AGDQ 2018, Day 3
Stream: twitch tv/gamesdonequick
Current game: Super Mario 3D World
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AGDQ 2018, Day 3
Stream: twitch tv/gamesdonequick
Current game: Super Mario 3D World
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Im pretty sure i can do SM3DW in 2 hours casually.
alright get to it
>big jon forced into indentured servitude by Gulag Done Quick LLC
>GOLF status: not given a chance
Has there been any new WRs so far? Or at least PBs? Been busy as fuck so I’m going to miss most of it.
Burnout Paradise got a WR, but that's literally the only dude who did any runs on the game + he was fucking awful at it.
I think like two
Every fucking normie and even reddit is calling it out and wondering what the fuck has happened to the event and what is up with the weird tranny shit.
I doubt half of these donations are even legitimate. "long time watcher, first time donator" Nobody fucking donates with this message anymore, they're just using that to seem legit with their laundering.
>le quirky numale
why didn't he do The Face™
Who is your favorite gdq'er ?
>behind the sciences
hows gdq this year guys
>watching AGDQ instead of supporting /ourgirl/ Cyberdemon531 ( as she goes for the Forbidden Memories WR
Worse then last. Surprising, I know.
spike and blechy
nice shilling kid
how was getting kicked out
>man with glasses and beard
>automatically a numale
man, think before you meme
Fuck off
Enjoy your ban
unironically more convincing than any single tranny i have seen at this event
What are you playing while watching the marathon?
I am training to run this puzzle at SGDQ2018.
Okay really someone explain that last fucking run to me
They made it so the couch on camera had two people who didn't even talk during the run, one wasn't even fucking mic'd, and the guy who did the talking through 90% of the run was off camera. They did this just so the """""girls""""" could get on camera?
Majoras Mask
Millennium Racer
i read somewhere that this was claris' first time presenting at a gdq as a girl(male) so she had her trans friends all on the couch.
kirbymastah is a fucking cis male who is a respected metroid speedrunner so they had him off screen.
doing some hollow knight any%
I'm playing mild disappointment and depression.
thats fucking linetrap you goddamn normie
is that why spike was on miles' couch yesterday with some other nu-male
>Gibs me attention
>justify my decisions
>we are real girls hear us roar
you just know deep down 9 out of 10 of the people there are just pretending and they actually are disgusted by all this tranny shit including the organizers and hosts
Ah picking up the run your parents mastered how nice.
>just the tip
He's getting banned.
It's the elephant in the room r*ddit doesn't want to admit to seeing.
>just the tip
reddit was ripping on the trannies yesterday. the mods purged all wrongthinkers.
wew, can always rely on danganronpa for subtle and tasteful humor.
Well at least we can all be disappointed in me.
Jesus christ these guys are such sleeping pills. No energy in the voice and nothing interesting to say.
>be me
>straightest straight man to ever straight
>be on Veeky Forums /gif/ looking for honest oldschool guy on girl action because I'm straight as fuck
>somewhere between all the cuckold threads, bbc threads, and scat/piss threads
>while I'm browsing I see a thread where guys are jerking off to other guys with breast implants
>decide that, even though I'm super straight and it kills my boner, I must enter this thread
>I must remind its participants how fucking gay and unstraight they are by replying >she to every single comment
>I must watch every gif and webm with excruciating attention with my totally soft not hard dick so I can say that people who watch this are fags
>I must ensure that the post/image ratio on these threads is in the double digits
>I have been doing it everyday for years and years and years
>I do it for the love of God and vagina, because these unholy fags will listen to me in my infinite wisdom if I continually berate them
I bet it will work eventually.
a while back i was interested in re4 speedruns so i youtubed some tutorials and found a long video tutorial by a youtube user called cyber demon. so i clicked on it and watched most of it but the whole time something was 'off' about the person commentating the video, the youtube user called cyberdemon.
i couldn't explain it but they kept trying to be informative but really it kept coming across as if they didnt know what they were talking about. they also kept trying to be funny but it always somehow felt insincere and even condescending.
i can't really explain it but i couldnt watch the whole video because it was just 'off' i don't know how else to describe it. everything i've read about cyberdemon since then, i don't doubt. just because they came across as a total weirdo pushing faux-charisma and faux-charm really hard in the re4 speedrun tut video.
>Looks like vsauce guy
That is the numale look, sir. He may not necessarily be one but that's how they look.
with or without oob? would you recommend learning it? i was interested at first and then fell off as soon as i saw all the stupid oob / storage stuff.
>, sir
apply yourself
this but unironically
>actual cute girl on the couch
you're the type of shitter who thinks literally everyone but you is a 'numale'
you can just tell this guy has black rectangular glasses, brown eyes, and a beard.
>cute girl
pol gets butthurt when confronted outside of their safespace
This run is not terrible and they are having some fun will they get banned?
marxists are fine with mediocrity. it's anything exceptional that they attack.
Hello fellow "female" how is your day?
it seems you are upset by being reminded you are gay for liking people with xy chromosomes
its only a fact user
Heil Hitler! Final Solution 100% WR now!
She's the cutest
A bullet in the head
that's not yellowkillerbee
>watching one of cyber's memeruns he does to piss off people on for useful information
Look at all those mentions of GDQ's sheckles..
i don't keep up with all the speedrun drama and memes. i only loosely follow the scene and occasionally get bored and search youtube for speedrun commentary.
it had a solid ratio of likes and number of views though. still the video was full of unfunny jokes and weird comments that give a really weird impression.
>Employees 29
is this real life?
i used to lurk his stream because i was interested in running x6 at one point. its comfy but kind of hard to watch because his stream is like an echo chamber of really weird inside jokes and puns
>The Gayman Community
I sometimes wonder who those retards are that spend like 200 bux on this shady organization. How many of those donations are actually fake?
>literal aryan goddess
>for fat antisocial neckbearded gamers
i think you're underestimating the number of insecure, soulless nu-male late 20/early 30 something year olds working $80k+ IT jobs who spend all their money like good consumers on video game merch and donating/subbing to twitch streamers for 5 seconds of fame because the idea of being frugal and investing is beyond their comprehension (and programming to be a mindless consumer)
>is that loss
This has been a comfy run thus far, if only for the atmosphere.
Not saying it's the best or stellar, but it does what it needs to and the couch is on point. There's no PSA or secret agenda making the game second banana.
Bowser x Peach 4ever
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
no it's not
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
The run is alright, nice couch and host
But this fucking audience holy shit
no it's not