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Void Elves>Nightborne
*drops mic*
i love this image
>tfw this game puts me to sleep but my gf loves it
What the fuck do I do?
go prep the bull while she runs lfr
undead elf allied race soon
neck yourself
never have to worry about either ever again
Hey /wowg/, I haven't played retail WoW since BC, but the next expansion looks cool and I decided to start playing again now just to be levelled by the time it comes out. Is there anything I should know early, and is there a realm most Veeky Forums dudes play on? Also my main used to be a hunter. Are they still in a good place?
fat retard
- US - Sargeras Alliance
- US - Wyrmrest Accord Horde
- Argent Dawn (EU - Alliance)
Anybody play on Moonguard - Alliance? I want some RP bros.
1) you should know there's a lot of rep grinding in legion required to play the allied races in bfa
2) this guy posted the guilds3) They are, but don't play survival. It's not real
>Is there anything I should know early
You're not going to enjoy levelling
>is there a realm most Veeky Forums dudes play on?
There are a few casual/RP guilds on realms like Argent Dawn / Moon Guard, but you probably don't want to roll there unless thats your thing.
>Also my main used to be a hunter. Are they still in a good place?
All specs in the game are viable outside of Mythic raiding. Hunters specifically are fine though. Not doing so hot in the current tier, but they've been solid.
>Horde guild is on an RP server
>and is there a realm most Veeky Forums dudes play on
not really any guild posted here has at most 3 alts online
there is only ERP
is an 8/11M guild on Illidan (Horde) that needs YOU! We are always recruiting. Check us out:
>There are a few casual/RP guilds on realms like Argent Dawn / Moon Guard, but you probably don't want to roll there unless thats your thing.
Well fuck. I just don't know anyone currently playing retail and I was hoping to have some people to talk to while I get back into the game. But I'd like to get back into raiding and doing pvp so I don't know how much I want to join a casual/RP guild
limit used to have a few wowg players, but I guess you're not going to get in that guild
>that fat ass and thighs on that bunny human
>try to do a mythic +2
>tank left followed by the heal and the 2 dps later
great game
Yeah I wouldn't either, thats why I'm not in a "wowg" guild.
Just join a big server like Silvermoon (Alliance) or Draenor (Horde) and you'll do fine. If you're US someone else can probably tell you a good server.
There's a horde /wowg/ guild on Illidan, wait for that to come back from the dead.
No, really, I plan on resurrecting it shortly since literal who is never coming back and the other guild isn't exactly a social guild.
Who do I contact about joining ?
He forgot to put the premier wowg only guild on Illidan Horde, which is now 11/11m unlike the alliance guild which is stuck on feldogs
>spam threads are now allowed on the forums
>some guy made a thread criticizing this and his thread was promptly deleted
lol the mods are such faggots, even though he was being a bit autistic complaining about it
>which is now 11/11m
No it isn't.
Even when it's not the aussies, it's the aussies.
Would you guys take someone who is levelling from scratch? Don't have access to the email from my BC account and I forgot the password
uhh yah it is, wowprog won't update it cause bugged blizzard api, but here's a tgish raider with the 11/11m title on
fuck off polymath you're quite literally not tricking anyone, don't fuck with the newfags like this
It's not hard to get into a Veeky Forums guild. It might be harder to get them to take you to raids but maybe they will do high-end dungeons with you.
god where the fuck is the quest to get the Arms hidden appearance
on Illidan-horde will take you, but it's pretty fucking dead right now.
Got like 4 recruits from the thread today but I'm not gonna give you any illusions about us being able to raid until we steal more NFA refugees and peopel like you start coming back to the game.
I want to raid with this guild but how creepy/weird are all of you?
I'm not really comfortable spouting 4chemes in discord if that's what you're looking for
into the dumpster
Join a normie guild then.
Spouting memes is all we do, fuck outta here
>Want to join a Veeky Forums guild
>Don't want to spout Veeky Forums memes / language
Literally the only point in doing so. Its not like people around here are particularly skilled.
light-fearing pandas
Every raiding guild is a bunch of meme spouting. Literally every guild is doing the autismo ugandan knuckles shit right now.
>ugandan knuckles shit right now.
please, why won't it appear. i don't even like arms but fuck
Why are women worshiped in those fucking raiding guilds? They sending nudes to people for gear or what?
It works like this. If you want to be the most boring spec in the game play hunter and go marks or bm.
If you want to have fun and do sub-par damage go survival. If you want to play a class that's well designed don't play hunter.
>implying any class is well designed
Yes, friend of mines guild, Promoethean had existed since vanilla, was once a top raiding guild, they had went casual this expansion and recently impoded because of a egirl sending nudes to people and playing them against each other.
a word of warning
I'm training to kill Pandas on sight...
Who is your favorite wow voice actress?
whoever does the voice for these
im in love
If I saw her in a facial abuse porn video, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
shit taste
kill yourself
Is Ret Paladin embarassing to play
get a load of this retard
*kill yourself*
*poopies on upper lip*
kel'thuzad/original sylvanas/original varimathras/original anubarak
How do I resto druid correctly?
>buys BfA
>toggles off WPvP
u mad????
Moira's voice makes me rock hard.
>doesn't like being ridiculed for playing on carebear servers
>but also doesn't like getting ganked
>what will I do? I know, protest until blizzard allows me to opt out!
>because I wanna play on a wpvp server and not wpvp instead of just switching to an rp server like the little crybaby that I am
yeah u mad rofllmao
Is this what Argus was like?
Female panda butts
yes but with even more massive futa cocks
>mfw I have 11/11M already
>mfw I have Rank 1 Gladiator basically secured
feels good being a /Chad/
why does yrel even exist
argus, not american moon guard
for porn
>have 39 clears of black wing lair across 3 paladins on 3 different servers
>still don't have Judgment shoulders (20% drop)
>still don't have Judgment helm (13% drop)
y tho
Paranoia has set in and I'm starting to do weird shit to try to "trigger" the drop.
>full clearing BWL of all mobs before killing chromagus/nefarian
>letting the fights go on for several minutes before killing them
>killing them exclusively with swings, no abilities
Try /saluting each boss before entering combat
panda pene
>try Sethekk Halls once out of boredom
>Raven Lord drops
Confirmed Nightborne dialogue, don't click it if you don't want spoilers:
argh...argh!! death and pain! end it all! the master demands your dooom!!
im too shy for this game why do i distance myself from everyone who (appears) to not hate me
Absolutely legendary, memorable dialogue. This is why Blizzard is renowned for their incredible writing.
Argus should've looked more like the Draenei
Are you under some kind of medication?
I only have a lock at 110, what should I level?
>world souls look like the intelligent lifeforms on its surface
That's some Chrono Trigger level shit
just /who rip in peace and ask anyone online