/haniho/ - Alicesoft/Rance General

Alicesoft/Rance General #712
Last Thread: Not Appearing in X Edition

FAQ: pastebin.com/jNCW9f7E
Previous Version of FAQ: pastebin.com/fQsNafrk
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.
Suggested Changes: piratepad.net/YwogqyaUro

>Useful Links
Wiki: alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alicesoft Image Booru: haniho.booru.org/
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes (Translated): mega.nz/#!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

Check pastebin for FAQs, downloads and General Hints

>Recently Released
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2332124
Steve[Monster] SR Mod - mega.nz/#!JEwnzLZK!8k3-9LiPXVwG2znwHRLtTOCUaour_fXhQfqUit0IP8g
DARKNESSHERO SR Rance Mod - mega.nz/#F!VloWzD6B!trEkYLMKASDXIYsGdLa8jw

>Upcoming Games
Evenicle (English) - Likely Early 2018
Sengoku Rance (English) - After Evenicle
Rance Quest Magnum (English) - Likely 2019

Rance X - 23rd February 2018
Teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=CpMoCuxFIIY
Gameplay Explanation: my.mixtape.moe/wvnjmu.pdf
Rance X Character Roster:
Jpg version that is under 4mb:
Rance X Gallery:

RPG 3- by the Evenicle team (New IP)
Dohna Dohna - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP)
Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team
'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer

Haniwa Development Studio:

>Upcoming Events
Quiz Project

Other urls found in this thread:


Demo when

Who is going to buy this?

Best girl, I dare you to argue otherwise.

>spooky skeleton
>best girl
most spooky gril more like

Best girls have the best kids.

>Best girls have the best kids.
Pastel confirmed for best girl.

2nd best in IX

She's half way there. She needs to have two children to have kids.

Reminder that Kanami will go down in history as a great ninja in the legendary party of heroes.

Speaking of Pastel, has any Rance X H-scene been shown since her CG with Rance?

Kanami's reputation will be destroyed once historians discover the Beat Blades stream.

As long as she feels bullied by it

No, and I doubt there will be any more revealed before the site update.

she needs two more, a boy and a girl

I wonder who makes their clothes. My guess is Sakura and her Char mask is the equivalent of a pair of glasses with pinholes, which she requires because of the long nights working with next to no light working on creating clothes reduced her vision.

does she have literally any accomplishments of her own

She is kinda good at kidnapping cute girls

Killed Thoma

Jumped 10 metres at Amber Castle.

Kalars can't have boys

we hit >100 unique posters last thread, good job

We'll hit 200 in 10 days when the next batch of details, CGs and character portraits come out.

Reset doesn't know that.

She does.

Maybe if Pastel tries REALLY REALLY HARD she can make the impossible, possible. But Reset already has 4 brothers so there's no point in making another. She should ask for more sisters.

She told Rance that she wants a brother and a sister (with Pastel as the mum).

Yeah, and Pastel clarified that it was impossible.

Devils can't breed with humans either, but here we are.

Pastel will birth record Kalar numbers before she pops out a male.

Devils can.

Female devils*



Are we probably gonna hear Ontology in X? My Glorious Days is gonna be there like always. What other songs should we get another version of?

Ontology was the soundtrack for PV2.

Doesn't sound like it

And yet it is.

Rance IX is such an aesthetic game. The music sounds so awesome, the UI is great, even the little cinematic transition between chapters is nice. And the way the characters stand on either side of the screen and face each other to speak. The theme of turning gears for the event screen. Shit, the first thing you see is this badass red Rance IX logo (like the one from Rance III almost) with a "schwing!" noise, it's just so goddamn good-looking all around. I hope Rance X is as good or better on this front, the whole thing just feels polished to a shine.

The facing each other is a little annoying, I hate the characters just being mirrored. It makes everyone look so weird.

I do think it's annoying when certain features get mirrored and they make no sense, but I like it better that characters face each other rather than facing the screen. Not only does it let them do some interesting stuff (see first Kanami scene where she pops up behind Rance) but it also works a lot better for a game where the narration is in third person and the story sometimes isn't even from Rance's perspective. Having people talk to each other while facing the screen, when there's no off-screen self-insert protagonist involved in the conversation, is really weird when you think about it.

So since Rance series seems to be ending and they are remaking older games to great success, you think they will remake Daiteikoku?

There was some crazy hype about this game and Retia was insanely popular.

If they didn't fuck up so hard it would probably be their best seller. Sounds like a perfect game to remake.

They want to forget it existed.

What did they fuck up?(I haven't played the game)

Why? The idea was great.

The gameplay. They wanted to go with something more complex but they shot too high and had to scrap basically everything, what they released instead was dumbed down and pointless time-waster combat.

Terrible mechanics. Bugs. No FFA mode everyone wanted. Best girls were side characters.

Never heard anyone complaining of bugs. Just how everything was a disjointed mess that played like shit.

Combat itself was much better than Sengoku Rance. The problem was no retreat or the idiotic space ninja cheat. And everyone wanted to play as loli Hitler or Stalin not generic japanese dude.

>strategy puzzle game
Well, thankfully everyone else disagrees.

Huh, weird, that's the opposite of how it usually goes, especially with Daibanchou as its predecessor. I'm not sure how I'd handle a conquest game with well developed combat and poorly thought out resource management

The core combat system was literally updated Sengoku Rance with more unit types.


Trailer made it look like you will be able to pick sides. It was really such a gigantic waste. I don't remember any other hentai game with the level of hype this game had right before release.

No, it very literally wasn't. There isn't a single dynamic battle in the game. There was a whole mode based on maximizing the puzzle system.

This user is correct. Unlike with SR, you could not for example wage a war of attrition against the enemy, disrupt their income, or overwhelm them with a blitz attack.

He is absolutely correct in calling it a puzzle, in fact the game itself isn't much more than just a thrid grade arithmetic homework assignment, just with pretty graphics.

>I do think it's annoying when certain features get mirrored and they make no sense
They fucked up that with the japanese old man

> And everyone wanted to play as loli Hitler or Stalin
Everyone wanted to fuck loli Hitler and Stalin

Can anyone help me with starting Rance IX up with the machine translations a while ago? I'm absolutely garbage at this and I can't read JAPANese.

Ctrl C and paste in Google translate

What will be the next Rance after Quest? 01 or IX?

What exactly are you trying to do?

That is a weird install. Where did you get your game from?

Some MEGA after browsing for a bit.

Trying to run the game.

Rename Rance9FO.FNL to Rance9Font.fnl for one thing. Also rename Rance9FL.AFA to Rance9Flat.Afa... Actually, you should just find a different download. The filenames on this are clearly fucked somehow. Who knows what else is corrupt.

>he pirated it
nobody help him

Guess I'll rely on the pastebin downloads; utorrent has been really slow for me.

I will atone for my sins by buying the official translation in 2 years.

buy haruka


I hope you're not using anything past 2.2.1. If you are, downgrade immediately, or switch to rutorrent/deluge/qbit.

Middle of February.

Isn't that around when the game actually comes out?

I've wanted to see a remake, an updated rerelease, anything. The idea is there, and the setting has neat things in it. The side characters are pretty damn good too. It's the majority reason I want to see a translation. But it's a disjointed mess with poor execution, a boring protagonist and protag faction, arithmetic in game form that wears it's welcome very quick, a lack of any plot or end goal. It was taken apart and put together again very quickly and it shows.

I still like a lot of things in it, but I can't call it good. I'd love for Alicesoft to try it again, but they basically pressed the history eraser button on it, to my dismay.

Yes. Well, IX trial was out only 10 days before the game release. So in a worst case we may get it quite near the release date.

>Due to a fuckup they release the actual game before the demo and don't notice until like a day after

Rather than a fuck up, if debugging take longer than they expected, then they will prioritize delivering the game and the trial gets delayed.

Did anyone scan the Fancism Manga? Does anyone even own it?

Was FFA in SR not well-received? why wouldn't they have added a FFA for Daiteikoku

How hard is debugging anyway?

Depends on the game. for X seems to be quite hard.

Not enough time. They basically fucked up development so much they had to do the best job they could do to salvage a game and release it.


They are going all out

I wonder if using Chaos as the X, and for the gameplay tokens, implies that he'll be playing a more significant in terms of plot than in previous games.

Rowboat scene in IX is a kamiscene

sheila is sex

Is this a good sequece of clans to defeat in Sengoku Rance so you won't break open the goards too quickly?

Tokugawa > Imagawa > Hara > Ashigaka > Miko Institute

Yes. It's out there.

>tokugawa first
i remember this

You'll able to accquire good units early (Senhime plus Raccoons) plus you'll be able to attack the easy Imagawa Clan and get alots of juicy national power.

>good unit

>Has good stats
>Can Self-heal
>Good character design

What't not to like?

Because she's got nothing really stellar skill wise. All these guys want foot soldiers with something unique for what ever reason. Her being waifu-tier isn't enough for them.

>rigging a strawpoll for a commission.

Well, shops probably see that as a good opportunity to not only sell 10 but other Rance games.

Last I checked Cowgirl won over doggy by two votes.
What the fuck happened?

user you're not going to have the NP to take tokugawa if you don't start with the NP bonus. Senhime to recruit costs as much NP as you get from tokugawa so forget being able to recruit her and also any of the raccoon dogs.

But I like tokugawa first, it's a strong move. I think other moves are more optimal. Also if you are going to take ashikaga as your first gourd nation then there's no reason not to do it second.

what happened?

Not that guy but Senhime is one of the best units in the game. Get her early and equip her with one of the two affection boosting items. Even though her class is foot soldier the actual numbers behind her are unique and
make her a foot soldier with an attack value almost equal to a warrior. Ieyasu is only superior to her in dungeon/commander battles which are already easy anyways.

At least one user was clearly ballot stuffing. The numbers for the poll just don't add up at all.

Isn't that just a myth?

>Superior in dungeon battles
What's his max level again? IIRC Sen is stupidly good due to her level cat of 65.

Post link to the poll.