/scg/edg/ Star Citizen Elite Dangerous General #251

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Star Citizen Information:

Alpha 3.0 PTU is released for all backers. You must download the new patcher from the RSI website.

>Comprehensive look at the current state of Star Citizen

>Squadron 42 Vertical Slice

>Jump Point Links & Content Summary


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC to become playable.
ED info:

Elite Dangerous v2.4 is online with improvements to base game and dlc content.
Frontier announced a new expansion called "Beyond" and will offer it for free to everyone who bought horizon.
Season three will focus on refining core gameplay and introducing new content.

>Frontier Official YT

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Let's hear about the thargoids and how FDev finally grew some balls.

there is only rumors of an hyperdiction in the bubble by some user here, nothing on [Spoiler]reddit[/Spoiler]

Not only here, apparently Hyperdictions in the bubble happen but they're pretty rare, but seem to be becoming more common now.


get a black mamba and a thrustmaster throttle




Everyone is playing ED, if the thagroids are actually in the bubble.

Speaking of, I'm trying to finish Selene Jean, which number has to be 200 before she is unlocked? Is it refined, or collected number?


They save money but re-purposing old door panels into displays

>buying panels
>Not just ripping them out of the walls and slapping them into ships

>tfw my shitty cargo Adder can get fucked by Thargoid faggots now

god damn it

>On Thursday, prepare your F5 keys. We’ll be bringing back our Studio Updates with a new episode of Around the ‘Verse. The first of this year’s Studio Updates starts with the team in Austin and their publish of Alpha 3.0.
I cannot wait for another episode of muh dev ops jerking themselves off on camera



it's over chris, hand over the code. the game is mine.

i think its collected and its 500 but you are good i think

>take an assassination mission with cracked firmware reward
>turns out to be a fucking fed corvette
>he goes straight for me when i pop into the USS
>the trade convoy doesnt help

It's been longer than 2 years familiam

>during the term of the licence and two years thereafter

or any renewals thereof

coming for you now chris. you won't get away with this.

Post the full page please.

New to ED here, picked up copies for myself and some mates over Christmas.

So far we've only made a couple of jumps and done a few simple data/cargo missions, but we're having a blast. Any tips for a new group just getting started?

Get out while you’re on top

that shut em up

you're done chris. I poured my heart and soul into this engine. you won't get away with stealing it.

Eventually most of you are going to quit the game once you realize the grind is too big and that you don't have the autism required to make it through.

chris, your 90 days are up. you were too greedy. you trampled on your fans to get to the top, and now you'll fall to the bottom. the scam is over. I was right.


very nice

>derek smart
>actually pretty dumb


smarter than you cultboi

Why is there a Derek cultist spamming now?

yes it is I, Derek Smart, the Smartest man in the world. I have infiltrated CIG at the highest levels. My army of WWW.SomethingAwful.COM goons stand ready. Within two weeks, tops, the Scam Citizen project will be dismantled and the money will rightfully go to Line of Defense which will be the greatest MMOFPS/Space Shooter ever. It will release exactly on time as scheduled in Q3 2018.

desperation because the crytek suit fell through

Name 1 (one) good game Derek Smark ever made

Where the FUCK can I get chemical manipulators quickly
I've been murdering everyone I see in some anarchy system yet nobody drops anything.


Battlecruise 3000AD V2.0. V1 was butchered, I sued the publisher for it and won. Proven in a court of law.
Battlecruiser Millennium
Universal Combat
Universal Combat CE 2.0
Galactic Command Echo Squad
Angle of Attack
All Aspect Warfare
and the best of them all Line of Defense coming very soon, the early access has been a huge success and has garnered critical acclaim. (not counting the outlets and influencers bought out by CIG and harassed by shittizens)

I seriously wonder why they even bother doing those QAs if they only pick shitty questions and don't really give proper answers anyway.

>Line of Defense coming very soon
Mfw they've been "migrating" servers to a new service since November

the meltdown bug is a bit of a setback, we're pushing the very limits of what is possible to do in an online game. star citizen is impossible, it can't be made. but Line of Defense will scale to real world hardware. we're moving to a platform that is more secure and will perform much better than the intel disaster. you can preorder now on WWW.LODGame.Com and be one of the founders of this groundbreaking new game.

But meltdown has only been publicly known about for a short amount of time.

Can they make space combat actually fun? I feel like joystick fuckbois are going to make it impossible for space combat be satisfying for the majority

I had anonymous inside sources

yeah, copy elite.

Derek Smart?

more like Derek Shart

Incredibly boring and autoaim for all the joystick people? Nice.

actual dogfighting instead of jousting and circlestrafing? wow boring!

Get real, all you do is get the target vaguely in the middle of the screen and hold fire for 4 minutes at a ship flying at 10 km/h.


Is there any comfy rain in Star Citizen 3.0 alpha? I want to see some weather effects. How is the communication between people - can you land on planet and wait for your buddies and then have 3-5 of your friends and chat while sitting in some comfy place?

What the fuck are you talking about $10? CIG are the most open gayme development studio in the history of vidya. I mean, you don't expect a 24/7 livestream of their offices with plaintext source code, do you?

i think weather is something that's coming, nothing quite yet though. supposed to get dust storms and rain and snow and shit.

Elite's combat looks awful, just give us back combat before they ruined it

Nope, just some nice sunsets.
>How's communication
Generic text chat is in game. Works everywhere as of now.

It creates more diversity and comfyness. How are the missions so far. Is there any kind of longevity in 3.0 alpha?
Let's say I got about 20 hours from E:D before I realized how boring it is. I returned couple of times only to grind credits with the bugged missions because otherwise getting anywhere would mean mindless staring at the blank space while docking and undocking from station to station. So I stopped playing it and wont return, ever.
Can 3.0 give me at least 20 hours before getting utterly bored?

SC combat was never good. Elite combat looks good and plays good. You just have to learn how to actually dogfight and maybe take some ritalin.

Is there local chat instead of global world chat? I.e. for private conversations?

You might not get a lot out of 3.0. There's a lot of missions, and they're supposed to be randomly generated, but they're mostly the same thing and its got some crashing and framerate issues right now. I'm having fun with it, cause i've got a few other folks playing with me most times, but if you're solo I could see it being pretty shallow.

Elite combat is far too slow to be considered a "dogfight"

keep that cancer away from star citizen


>Crytek just got reked
>CR is god, CR is pure
>Take my money

>muh fast
take your pills

Okay dad, go to bed.

>ED combat

b-but that's not going past at 1232134235490345835460945689456098 km per second, it's boooooring. moooom it's booooring can I use the internet in mobiglass yet? moooom?

returnin' home with the boys

it is the current year at least use some AA

Could you have used a worse webm to demonstrate your argument?
>Fly forward while shooting as your weapons malfunction
>It's great!

That's a real shame how unsubtle the physics grid changes are.

That webm is 4x sped if I recall correctly.

>Why should I have a battle tank if nearly no ship can transport it into combat?
>Ground vehicles can already be spawned planet-side, and a large proportion of ground vehicles usually never leave the planet they were spawned on originally.

what's wrong with you?

Derek's a little autistic sometimes, pay no attention to him

Just got my 'conda. Finally part of the big 3.

Is there a general "recommended" Anaconda loadout? what guns are recommended?

Jesus christ I just had this guy sit there a refuse to get in his conny because I was standing a few feet away. After he made it clear I was not wanted I stepped back but he still just waited. I was not even going to try to get on at this point but he was so willing to play this waiting game that I just tabbed out and let him.

>federal funship
>hardpoints fucked
>hull all shot up and beat to shit
>still have better hull integrity while heavily damaged than your victims have in full repair
>weapon malfunction just makes it fire even harder
>fuck it you had no intention of letting go of the trigger anyway

All frags, all the time.

This nigga gets it. Love my funship

Look who it is

That doesn't mean they can't license (from someone else) a different engine. It means they can't license out an engine to someone else.

Naptha tankers
Dave's Hope

is it time to reinstall?

Theres a damage disclaimer cause that says clearly that, and I quote, Derek Smart is fucked and will never score.


I thought gimballed players had the upper hand with mouse+keyboard.

>tanks, buggies, hovers etc
>not a single fucking truck

So in SC, do you need to have a certain piece of armor to be able to use the personal flashlights?

Like, a torso armor or a certain helmet or something?

Serious question: How does dogfighting make sense in a space game?

No, every helmet is (supposed) to have a flashlight. Right now, there's a bug that can cause your flashlight to become permanently bugged out and stop working, and I think a couple helmets just don't have them attached properly.

I've heard some combination of using /sit and such helps to unbug it, but I don't really know. Otherwise it's an account bug and persists between sessions.

it's fun

/scg/edg/ is the best general on Veeky Forums

That's a subjective opinion, and you're welcome to it. Hell, you're not even wrong.

But that doesn't answer my question.

Dog fighting in atmosphere makes sense because of the way flying in atmosphere works. I DO think the flight model should more properly reflect atmospheric drag and flight characteristics. But in space, with Newtonian physics, dog fighting really makes no real sense. There's absolutely no reason outside of your subjective opinion of what is fun that a space ship can't just turn around and fly backwards.

you can fly backwards in elite. nothing stops you. but there are certain limits to make sure you can't just turret and have to maneuver.

Derek Smart's Desktop Commander

Yeah, I get that, but the restrictions in Elite are unrealistically dumb. I'm sorry you think dog fighting is the epitome of vehicular combat, and should be hamfisted into anything that resembles a flying game, but it's not realistic in the least.

Go play some WW2 fighter plane games if you want to dog fight.

This right here is why the "summon ship on open pad" method is a bandaid and not a long term option. As much as that dude is being autistic about it, having a system is which this situation happens in totally retarded and half assed. This standoff is actually necessary half the time because if someone gets on your ship with I'll intent theres a 50% chance you're just fucked. In all honesty, at the very least they should make lingering on a pad occupied by a ship that isn't yours and you're not invited to be on criminal trespass

Closed Hangars with personally locked doors and Crimestat+security for trespassing when? Hell Having the ships spawn culled inside of big boxes would probably help space station performance too.