Boomrat farms edition
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Boomrat farms edition
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fuck i made another one at the same time, ignore that one use this one.
This is how you deal with amphibians
truly the best animal to farm
>on a wooden fucking floor
>Remember that place we raided with the 4 of us a week ago?
>I just heard they built a small cabin
>and they made a t-shirt
>let send 15 people this time
>grab the explosive and the machine guns
Anyone want any steam only mods?
You laugh, but somewhere there's a faggot who's making tons of money from selling his infinite chemfuel.
what difficulty are you playing on?
(also, anyone wanna throw some mod suggestions for moar/varied factions out here?)
>cheating mods
W-will you get me Grayer Morals p-player? I'm kidding. I bought it on Steam because I am actually like to support the official release.
wut? do boomrats shit chemfuel or something?
fucking post timer, reeeeeee
It's literally one person and he samefags and shitposts about everything he can to harvest (You)s. He does it because he thinks he is the only thing keeping the general alive when in reality he is driving people away from it.
I managed to stop a 30 people raid but I'm about to have 19 wounded prisoners for my gulag.
How long before they attempt to break out of prison?
>he's too socially inept to have thirty good friends who are always down for ultra-violence, and unfair fights
if they are from pirates just let the shit ones die on the ground and dont rescue them. otherwise that sounds great for a doctor to boost his stat and +relations with factions
Yes, boomalopes and boomrats produce chemfuel.
Yeah. They shit out chemfuel like crazy once you tame them.
Very soon. Ready the hounds.
wait, who are we ignoring?
Its like playing as the viet cong.
>Settling into a mountain
I ve had so many infestations that i avoid doing it anymore.
Posts you don't like aren't necessary shitposts. Also there is more than one person, AND you can get banned for false reports so be careful.
>capture raiders for gulag
>one of them is on the luciferum
>release him because fuck that noise
>he goes into withdrawal half way to the edge of the map
>flies into a rage and punches a squirrel
>the squirrel kicks his ass six ways from sunday then goes back to nibbling grass
I don't know why you guys talk shit about charge rifles.
Claymores from the Medieval times mod are OP as fuck, too.
quickly, tame the squirrel and release it on your enemies
and harvest the guy's oragns
This screenshot makes me want to have to possibility to make a space station colony.
Why is this allowed?
we need a space station simulator...
>to /egg/!
>All that wasted steel
Damn, still that looks nice.
Adventure mode when?
that big laser isnt a mod
Did someone say, space station colony?
Theres already a space station simulator, its called Space Station 13, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums have servers.
I just can't catch a break.
So what exactly do drugged ribs do? I put it into one of my guys who has a chemical fascination in hopes that this thing might not let him go on drug binges anymore so I can produce painkiller ribs
Nothin' personnel. No damage taken.
I got lucky with the spawns though.
>not wanting to grab the shotguns from the armory and rallying to replace all the air in a corridor with buckshot
You're missing out user. I had a scene straight out of half life occur when I had bugs invade my mountain fortress from inside the medical facility.
He will lead the charge against the next raid.
For some reason CE fucks with my mechanoids. They are only trying to melee me if they aren't even focusing my wooden fence, so at this point I'm not even afraid of them anymore... is it CEs fault? How can I fix this?
Fucking hypothermia.
Also fuck the retarded apparel system that says I can't wear a parka over a plate carrier.
I'm pretty sure if my fucking life depended on it I could find a fucking way.
>those smashed windows.
Jesus fuck- its like alien swarm.
While I do the same spread out position than you, I go melee after killing the tiny ones.
How do you penetrate the worms with bullets? Mine do nothing to him
No idea, I don't use CE.
Something doesn't add up.
So a siege happens in toxic fallout. Is it better to wait for them to die or to intervene before they set up?
Remove CE, bad mod anyway.
>While I do the same spread out position than you, I go melee after killing the tiny ones.
Melee is a good option to deal with centipedes because it constantly interrupts them and stunlocks them.
If you're using guns you just need to use a lot of bullets. My colonists have charge rifles and automatic shotguns, which put out a lot of DPS.
The reason I didn't close into melee is because they're wearing armour with good protection against sharp damage but bad protection against blunt damage.
laugh as they die from radiation
Instead of entering the laboratory to engage the bugs, I had the pawns shoot out the windows to draw them out.
Almost salty enough to reload a save. She was my researcher.
Ah well.
Not having Rimjobworld is cheating
They are bugged in the current CE PreRelease version but have been already fixed for the next update.
You can either go to the github and clone the latest release ( A18 i think ) or just wait for the actual release which will be soon anyways.
>not playing permadeath
blah, such a shame, I tried it out and really enjoyed it. For the first time a Squirrel can't fucking knock out a human in a fisht fight
What mod is that bar from and does it actually let a colonist serve drinks?
Not him, but I don't play on permadeath just because of mods fucking with things sometimes.
welp, all my kangz died of aids, time to start anew
t. Has never fought an space squirel
I think its just a mod for tables to make them modular.
Not sure what my strategy here is.
I realise too late that my embrasures are poorly laid out, allowing centipedes to blast at all 4 colonists at once.
(forgot pic)
pull back to draw them in, then EMP the choke point.
I sure do enjoy losing hours of work!
Fuck this. In future I'm just going to cheese with killboxes. You can't play the game without cheating and the game because trivial when you do.
Why does Tynan fail at balance?
Why not delete the raids with dev mode?
because the game is literally battle with tynan not a colony sim. it's like every update he just adds shit to make it harder like he added infestations and sappers but people find way to cheese anyway, so instead of doing shit like actual faction population, raid traveling etc. he will just add more difficulty shit
Didn't have any EMPs, but I did pull back to bring them into range of my autoshotguns, to no avail.
Partly it was my fault for laying out the defences poorly, but if I'd laid them out optimally I'd just be killboxing.
I honestly only use killboxes for tribals. I have a squad of super soldiers with snipers to take care of everything else.
>stuffing all his people into a deathhole ready to have his shit kicked in by a single inferno missile
>doesn't have emp ammunition to slow down the mechanoids advance
>he fought the centipedes in a tiny enclosed space where they had the advantage instead of having several snipers ready to kill them at long distances where they cannot fire back.
You are just bad at the game buddy.
You had the tools- all you needed to do was set up a skirmish area in the lake - you're basically immune to inferno cannons at that point and can EMP or grenade blast them to hell. from around the conner.
Is pic related considered a killbox?!
Fucking deadly motherfuckers!
Alright, waiting game it is!
But I don't think so.
This colony is over.
Time to install more mods and start again.
>get the minify everything mod so i can reinstall production benches and shit
>it lets me uninstall and reinstall filled graves
so is an uninstalled grave like the fucking phantom zone or something?
Lol you set it up and equipped your colonists in a way that they'll always outrange you. Learn to use funneling and flanking melee bumrushes.
Yeah - I leaned my lesson from fighting 8 of the fucker that you CANNOT fight with battle lines against centipedes. all of their weapons are AoE and are designed to break static defenses.
As if embreasures by the longwalk in water don't count as killbox.
Yours are strange ones though, they seem to let bullets through.
Anyways, it seems like it is your fault of not spreading pawns.
At least I managed to cure her cancer and fix one of doggo's eyes before I died.
>just make infinite snipers and kite forever
Might as well killbox at that point lad.
>>doesn't have emp ammunition to slow down the mechanoids advance
CE is a bad mod and I don't use it.
If I fought them in the lake I would have to either expose my pawns without cover or reduce my frontage to three or four pawns, maximum.
>As if embreasures by the longwalk in water don't count as killbox.
If you think that counts as a killbox you have no idea what killboxes actually are.
I didn't abuse trap mazes, I didn't use IED chambers, I didn't make a fuckhuge furnace.
Am I the only one using literal super soldiers to defend the colony?
Nah, but it takes time to build them. Time and ressources
>Bunching up colonists to battle things that use weapons designed to punish bunching up
Rip in peace
Is Tynan a chad? He kind of looks like one
>he hadn't installed all of the mods already
>go as far as to download literal cheatmods like firing through walls
>still manage to lose against 4 pathetic centipedes
I want to let you know I beat 3 centipedes and a scythe with my 5 starting tribals in an "open" area. No armor, 1 rifle, 1 mace, and 3 short bows
All I needed was a straight wall generated by the game, 6 tiles long, and I defeated them all.
You suck.
It's not that difficult. I had half of the defensive team with advanced bionics by my third year.
Then again my production room is pretty autistically made for shitting out as much equipment as possible.
He has a similar understanding of what makes a good game as a Chad, so maybe.
I asked this last thread and no one answered. But do colonists talk and what not while caravaning together?
whaddaya reckon lads, good starting spot?
> bulletstorm
> a 2 damage per shot weapon
why? why?
I don't think so? I've never noticed or checked desu, but since its the simplified system we may never know.
>kite endlessly and stunlock centipedes in melee
Wow, you must be very proud of your achievements.
How the fuck are you getting that many mechs if you don't have anything except what you essentially start with?
My last post fucked up, but I use it to deal with animals or guys trying to close into melee. It works pretty well when you have 4 guys with them.
>Heat Wave
>Colonists eye burst into fire and everyone dies
Looks good
He's lying you fucking idiot.
He's the shitposter trying to stir up pointless drama because he thinks it keeps the thread alive - as if the thread is worth keeping alive when it's 99% him replying to himself.
Just report and ignore him.
Because of mods dragging the tribal and medieval stage.
My third raid were those centipedes. Loved it tho, one of them dropped a minigun. The others were incendiary.
the fork of the river- so you have something to protect you against the torrents of flames coming your way.
What the fuck are you talking about? Is this what the general is about? People reporting others for sharing stories?
>Is Tynan a Chad
yes robots are gay
>A guide to engineering experiences
>Every page is just a wikihow cartoon on how to give blowjobs.