/lolg/ - League of Legends General

to new beginnings edition

loltyler1.com - discount code ALPHA
old thread:

I wanna cuddle Jinx and be her slave *cough*buffswhen*cough*

>Be multi-billion dollar company
>Pour your heart, soul and tears into being LE DIGITAL NFL/NBA

>Some ape dressed up like IWillDominate gets almost as much viewers as everything but the grand final of your NA championship, with its infinite jewgold production shekels and viewbots being unable to hold up to him sitting in a chair screaming occasionally

the absolute state of riot fucking games and their "esports"

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

They were talking about compensation for their banned account

Cait and Vi are the best couple and lovers!!!!

Breeding Jinx.

>tcs was more fun than all of worlds
think about that

i wish

>>I can just imagine him trying to get a refund on his riot purchases


the c-section brought her beneath 40% health which activated her W's passive, "Stubborn to a Fault"

>Some ape dressed up like IWillDominate


Jinx only accepts BBC

his purchases werent yesterday user or are you that fucking stupid that you assume they are?

Too late, Sona's been there, done that.

>Stubborn to a Fault
sounds a bit close to snow fawn btw

the time limit for chargeback is around half a year for say paypal

If I see this shit sketch ever again I will do bad things.

Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.

im at the casino today boyz wish me luck!

comfy bfs~

Where to get Jinx gf?

Which yordle would you breed to ensure future generations of lolg posters??

take $100 and have that be all you use stop after that once its gone.

good luck user hopefully you win!

All of them.

check your local crackhouse, bound to be one there.

Why is t1 such a smug dick
And why everyone honors him
He was 4/4 last game got 3 honors and the 16/3 akali got none

I thought the cringefest known as the Tyler Championship Series would have ended this fucking faggots career. Now hes parading around like a god damn queer dressed as Draven and all the redditors are loving it.

Fucking degenerate.

never lost a fair game, or played one

this is what peak performance looks like

>champ select
>pick Sona
"Sona is the worst support actually"
"This is why you'll never leave this elo"
>check his profile
>47% winrate
I hope none of you guys act like that.

>a boy dresses as a female champ on the stream
>lolg loves it
>a boy dresses as a male champ on the stream
>lolg hates it

>I thought the cringefest known as the Tyler Championship Series would have ended this fucking faggots career.
you mean the thing that got more views than EU LCS ever got? stop posting moron, T1 is /ourguy/.

yeah well you're at the casino, so it's obviously not a fair game, everything is rigged in their favor

Boxbox makes me hard and i want to fuck his boipussy

>tyler1 isn't reddit

>Being this much of a soyboy

get some bloodrush at loltyler1 with discount code ALPHA and get some TEST or jam with the REST

Fucker's head looks like an airgun pellet.

>get a brainlet literally do nothing and occasionally afk under tower Soraka support
>lose the 1v2 lane
>end up coming back and smashing soyboy Ezreal picker cause of Cho Gath jungle and Trundle top becoming part of my goon squad

because he's famous. and tyler honored the akali.

Thanks for reminding me why I hate reddit.

If I play adc my support doesn't pick anything that abuses aftershock ignite I just pick a tank myself because as much as I enjoy being os by an Alistar and then getting dove over and over again I sometimes want to win a game too.

I want to kiss Kled on his yordle lips!

But Sona IS a shitpick you soyboy cuck. Pick an engage tank support.

>tomorrow we will be 1 week away from the CLIMB
user i hope youre ready!
i know i am!
i WILL make it to gold!

Koreans and Riot's shitty balance team are major issues that are killing League's esports scene.

I mean, Riot can try all they can to improve their balance team, but there's really nothing they can do to resolve the overwhelming Korean dominance. I mean, Koreans basically fuck over almost every major esports scene they come across.

i have read it as sheepstick
i want sheepstick in lol

He really seems to LOVE that taco

I remember about 2 years ago where this t1 fag kept calling people redditcucks towards the people who didn't like him.

everyone should strive to be as cute as possible

it's just a guy that got unbanned
you guys don't have to hate everything.

Kled loves tacos almost as much as he love war and dicks!

>he thinks actives are allowed to be good

but who will fuck you then

I'm from australia and I got no ability to improve because everyone is as shit, or better than I am because I am in bronze.
OCE truly is the worst region. no wonder we are considered the worst of in the server list.
I'm constantly getting teased by my room mates who are all diamond which has made me resent these people in real life. but I cant prove them wrong
I am suffering how do I fix myself and gain rank

boys that aren't as cute as me! but you're right user maybe some boys should be alpha

We stomped them and got 2 towers in 10 minutes.
Stop being rude.

I feel like y'all just play this game 24/7 and hate being a shit rank because you don't really have anything else to do

Name a champion with more autistic and obnoxious mains, personality-wise, than Draven mains


why is this? they're not too good at FPS or racing or other stuff, but they make league and starcraft their bitch.

I hate korean dominance in these games, it gets so boring seeing the same boring asian teams win all the time.

shaco signed udyr vayne yasuo riven

>tfw started playing league season 5, got placed silver 4ish, climbed to gold 5 and quit playing ranked (just want skin)
>tfw season 6 rolls around go 5-5 in placements and get gold 3, same in season 7
>tfw will only have to play 10 ranked games to get a free skin now
Now I just play ARAM and rotating mode. Started doing ranked 3v3 for graves skin and players there are mongos compared to even regular ranked.

j h i n

riven, yasuo, vayne, lee sin
any of the bronzord champs really

>Lee Sin

ummmmm.... sweetie...

of course

Fuck Vayne mains, even the saltiest fucking Riven and Yasuo player doesn't stand up to the cancerous Gosu wannabes.

I main support and the most of my shittiest experiences with ADCs have been with Vayne players. Vaynespotting isn't a meme, fuck that champion and the vast majority of people who play her.

>nasus again
>nasus again

I really do not like this champion
tanks are so retarded right now

Kill his entire fucking team, ignore him. That's how you deal with nasus.

i actually greatly dislike vs nasus i feel like no matter what unless i get literally 5 kills on him early he will be relevant at some point


eventually, even if you're shitting on him for the first few levels, he'll just be able to outsustain whatever harass you throw at him due to his passive just giving him a ton of lifesteal. even if you win the lane, you can't really stop him from sitting top and farming until he has sufficient stacks. it's not really possible to keep him from eventually becoming a threat unless you end the game really early.

I just don't like this meme of getting 220 damage every 5 seconds after first back

>destroys your inhibitor

yeah, you're spot on.we don't really have much else to do but play games on our shitty internet and get shitfaced on goon and beer. But I also want to prove myself to my flatmates so they don't constantly throw insults at me about "this is why I'm bronze" whenever I fuck something up in real life. I enjoy playing the game quite a lot, but it's really bumming me out since I try to reach for the top but its not my team that drags me down, its me. I have played over 800 games of league, and started playing when braum was released. I dont know why I am so bad considering the time I have spent on it.

>destroys his nexus

Honestly I don't know what it is about LoL but it just seems... dirty playing it.
over 1k hours of DOTA 2 here and I've tried this for a few hours
Is it just me or does hitting creeps have a delay? Thats my one biggest complaint is hitting creeps
It just feels so unclean and detached from your control

weird thats how i feel about dota and i have like 3k hours on league probably

just go back to dota bro

are you playing janna mid or some shit

last hitting in this game could not be easier

Depends. What champ are you playing? Some champions have really shitty auto attack animations

rate my champion pool

>not making a new runepage every game
brainlet tier

As Jhinfag, I'm gonna have to admit that I unironically agree with your opinion at this point.

Sure, he has his more "normie" or reddit-tier fanbase which are usually toxic teens and college kids who don't really know how to play him for jack, but I'm not gonna deny that some his REAL mains - the real hardcore ones with 100K+ mastery who play him through thick and thin - can be pretty fucking weird.

>have a very good game
>near end of game always derails into bitching at one person because they keep roaming off alone when we could easily ace and push to nexus

its like there are two fucking tanks on the team peeling and dieing for you just to make sure you dont die and you stay alive so we win team fights but you instead choose to fucking ROAM ALONE

Boring and

>Not using dark harvest on literally everyone
unga caveman brain

I just feel weird doing damage. Even when I take out 1/4th of the enemy health bar in a single ability / hit I don't feel like I'm doing damage
Guess i'm just too accustomed

>comet on Jhin

>I main support

>he thinks one win makes the champion any good when he should be playing tank supports

>mfw i dodge anytime the enemy team locks in ornn.

yeah, you thought you were going to play that broken piece of shit didn't you faggot? not this game.

>Late game oriented champs are strong in the late game

>get sona as support
>she tries to poke with her shitty ass skills
>she dies instantly to the engage tank support

Why are you so mad people like playing champs you don't like?

He's balanced since he requires a lot of mechanical skill to play. He's literally the Riven of the top lane.

why not just ban him
using the ban tool that is available to you
>wah because people are just going to play one of the million other broken champs
maybe ur just bad at this game then

woah nasus becomes fucking unstoppable late and he gets there at 15 minutes due to klepto

>get sona as support
>very happy I get to share a lane with someone so pretty
I fixed that for you!