/aog/ - Attorney Online General

Missile Edition
/aog/ is a place to primarily discuss Attorney Online but also Ace Attorney in general.
Whether you want to talk about your favorite cases or characters it's all welcome here.

>What is Attorney Online?

In short: It's multiplayer Ace Attorney.
AO is a virtual chatroom/courtroom mix which we use to perform improvised AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Class Trials, Jury Cases, Investigations and more! Choose from a wide selection of AA characters (and guest characters), pick a position (Defence, Prosecution, Judge, Witness, etc.) and dive into a whirlwind of logic, banter, theories and memes.

Come join us on our server:
Attorney Online Vidya (Dedicated)

>The Main Reference Doc (contains AO downloads, rules, FAQs, polls and more):
Be sure to check there for the Quickstart Guide!

>/aog/'s Must Watch Playlist

>Gameplay footage?
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Alternatively, you can look through our Case Archive to find completed documents and recordings of cases:

The Christmas Update is out, including Haori from DGS2, as well as a number of meme songs/sad music
Happy New Years!

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Previous thread:

That is not a good doggo.

there are no bad doggos

Alright so if there's anyone here from this case:
I believe I (Steno) owe you guys somewhat of an apology for just up and rage-quitting instead of making sure the position was covered before leaving.

Seems I was lucky and didn't cause much trouble since it was right by the case's end, so at least I'm glad about that.

And, to the one dude that wanted me to mail the doc to them, I totally lost your e-mail, I'm really really sorry. I hope the doc finds it's way to you anyway.

>42 fucking pages


on page 10 already

/aog/ dead?

Last thread died without a link to the new one, so the general will take some time to come back.

Ah, so it seems

That's unfortunate. Well, time to bump it then

Some cases are even longer.

>big band gets vetoed
>this gets in without being voted on

thanks anongrill


I don't fucking believe you.

It also seems like Veeky Forums is absurdly fast today for some reason, there's a lot more generals up right now. 23 minutes ago last post was made and already /aog/ is at Page 10.


>It's true
What the fuck?

Someone post the adachi image

Which one?

Genuine question: how come no one posts screencaps in here anymore?
Is it because people are afraid of posting low quality ones? Or don't want to be accused of posting yourself?
It was one of the better parts of the thread that redeemed itself.

Back then seeing someone like Miles say "imcompetent" was genuinely fucking hilarious. Now? That's just a normal thing.

Yeah true, but it's always a nice way to keep a memory of a case alive. It doesn't have to be super hilarious to us per se, but for people who have no clue what AOV is about, screencaps are a fun way to introduce them to the madness.
It should be considered less a "lolrandomfunnyjoke" that has to make you laugh and more a memento of a fun case.

>Genuine question: how come no one posts screencaps in here anymore?
People don't tend to take them anymore outside of stenos.

Even then people often don't fish them out of the doc after the case.
I always kind of assumed that's what cast pics were for, but I guess you cant always count on those. Pic related, it was a trainwreck but one I will remember fondly.

Yeah people don't post even cast pics anymore. Kinda sad really.

Cast pics and character nicknames are part of the old AOV experience.

nu-AOV just has lame callwords based on their OOC.

>Simon saying edgy superfluous nonsense the entire Linkin Park case

In hindsight turning a celebrity suicide into a murder case the fucking day of the news being revealed was a bad idea.

>It's true
Of course, Verin saying to "Just put it in like lupa put in L" means grill is going to listen to him, and is not just making the meme knuckles emotes to be memes.
Verin saying to do it makes it true, wow. I had no idea he ran the server. He truly is a better mastermind than Rhoda ever was.

Bruddahs, let me sho u de wei.
You need to not follo de Wei of de deval

Kys Verin

Oh look, Rhoda. Right on cue.

can't wait for fluffles, kazukino, and justice to use this as their next AAI "Chrono"

Kys Verin

haha XD

pls no


It's time for the general... to end.

You can just discuss the game with the discord :^)

Sounds gay

why is doggo so angry now?

I don't have any funny ones.

Detective here.

We appreciate the work you put in. I know that some cases are a right bitch to docfag for.


I will always remember this fondly as my second case even if it was a ginormous trainwreck.

I'll add to my list. Wei Chrono or VR chrono?



Name a bigger meme than >the defendant's semen being found at the scene


>when Butz is the best part of the case so far
Him with Edgeworth is a great combo

Reminder that difficulty selection and anything involving semen are gigantic memes that more often than not screw over a case.

This is not canon athena though.

Makes me wonder if a case made and run with the express purpose of referencing every conceivable AOV meme and in-joke could go without crashing.

Do you really think the quality players we have here would be able to keep it in their pants long enough to not crash?

Judging by what I know over many cases over various times over the past few years - possibly.

You have a lot of faith in these memers

Of course.

Hello Ace Attorney General.

I just finished replaying that 2-4 case. I'd say it's really saved quite a lot by the last day. The first day is kinda shit in retrospect. The twist is also really bad and evidence usage is sort of unflexible. Franziska at the end is really touching I wanna fuck her shame that her character never developed in the Investigation games.

>that spoiler
I agree.

You do not comprehend the force you invoke.

Make peace with your false Gods

The end times are near

stop it you maniac!




(it's for the main series only, no spin off games - I'm gonna do that when this gets popular so probably never )

>add soj but not aai because "muh spinoff"

Can we get more rips from the 3D games? I would really like the bomb guy from DD and Armie from SoJ.

Fuck off my OC and third parties are more important.

Spirit of Justice is a Gyakuten Saiban game.

Not a Dai Gyakuten.

Not a Gyakuten Kenji.

Shit taste. Godot is one of the worst characters, and he's 1st on your list. Juniper and Scuttlebutt are also pretty damn bad, in the end you just fall for random waifu bait.

Definitive ranking is pic related. Especially the first 30 and the last 10, all else is filler.

>literal plot device shitty lolibait as 31
>the best waifu in the entire series as well as a top tier character below 70
do yourself a favor and neck yourself before you talk about anyone's shit taste

>Godot is one of the worst characters

How the fuck can anyone unironically think this?

Among prosecutors he is only better than Klavier who is the actual worst and most obnoxious character ever from all series. Though funny enough in my list Machi and Lamiroir were ranked below him. Godot is the perfect bait for pseudo-intellectuals who think coffee references are "as deep as the fragrance of a hot morning coffee" (woah!).
Lolis are my weak spot and Armie is the best loli in the series. Pearl sucks as a loli, but I put her high up there because I was thinking of her teenager version.

>Trucy Wright 6

Stopped reading there. Trucyfags always have the worst taste.

>You fall for random waifu bait
>1/3rd of his list is waifubait
>1st is Manfred "MUH PERFECT RECORD" von Karma

Holy shit kill yourself now any time please

>Prosecutor power level debates

is there anything more autistic

anyway godot is a villain with the most depth in the series and you have bad taste

You know what?

I'll tell you my deepest Ace Attorney secret.

In my last year of high school, I unironically wrote a 5 page literary analysis on my top 10 favorite characters, especially focused on my top 5 -Godot who had an entire page dedicated to him, Miles Edgeworth,
Phoenix Wright who had a page together and Maya Feye and Franziska Edgeworth who had half a page dedicated to them together.

I really hope this isn't serious. His character is unidimensional as fuck. Had no development at all. It's also stupid "muh waifu" garbage. Miles is the prosecutor with the most depth, which is expected since he has two games and appeared in many mainline games too.
Manfred will always be the best prosecutor though. He makes you feel adrenaline when playing. Presses you against the wall and then starts punching you in the stomach continuously. His character is simple and elegant. He does not TRY to have good motives or be morally superior to the other characters like the obnoxious shithead Godot is, he is just a prideful prosecutor that wants to send people to jail to keep a perfect record.








way to miss the point that godot was a foil to phoenix, his fall from grace, and the way his "cool" personality leads him to make several stupid decisions in order to earn a redemption he didn't need to earn.

>that entire manfred gushing

so you like him because he's an obnoxious cunt, one-dimensional with a shitty movie, and is evil for the sake of being evil.

fucking brainlets i swear


Please commit suicide. I guess hating Godot goes hand in hand with the ultimate shit taste.

Where's Payne in all this?


>OBJECTION *unzips scroll* heh....putrid pepper..... *waxes philosophical* ur wrong heh.... let it go :^)


>anywhere other than shit-tier

buncha soyboys in the general tonight i'll tell you what

Payne is above everyone.

as a godotfag i can agree with that desu

Why does anyone say Godot's a bad prosecutor when he took the path of least resistance with Phoenix?

He doesn't come up with convoluted explanations or conjecture, he realizes 90% of the time Phoenix is a bluffmaster who builds his cases on conjecture and demands evidence which, surprise surprise, Phoenix doesn't have most of the time.

He also tricks Phoenix into getting Ron out of a theft charge and into a murder indictment. The only reason he "loses" is because all of Phoenix's clients are innocent and it wouldn't be a game if he won.

Exactly because of that. He puts up no fight, just like Klavier. Worst prosecutors.

the people that hate godot fall into two camps

1. brainlets that don't understand his character arc and personality and why it contributes to his dumb decisions (he doesn't make dumb decisions for no reason)

2. aovfags that hate prosecutors who use the OP tactic of asking for evidence

>constantly calls out nick's bullshit and asks for any proof to hold up his paper thin arguments
>no fight
>comparing him to a faggot who literally hands apollo a case because "muh truff :^)"

fuck off m8

>Verin hates Veeky Forums

Verin's right. The server's Veeky Forums roots got it Verin and that toddler attentionwhore anongrill.

Blackquill still takes the top spot for me for being able to do what Manfred pulls off without autistically prepping everything, and being the only prosecutor who actually investigated and was able to consider other suspects than the first person he sees

Verin is not originally from Veeky Forums by his own admission.

He openly admitted his roots on tg/station so whatever.
And you didn't deny anongrill.

>Gato is this petty
Man, you even ousted yourself with your white discord.
Lupa was talking about shit-stirrers who need to be banned, and it looks like you ousted yourself as one of them. Good work man.

hi gato!

>Gato is a thread shitposter
Nothing new under the sun.

>not only is it white background, it's gato's timezone too.
Oh holy shit my sides, you cannot make this salty shit up.