>Schedule for January: 12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You 1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun) 1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses) 1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun) 1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
>all these anons who forgot to pick up their ticket two days ago
Landon Myers
Zachary Lee
I love Lennah! She's perfect in every way and I'll always, always cherish her! I hope she gets a seasonal version soon, with her newfound fame and usage I think it's very possible!
Jackson Butler
>water >good
Camden Davis
Potatoes! I wanna mash em!
Dominic Morris
I am a poor Pole and I need my suptix and costumes. I don't have enough monies to buy draws outside costumes, sup tixes and scam gatchas with limiteds in it(like in the summer) so the lack of each one pains me. Buying scam gatchas outside of those is uneconomical and I don't like it.
Cooper Nguyen
>1 day until RotB
Eli Morris
Since last anniversary every rotb introduced new goldbar in shop.
Bentley Adams
Claiming Arulu
Grayson Powell
Wheres the tix yo.
Nathan Ross
water isn't designed for unga bunga raid desu
also >2k18 >making fuss over bahahl
Thomas Ross
Jonathan Bell
>Veeky Forums dropout, really tall person in an all potato group for some reason, slut, old hag, literal autist
No thanks
Isaac Fisher
Those were planned by HRT
Wyatt Green
Does anyone want to carry me if I host co op? I have 400 pots to use.
Elijah Powell
Remember to get your free blue crystal and 50 gacha crystals from the RBY event daily mission!!!!
Remember to get your free blue crystal and 50 gacha crystals from the RBY event daily mission!!!!
Remember to get your free blue crystal and 50 gacha crystals from the RBY event daily mission!!!!
Remember to get your free blue crystal and 50 gacha crystals from the RBY event daily mission!!!!
Andrew Cook
Eli Murphy
Thanks, good guy user.
Charles Bailey
I was going to say what ticket, but you sound like some poor esl bastard that doesn't know how to talk in full sentences.
Justin Ramirez
Michael Brooks
Earth Clarisse is underrated.
Brandon Jones
I recognize that orgasm!
Jace Brown
Why doesn't the far left one have feet?
Brayden Moore
Sebastian Long
>still need clicks while wind and dirt just click nothing for almost 8 turns
Evan Peterson
sauce pls for research
Luis Sanders
for letting other people steal your mvp sure. you might as well play light
Austin Richardson
Should I get this one too? I'm too lazy.
Landon Taylor
It was every other rotb added a new gold brick dummy.
Jonathan Morgan
Camden Lopez
Yeah, he should have said annivilimilinxpixsuptix instead, la.
Gavin James
Delete this!
Asher Hernandez
>Letting Charlotta be one of the larger ones
William Williams
We do not question Philo's feet.
Angel Collins
get the damascus crystal dumb cuck
Kevin James
um, yes you should get both the blue crystal and dama crystal
Tyler Rivera
scamtix in 20min!
Sebastian Clark
>Not getting the damascus crystal when it'll take 3minutes worth of honors
Evan Bell
>needing bsc
Ethan Miller
gacha changes in 2h20m
Gavin Watson
>vira banner i sleep
Charles Gonzalez
I just started. I can't solo it and I usually get 30k honor before having to ask for help.
Jason Young
I wish I lived in a world where I don't have to click Vorpal Rage every few turns.
Charles Martin
We already know its fan poll right?
Confirmed not scam
Robert Brooks
What's even the point of the fan favorite gacha? Does anyone actually whale this shit without double rates? I guess Shiva and Lucifer are on rate up but still
Jackson Kelly
Give me half
Landon Walker
get the damascus crystal dumb cuck
Isaac Russell
who cares, dama crystals are extremely important you should at least try to get that one
Mason Perez
I dont get why do people hate seanigger
Carson Green
Adam Richardson
These events give out things that are going to be absolutely necessary the deeper you play. Blue crystals, damascus crystals, pots, cp, even that dark urn are all valuable. You should try and get as much as you can.
Parker Bell
DAO Impossible, need some help please.
Samuel Nguyen
Well shit, guess I won't spend money
Kayden Anderson
Got 1 ely 1 gao.
Colton Wilson
Never forget 8.5
Nathaniel Wood
>thinking just because something happens a few times it will happen again lmaoing at pattern losers
Andrew Smith
>dark urn is valuable you get them for spending 8 minutes and 5 bp. Urns have very little value
Bentley Powell
what does ak and strato replace in titan grids
Julian Adams
2 more
Oliver Richardson
you should watch how dirt racer plays, they dont even bother to click any sarasa's skills except GZ
Benjamin Gomez
Liam Turner
meh, they have theyre uses like flb uncap for claws
point is that you shouldnt be lazy and get as much from these events as you can
Luis Myers
baal axe
Ian Wright
Camden Lopez
where do i watch high IQ esports gameplay
Adam Green
Thank you lads.
Jack King
>Clicking GZ >Not pressing her 5 turn 70% echo button user what the fuck
Anthony White
What was the reason you started on your original grid element?
Blake Campbell
give source
Lucas Diaz
Jackson Russell
a whole turn of combat is better than 70% echoes on one character user
Elijah Turner
Watch Yukikaze/Milku/Fluttershy's stream.
Tyler Morales
>Rainbow meta >Don't improve drop rates for it Kill yourself KMR
Cameron Perry
why i cannot activate viramate hidden feature, any help?
Liam Collins
A button press for 70% echoes is absolutely valuable if you multibox.
No because ayer is still better than sieg in that scenario. People only bring sieg to things that ayer has trouble surviving like ubahaHL
Cooper Wilson
>2chan granblue thread talking about how they need to do a tales rerun >Someone posts Rose SSR >Entire thread explodes in autism and shit flinging Never change japan