League of legends general - /lolg/


Riven's toned backside edition

xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no qt petite gf

should I pick up Xayah or Tristana next?


Xayah. Trist does fuck all atm. Like yeah you can kill stuff but for the weirdest fucking reason Trist can't carry a game that wasn't already easily won.

comfy bfs~



I think Riven gave me at the very least a heel fetish.

Why are Rivens in my team always bad?

The targonians killed untold billions by destroying life-supporting stars in solar systems that contained sentient life, as shown by aurelion noticing the most promising of these worlds with life on them and passing on wisdom to them. the targonians are enemies of FREEDOM and aurelion sol is guilty of nothing but pride, and is being held hostage by his captors on the threat of the deaths of the solar masterpieces he created. the targonian SCUM are to blame for the void opening, and they know the only way they can keep their clumsy grip on the pitiful world of runeterra is by using aurelion as a handyman to seal shut gateways to the void, lest they enter and destroy the weakling fool parasites who tried to touch greatness. aurelion sol will welcome the coming of the void aurelion will surely be freed as desperation by his crude primitve jailors, and after he wipes out the void with his unleashed cataclysmic power, he will then turn his gaze onto the targonian menace and create his newest star. a star so brilliant and bright that it will illuminate the galaxy in its birth, the power of which shall come from the near-godly matter of the targonian assholes who captured him, the targonians shall witness the true power of a vengeful god if only for a moment, as they are fed into the swirling vortex of pure energy, coloured the most brilliant of shining white, along with the shackled crown they tricked aurelion into wearing, as they become the stardust they tried and failed to command, for their ultimate hubris, they shall recieve ultimate retribution for the stars they destroyed

aurelion sol commands freedom

>tfw no cuteboy dom bf
They're both pretty similar, Trist is just safer than Xayah thanks to her jump
Like, yeah Bunny Riven's heels are to die for but that pic is just some ribbon wrapped around your legs. cute heels though

This is you adc tonight

faggots get out

akali does beat jax she can avoid every attempt at fighting using shroud until full stacks of ult at 6 where she has the kill potential and jax has to try to outplay by holding stun

yeah based on this retarded reponse and the fact ur a 1 trick on a joke server i'll straight up face fuck u on a lvl 1 eu account with default runes no problem kid lets see that name
1v1 me
u will

post name i will 1v1 you on my smurf

pussies lol

Who is your favorite off-meta top-lane pick right now?
I want to play something other than Yorick as my team forces me to play him but I think most meta picks in top are boring as well.



So happy to see you
Hey again

∞th for the same posts again
and again
and again

Well you're in luck you cutie, you already got my attention~

>lumping me with erping avatarfags

disgusting, you give top laners a bad name and judging by how insecure your posts have been its no wonder youre so threatened by a sissyboy whos obviously a better player than you
fucking trash, jax mains are the most sensitive shrimp dicks on this general

why is this allowed

iv never been afraid

face me mongrels

if you cant carry bot lane with any champion you may as well just be a support cuck this season

>reminder that Riot actually thinks this

Are you cute? this is important, you wont find love if you arent cute

>asking to 1v1
youre genuinely losing my respect every time i see you

>actually was a sissy top main

damn femboys outing themselves

>When the E crits

I picked up Renekton to try and learn top lane and it's kind of fun if you get ahead since you can just dash in and blow someone the fuck up with his empowered W, diving people past towers and not giving a shit.

Do you cover your mouth when you like shy anime girls?

I want to make Riven a mommy and settle with her in a cozy house in the Ionian countryside

>afraid of commitment

then you dont deserve to be loved

>an emperor
>a demigod
>commands an army of undead sand soldiers
>gold everywhere so you know he's rich af

How can other male champions even compete?

good morning swift

by literally not being birds.

Also was Azir actually human at one point? I never cared for his lore but I can totally see them ret-conning him to be Vastayan in nature

When you laugh*

when e procs sheen and crits

Fuck off Swift! Leave some cuties for us.

im demanding it
this is the old way of top lane the honorable combat of our forefathers


What is the best counterpick to illaoi?

Apparently trynd and kayle are doing pretty good against her, anything else?

whatever girlyboy

reminder that buukage is actually a soyboy trap

He died a human and resurrected as a bird god thanks to Sivir... and Cassiopeia kinda.

So unless riot retcons the concept of Ascension then it wouldn't make sense for him to be Vastaya.

soyboy yeah but not a trap, hes not cute enough to be fuckable

eh, riven's aren't high enough for me personally. I like flats/ballet shoes, etc. and 4+inch heels, anything in between just kind of feels pointless. no point in wearing them if you're not going all out

Tell us something we don't know

it's literally true just like healing is cancer is literally true

monkeys just can't understand it

he looks really cute despite being a total fucking tool

t. bukkage

no youre not faggot

prove it! please

that one fag collecting all the /lolg/ shitposter pics has them saved

does he have swift and syndra poster?

I want SWIFT, Syndrafag, Dianafag, CLIMBanon, and ALL ahriposters in my own personal HAREM

legal legends :3

Stop trying to force your shitty heel fetish
its fucking working

ah distinctly i remember, it was in the bleak December...

He accidentally posted a pic of himself on lolg when he was trying to meme of someone. I'd try archives but I forgot what the post contained

yes, I can't control my face when I laugh and it makes me self-conscious

I think you're right but I can settle for being liked

I want love, but it frightens me. it's something you can't take back

I've been told that I'm cute. it makes me happy because it means people like me

thank you

doesn't Swift post with a name?

What about soyboy faggots? :(

does he have a folder?


Anyone that can't die so Tryndaqueer and kayle

>not cute enough
You just haven't seen the rare Majin pics real connoisseurs like I have.

Do you want to be my soyboy, user?

ehh filtered pics like that don't really count and thats not even high tier qt

oh I have
ive seen all his gay ass filter pics, and no hes not girly cute

Reminder that I love Syndranon!

I'm just making friends!

I hope they rename "nevermove" to "nevermore". "nevermove" just sounds silly


I get what you mean.I love my heels even though I wish I've gotten myself a pair of 4 inch slut heels by now
not jinxfags, though?
I just go Quinn; the range, the blind, and getting phage in there for the movement speed to avoid getting tentacled has helped early lane phasing. for me, at least

Personally for me heels are about the part where the stocking clad leg joins the shoe, so any heels that accentuate the ankles are instantly god tier.


This place has made me a lot gayer recently. I'm not really mad about it but it's a weird feel.

>wented to get good with sol because I like dragons
>straight up just boring
shit sucks man

Cait and Vi are the best couple and lovers!!!!

That's super cute. I bet you have a really nice smile.

I hope this image satisfies you

I expect it will not satisfy you

sorry user

I make lolg gayer with just my presence

ok u win im out i just wanted a 1v1but it turned into some gay shit yet again pls stop now


How has it made you gayer user?

No swift stopped posting with a name after he got bullied hard about it, he's the lux avatarfag.

Piss off you fucking shitters. leave and never come back

this is exactly the problem with swain, lore/character-wise he's amazing but the gameplay is just so fucking shit and needs a rework badly

please riot hurry

xth for Leviticus 20 13

nope even with the lewd posting they make this general a lot more interesting and honestly they're nice


thanks for killing my homoboner

I dont even erp or post lewds, the gay just gravitates to me everywhere I post

What drives MF? to kill GP? didn't she already? or is she just a gold digger/driven by greed for money?

Also I like the heels, I'm satisfied, post more though!
Let's play, user, post ign!

>anonymous message board
>now a discuck circlejerk
just do this shit in discord, you're being worse than tripfags right now

the sorry state of lolg

they're gonna fuck him up somehow by making him """""""""""more interactive""""""""""" which is doublespeak for making everything he does pisspoor and stupidly contrived and weird. NOT MY MASTER TACTICIAN


I want you to step on me and force me to suck on your heels

>tfw no riven GF

GP killed her dad


Nope they need to fuck off and if you want to talk to them you can use other means instead of taking a shit in our threads

"headphones" yeah sure

I think I do! the trick is to scrunch my cheeks up and squint my eyes instead of trying to make a smile with my mouth

I'm really happy with how it looks

that's too bad

I think people are far too reactionary about name- and trip-fags. if they're good people then the identifier actually adds to the general. it adds a layer of depth, I think


I post very rarely; usually only when I have something to contribute or I'm drunk

it's better than greentexting about teammates anyway