hard to learn?

can someone explain?

Just 8 more days, bros. Stream in ONE, TWO, THREE!

Year of the dog!

yeah, people are very pedantic about colors

I'm never home during the day to receive packages and I thought it would be easier to just go and buy it but apparently not

She doesn't gorillamash as well as other tekken characters


she plays more like the non traditional guest chars than a reg kekken char

>not already having sfv
you only have yourself to blame

We might get doobz beta info before SOONtm FINAL FLAAAASH

>broski says Rashid is one of Dhalsim's worst matchups
>get stomped by all the Dhalsims I see
what did Broski mean by this

>Weeb trying its hardest to sound retarded so people don't find out he is a weeb

All Tomboy fighting game when

aris seems like the dude who laughs at his own farts when he's alone

Using Kolin's parrabellum raw in neutral is pretty good

pls have legacy support


She lacks many tools that traditional Tekken characters have, is very linear, has weird semi gimped movement, has glaring weaknesses that are hard to cover unless you know Tekken fundamentals such as how she interacts with sidesteps, and various other issues. I personally recommend picking a more learner friendly character so you can learn the basics before you try to play her.

>sony cucks cucked again
like clockwork

This whole sony lmao thing is kinda old when its just been revealed that SFV only has 4,3% of the playerbase on PC lmao

sales != player base

if u let out a real good one alone u gotta laugh

MFW SFV a game that needs constant updates.
MFW console games cost 40 grand to update.

Why the fuck did Sony have to bail them out, and then cuck them into spending a shit ton of money to fix something. If it was a pc exclusive they could just update every week if they wanted to.

I think street fighter twitter dude have some bipolar disorder. He writing a bunch of stuff week ago, about patchnotes, talked with community and he is depressed again

Sony is a big reason the game exists, stupid. They funded the game.

pcucks literally don't play games
they just watch streams and shitpost on Veeky Forums which is why you see them all the time

sfv is a turfd

remember to pay your extra $80 tip to use your internet sonybro

Holy shit how fast do they think I can do those imputs with a square gate?

In case somebody has decided that they want to learn Eliza (or any "weird" character) anyway, there's no point going the roundabout way of learning a character that is more "learner friendly" first. Best way to learn Eliza is to play Eliza, obviously. But if they are worried that they might change their mind about their character choice, picking a more "generic" Tekken character is certainly safer as skills acquired playing that character will be more generally applicable.

you are a retard

>can't afford $40/year for a service that includes new games every month
maybe if you'd stop spending all your money on twitch subs you could lmao

explain the meme pic br

You're supposed to instant air it, you newfriend.

Why is there such an influx of new people to this general.

Made me chuckle

10/10 OP.

steam sale, AE and DBZ coming out, holidays

Okay, so I learned how to do instant air teleport memes.

Am I a good sim now ?

Yes, just remember to use your every 3 seconds

So what's why shitpost on Veeky Forums right now

Why are fighting games so diverse? Does it add anything to the game?

thats the bottom line to be any caliber of sim player

>DBFZ coming soon
>Whip out pic related
>Test out the stick if it still works by grinding some Fight Money before Jan 16
>QCB and QCF moves don't come out, only forward and back DPs
>When holding downback/downforward, character walks back/forward for a moment and then crouches
>Check command input. No diagonals are registering during QCs or downback/forward inputs

Am I fucked? What parts do I need to buy? My buttons work fine (I tested it out by doing target combos and regular combos on different characters), it's just the stick.

You're not fooling no one, broski. That's all it takes to reach diamond with Sim.

Buy a Hitbox

>so embarrassed that he lies about the price of an annual subscription
>""""""""""new games""""""""""""" aka shitty first party launch games and indies

who are you quoting though?

try cleaning it and getting a new spring and microswitches. sticks are cheap af id just replace the whole lever if cleaning it doesnt work.

It actually started ever since neogaf shut down.

Death to NRS

>he still plays sfvappa

The thing is having 2D styles in a 3D game means if that's how you start you will not properly grasp 3D movement or how the core game works. It's arguably better to understand the 3D game and apply it to a 2D character than it is the other way around.

>Try cleaning
Will do.
>Buying springs and microswitches
Are those sold separately and not bundled with the stick+balltop, e.g. a Hayabusa?


although there was a notable dip in thread quality when it happened, I cant imagine a neogaf poster sticking around on Veeky Forums

come again, son?
>not buying codes on amazon when they're on sale
>bashes indie games when that and pubg are the only games on PC

they are but it's all sold separately if you need them

nice vappa post

Is there a vendor you'd recommend, user?

you can get a sanwa jlf off amazon for like 25 bucks

takes vappa to know vappa

depends on where you live. in the US there is arcadeshock and focusattack or amazon. for other regions idk, google it.

isn't neogaf still up though

t. vappa


Good to know if cleaning doesn't work.
Yeah, I'm in burgerland. I check those sites if cleaning doesn't work. I got this TE back when SFIV dropped. I can't believe it lasted about nine years before a problem sprung.

love, vappa

>literally struggles to cross a street


sincerely, vappa

nine years is a lot for microswitches.

Who is the most depressing person in the fgc?

you seem like a lost puppy whenever you leave your house, is that why you post dogs all the time?

vappa posters

Anyone wanna destroy me in Jive?

CFN: Bouken

Viscant. He's a joke in MvCi.

>The thing is having 2D styles in a 3D game means if that's how you start you will not properly grasp 3D movement

Eliza, Akuma and Geese move in 3D space just like all the other characters so why would this be the case?

>you will not properly grasp how the core game works

You will grasp it to the extent that is necessary for playing Eliza. Again, the only possible problem is that the player will learn that they don't like playing the SF-esque characters and as they change their character the skills they have learned won't be as applicable had they learned a more generic Tekken character instead.

Mike Ross right now.

Oh, EU region.

When are we getting more Cammy outfits?


A group of people who can only feel hatred and disappointment, who feign love of that which they do not understand and feel happiness only when they bring others down to their level of despair.

>2D styles

There are you "2D styles" in Tekken. Every character in the game has 3D movement and moves that hit sidestepping opponents.

I don't play German cucks

>There are you
There are no*

anyone playing jive and not getting paid to do it


The guy who lacks grammar and keeps crying about SFV here every single day.

Oh, here he is!

>bored of jiving
>no monster hunter until the 26th
>zero interest in any other games
>nothing to do
>spend all day reading the internet and being bored
help me bros