/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

Demo Day 18 is the 18th entry into the demo day franchise

> Current Demo Day 18

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/74btH1aJ
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/mU021G8w

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


vanessa strong

How was your demo day? Was it a confidence booster or crusher?

I want to die

I give up


real talk, im a virgin

I'm not.

I also have a game.

Post game.

I'm 25 and a virgin. I've accepted that I will be sexless for the rest of my life.

Am I going to make it?

And people say all UE4 games look the same.

Don't make a boobufestu game

Don't worry some characters will be flat lolis.

>webm instead of gif
if you have to ask then no.

>no ass

I prefer Pangea Drifters.

Slight progress. I reworked the way switching targets works, so now it can actually cycle from left to right. But not really from right to left, for some reason it tends to skip some possible targets and I gotta figure out why.
Probably gonna implement it so you can switch up/down too, that could be nice.

Hi anons, I'm streaming the demos again this weekend. Posting the schedule now so there's plenty of time for people to say something if they want me to put something at a different time or day or whatever.

19:00 Vinyl Hunger 2000
19:20 Project Wingman
19:40 Harmon:i:c
20:00 Ex-Carmine
20:20 valentine-404
20:40 SledFree:D
21:00 Dogma: The Golden Age
21:20 Space Jellies
21:40 Space Breakout
22:00 Pseudo Princess
22:40 Halloween Party
23:00 Sweet Fukushu
23:20 Ghost Knight Victis

19:00 HACK the FBI
19:20 Galactic Super Justice Team
19:40 Project Able
20:00 Gunsun Zeros
20:20 Infinite Spire Floor Generation Test
20:40 Switcheroo 2: Electric Boogaloo
21:00 FERAS
21:20 ProcGenLab
21:40 Bloodworks
22:00 Hair Receive Bullet II
22:20 Cash_Out
22:40 RRshooter
23:00 SlimeRPG

19:00 Dungeon Game
19:20 Beany booper
19:40 BreakWeapons
20:00 Mech Chip
20:20 Re
20:40 Project Alchemist
21:00 Baby Redemption
21:20 DinoSorcerer
21:40 South Sectors
22:00 Wasteland Rampage
22:20 Whimp the Bold
22:40 Figura
23:00 StarCraftRL

I would fap so much to the semon demon to the left if the dev bothered to make a better model, he should just ditch all the other characters and focus on her.

That's what happen when humans play God!

what are the chances one of your demo games contains a virus?

It's just an autogenerated character model pls no bulli

>those boobs
that is my fetish

PS I'm going to be downloading them all right ahead of time using the itch app so don't worry about old versions

Ohayo, user-kun! How's your progress today?


Sounds neat, I'll be sure to check it out

How old are u?

I'm 13 months to be 30 and I would like to know if there are anons here who are older than me.

I just feel so alone lurking here and just reading post that I think belong to 20 year old guys.
Or simply asking the same questions I was asking when I started.

It's like spending here make me feel like I'm in the middle of high school and I feel already burn out, miserable, and struggling with being a failure and a fucking mid life crisis at 29.

I do envy the young guys being so naive and full of energy and spirit though.

But is like I'm struggling to be into your cool memes and humour.

Protip = life doesn't get better with age unless you make it by 28.

Streaming link please

Looks good to me.

>It's just an autogenerated character model

For once its good of your to ask, dumb anime. Learning how to load assemblies at runtime for DLC purposes

>I just feel so alone lurking here and just reading post that I think belong to 20 year old guys.
But cris, you always act like the most underage here by posting dumb frogposts all the time.
Why aren't you working on your game instead?

31 virgin here

ban this retarded underage frogposter please

His 2d art is much better.

what about feeling dead inside

28 khv here, I feel you my dumb frogposter.

Cool that you're doing this again

Thanks user, it'll mean a lot to dozens of us

>the middle one was actually a boy this whole time

Blender plugin by some italian guy, you choose a bunch of settings and it generates a mesh for you. I made the ass as big as I could without it looking completely retarded.

I can't even install new software with a geforce 8400GS a dual core and 3GB RAM.

how I am gonna make games if I can't even download beta of godot (opengl 3.0)

I can't even use zbrush without fucking memory crashes.

Also I don't even have a midi keyboard to make music.

get a job

35 here, i'm working out and no-excuse-devving since monday
it's not too late to try turning your life around, user

>since Monday
>today is Tuesday

I want to make a knight & mage game, top down RPG with some puzzles, interactions and combo between the two characters
now, to choose
>old man knight & loli witch
>shota knight & oneesan witch
>oneesan knight & shota wizard
>loli knight & old man wizard

no degree and no job experience and nobody will hire a 29 year old for no experience junior jobs.

but the whole point of ganedeving is to not wageslave, right?

Oneesan knight + loli witch

thank you for stating the obvious, user


sebas tian knight and solution witch

If it's not something weird, I liked putting Jelanda and Arngrim in a party.

that was a serious question

Reminder that Vincent van Gogh didn't start drawing until he was 27. He was turned away by art teachers because he was so shit they didn't even want to teach him. But he kept practicing while being a wagecuck. The only person who even liked his art was his brother. He moved back in with his parents around 30 and even his parents told him he was wasting his time making art. He still never gave up. It wasn't even until he was 37 or something that he sold a single painting.

One of the most celebrated painters of all time spent most of his early life being a non-artist and being shit at art until he got good. You are never too old to start making your dreams come true.

Reposting montage of dd games incase anyone missed it last thread :)

Early30sfag here, theres a strawpoll somewhere with agdg ages, it really drops off sharply. People over 30 on here are like 10% or fewer

But just like being an oldfag isn't about age but about mindset, I like that agdg is so young. It keeps me in that mental space of fun and excitement and experimenting and memes, which is good for learning. Don't view yourself as an outsider, try to keep the dream of youth alive. Because we have a lot more in common with eachother, even with a decade of age difference, than we do with normies our own age

>tfw I'm 27
>tfw I could be the next Van Gogh if I wasn't so lazy

He also died penniless, homeless, sick and alone. He didn't get famous until years after his death.

I'm more the Kurt Cobain type, honestly

better that than being a wagecuck

that's me, I'm too avant-garde for the normies of today

updated image


>Because we have a lot more in common with eachother, even with a decade of age difference, than we do with normies our own age
true say fellow oldfag

>everyone using multiplatform engines
>33 windows
>6 linux and mac

Where's Squaredev?

Wew lad I had no idea UE4 could look so shitty.

I'm doing this except with furry milfs

Those tits look like hitomi tanakas tits look right now.
This is not a good thing.

It depends, there are circumstances where a company will hire you as a programmer if you can show you know how to program, and they're desperate. I got hired with no experience and no degree, and honestly most of the programmers in the discord are beyond what the college graduates I worked with knew about. Its not hard to be a better programmer than the "competition" if you dev erryday

post more Edobean

>This is not a good thing

Cris can't program, he has literally zero skills.

i made a dancing cube

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Iwata ;A;

I will be waiting for it.

True, there is still a factor of luck to get famous while you're alive. And there is still luck needed to get famous after dying too.
But even still, he never gave up and he improved a lot, and he did it all well into his adult life. If he gave up no one would even know his name today.
So you could give up and never even have a chance. Or just do it and possibly make something that people will like.

wrong thread r-tards

good post

Unity or UE4 for FPS dev?

UE looks like it's made for this shit.



44 here and feeling fine nowadays, but I know what you mean. Mid 30s I had a sort of burnout thanks to being an underpaid codemonkey wageslave working overtime to meet silly deadlines almost every week. Shitty gold digger wife kicked me out of the house claiming that I had an affair, thanks boss. But hey, if it doesn't kill you it makes you grow stronger.


That's how I dance.

Whatever doesn't kill you just keeps you alive to suffer another day.


It'll probably be at twitch / prettysober, unless people want me to use youtube. I almost used that last time but I'd fucked up my OBS settings and switched platforms while trying to fix the problems from it.

I always start new projects, and start to lose motivation when I'm confronted with the need for UI.
I'm just terrible at designing it. I'm not even talking about making it beautiful, I mean the user experience.
Any help in Unity for this? any samples, assets, guides, on how to make a decent UI

copy other games


we need to get revenge on these speedrun retards, post progress in the AGDQ threads

Being a hedonist, I never understood that attitude about life being suffering. Everybody goes through some rough patches now and then, but if you don't spend the rest of your time with the pursuit of bliss, what are you even here for? Might as well end it right now if you don't enjoy being sentient and alive.

Literally doesn't matter unless you have prior experience with either. C# is probably easier to learn than C++.

2 please

UE4 is superior and you don't even need to touch C++.

Sup Toady.

Prior experience with both, but figured that something might apply (licensing, performance, resources, etc.)

I could use the practice with cpp I guess.

My continued existence irritates the fuck out of people. I stay alive just to annoy them.

how is high school going?