/dbg/ - Dragon Ball General

Ultra Duo Edition

>DLC 6 news:
Ultra Instinct Goku
Some form of customization for cast Characters
>WIP List of DLC 5 Balance Changes
>DLC5 Content
>DLC 6 News
Extra Pack 2 will contain an original new character, a new scenario and a new way to interact with Dragon Ball characters. On top of that, players may also discover an all new form Goku in the Extra Pack 2
>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links
>1.06 patchnotes
>1.07 patchnotes
>Xenoverse 2 Mods

>No Hud Mod (for beautiful screenshots)

>Xenoverse 2 changes

>Movies Pastebin

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here


Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder everyone's an idiot except for me.

Now I believe people were talking about how great and how terrible muscley Saiyan women were.
Also, something about Futa and thicc majin girls I guess.

>Vegeta isn't Ultra yet

you might not like it but this is what a saiyan grill looks like

That was last thread, fuck off

>tfw no thicc futa majin gf

I know one person who likes it

superheroes shouldn't be allowed to be fat

>tfw haven't gotten any better cause whenever I try training with my futa saiyan gf she just ends up fugging me
guys what do I do? my performance review with time loli is coming up and I haven't improved at all.

Find someone else

oh user you're so tsundere

People think this is a problem?
That IS training, of a sort.

Caulifla makes me so frustrated.
It's funny; I don't particularly like her character, yet she makes me harder than Cooler's NEW METAL FORM.

>performance review with the time loli
It sounds like your gf's training you perfectly then

Nice art, Shyne!

They can always wish not being fat.

Soon, user.

But can we be thicc?

Yes. Thicc is ideal for breeding after all.

My dad works at dimps and he said xv3 is gonna have body and muscle sliders

My dad works at Bamco and he said they're going to axe Dimps.

my dad's gonna shoot your dad

Well then my dad's gonna die, I guess.

I have some old stuff I wanted to post. Thought someone might get a kick out of it, I thought it was amusing.

We /beyblade/ now

Just ignore it and it'll go away.

I agree!

I wish the destructo disk of XV looked like the ones in Budokai or Tenkaichi. They look weird in XV

Glad we agree!
It's always nice to see Saiyans and Majins coming together like this.
Majins girls can magic up any food in any amount and are perfectly thicc.
It's like they were practically made for Saiyans.

>Goku has UI
>Vegeta got SSB2
>Frieza is still stuck with only Golden
Toriyama better give him another power up.

He won't
Frieza is old news

Frieza is already stupidly powerful as is, he doesn't need another power-up. If anyone needs a power-up, it's Piccolo.

Shyne's a human
And Buularose's canonically married to a human

Didn't mean her.
But that's cute af.


That should be Gohan
Piccolo could, but even if he fused with the U6 namekians, wouldn't Piccolo falling make him deleted since they're inside of him?

>when both girls are taken
yare yare

Gohan and Frieza are both old news! I can take wait for them to both get beat up!

Y-you're can still be taken and be a thot!

>1 week for dbzf beta

Why did they change this one's eyes? It looks retarded

Change Frieza with 17 or Vegeta and I agree.

Silence, not-taken person

Wow, Now I hope Frieza and Gohan get bullied extra hard

>not Goku
Clearly I'm not dealing with the average /dbg/ poster anymore.

Y-yeah well who needs a girl anyhow? I got more important things to worry about! Like time Patrol duties!

This is blatant temptation.

Who is this cutie


Nah, just me bein a poon hound

>Hidden UI mods exist

Lives out on some deserted planet.
A beach paradise where she didn't have to worry about Frieza destroying her with her planet.

Yes, but fuck ass dimps made it so you HAVE to play offline, also you have to fuck around with the anti cheat files a little

Daiko's been here for a while now?

Nice bikini, friendo

Hence "thot"!

Shut it, don't you insult the all important Posing

Those aren't REAL poses!

Wish there was more I could use though.
How's this?!

Yeah, but some aren't toggleable, iirc. Then there's also the fact they might not work right on AMD graphics cards, either.

Not bad, but I think it needs work. You really gotta look forward, look right into the right of your opponent, make them tremble in fear from your dominating pose! That's what Ginyu taught me.

You can only play offline if you get the cracked version, right?

Gold -> Platinum -> Smoking Sick Stylish

>add something that's more like an actual technique even though it still looks like a transformation
Oh neat, finally stepping away from generic power level wankery..
>add SSB2
And here we go again.

Indeed, although i never tried going online, but it's best to be safer than sorry

Shut your heck

N-no u!

Saiyans are pure

She is cute! Would definitely fight her/hang out some time.

Toriyama did nothing wrong.

Aw, isn't she lonely?

Thank you so much!

pure sluts you mean.

She is in most incarnations.
But in a few, such as when she becomes a Time Patroller, she's pretty happy and surrounded by people she loves.

I didn't post that, but thanks!

That's good. Some of my CaCs could use some friends (image related).

Pickle man spotted

Daiko could always use more friends.
Cute pic!

More friends is always nice!

So do new players in xenoverse 2 just have no chance at all? I block or dodge once and I'm out of stamina and they can carry me for as long as they want. I can't find any matches with people at my level.

you're expected to at least finish story mode before jumping into pvp

PVP is always fun!
You can always find a /dbg/ to mentor you. Some are willing. But the hardest thing to overcome for most is trying to hitconfirm during neutral in this netcode which is understandably a crapshoot. If you never warm up to it you'll probably never like pvp.

I wish I understood what half these shaders meant, but I think it's getting there.

Night /dbg/

>Tfw want to draw my CaCs and the CaCs of others
>Like a 5.5/10 drawer

so long as you can draw circles and tubes you're fine. everyone appreciates a cute doodle

The one thing I can't get really is fucking hair, especially crazy DBZ hair.

practice drawing triangles of varying shapes and sizes

Draw them anyway. We'd be happy to see your work regardless of if it sucks or not.

just do orange slices or banana bunches.
besides, with how limited our options are I suspect anons may actually appreciate a bit of 'creative interpretation' of their hairstyles

I still draw them, because fuck, why not.
If you keep practicing it has to stop sucking as much sometime

Draw my CaC

Well, you only get better by drawing more, so ya might as well.

anyone here feel like carrying me through the DLC4 PQs? i just want those damn sword moves

What platform

PC, I should have clarified yeah

why is Final Flash so GOOD?

It's a move created by the Prince, so it's going to be the best

it amazes me that he's goaded two separate opponents into just standing and taking one to the face.

The man's a genius! GENIUS!
>Hey! If you're sooooo strong, why don't you just stand still, lemme charge this up, and blast you

>tfw no one online lets me goad them into standing there and taking it to the face.

Because they both knew it was weakshit

to be fair, cell had to pussy out.

hey bb are you an archaeologist
Because I have a large bone that needs examining