/wfg/ - Warframe General

Ruk edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: semlar.com/rivenprices
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.8.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/897989-plains-of-eidolon-update-2280-hotfix-22801/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


Try not to forget, dear anonymous. I'll always be cheering you on, believing in you. When things seem tough, just remember that it's an opportunity for you to grow stronger. I know you can do it!

>still no unvaulting update
I just want my glaive prime

You first. Or at the very least wipe the infested cummies off of your chin.

>come back to the game after 2 years
>it's literally evangelion
what the fuck happened?

DE is uncredibly skilled at ruining things

Be careful about how you spend your money anons.

well that was suprisingly fast

WTF it's not even business hours. They shouldn't be able to respond this quickly. They are not OBLIGED to respond at this hour.

Almost definitely child labor
Report DE to the authorities

Been gone for a few months, is the Cassowar any good? It looks pretty nice.

What's up with you guys relating it to Evangelion? It looks nothing like it.

Some guy wo4rking overtime maybe.

>it's not even business hours
8PM isn't really odd for a support rep

god fuck, do you do any mini painting or anything? anyone you know into 40k? I want to see this poor thing saved.

fuck, it might even look better stripped to the bare plastic.

Skinny kids in bodysuits piloting biomechanical war machines.

"autistic teens in skinsuits piloting biomechs," but that's literally where the similarities end.

this, also in the second dream the warframe works on its own to protect the operator from being btfo by the stalker, just like the evangelion's coming to life to protect their pilots

2278 here
my paintwork is cleaner than that, but its still rough. also, the metal piece in the center of her visor is just a sticker with clear enamel over it

What about all the shitty symbolism and philosophy just for the sake of appearing deeper than it is?

right, but that's now the core of the game, therefore, it's now a ripoff oh and they also ripped off fullmetal alchemist

You could, I had though about using it but disliked having to grab an energy orb after each cast to maximize WH. Honestly it would be easier to swap armored agility for intensify if you want to bump up the strength modifier but you'll be losing out shield strength pre-HC bonus. It's up to you though, I have it set up in a bit of a middle ground so that I'm not having to swap builds every time I go between some quick capture runs where I don't use HC and long runs where I would want to get that 3 stack of HC.

Nanny Nehza has less upkeep and gives mini Ironskins rather than healing and DR, so you'll probably be spamming powers less too. Up to you man.

Warframe doesnt have that, so we are good

I am genuinely curious how you made that interpretation

> also, the metal piece in the center of her visor is just a sticker with clear enamel over it

gotta keep the spenders happy. the rest of you losers can do whatever the hell you want for 2 months while I fix whatever stupid "glitch" you brought on to yourselves.

>kuva used to transfer consciousness and achieve immortality
>philosopher stone used to transfer consciousness into younger bodies to achieve immortality
the entire plot is bits and pieces ripped straight from anime and then pieced together in this weird patchwork of a game

holy shit i didn't even notice that until i looked at it again

you know, this is a remarkable example that illustrates the DE promise vs what they deliver.

>kuva used to transfer consciousness and achieve immortality
>philosopher stone used to transfer consciousness into younger bodies to achieve immortality
No. philosophers stones allow the pseudo science of "equivalent exchange" to use souls instead of materials.

Philosophers stones are a tool, kuva is a resource that is used in more than just transferring to a new body.

>5 years of development
>a weeks worth of actual content at most
how does a company get so much money and deliver so very little

I want to have a pet mariposter to cheer me up personally when the grind gets too tough! And maybe we could cuddle together as well!

To be fair, it isnt entirely DEs fault... They picked a bad 3rd party

Which frame is the best for breaking containers?

in the fma original that was literally the plot, Hohenheim and Date used the stone literally for that explicit purpose

I'm more worried about the quality. Proper game design doesn't seem to be very important to DE.

I will never understand why any developer would willingly work with the Chinese, they literally destroy every game they touch

I still want to know what number that is

Right, they wanted to waste something that powerful to create a body and cross their fingers that it would be their mom. They werent moving "souls" from one body to the next, they were just making a new one.

Kuva specifically moves the "oro" of one person into another. Both bodies are there before and after the transfer

Just because its red and poorly written doesnt mean its the same.

Limbo, max range and some strength

Equinox but you have to gather damage somehow, Nyx w/o tank aug on 4, Limbo 4 with enough str to break resource clumps, mirage/anything with ignis

i really like blast damage, watching enemies fly is very funny

That's impact damage. Blast damage just makes enemies hit the ground.

you first


How hard is the Orokin Derelict assassination mission?

not very. you could solo it with valkyr and a regular tigris ez

ayyyyyoooo can i get uuuuuh corinth prime???

jeez somehow i didn't notice that someone made a new tread and i did it one when the last reached page 10

not before pyrana prime

Silly anonymous, I'll always try my best to cheer you up.


Zanuka pet when? I want to buy one from Alad V.


dumb nigger

Thats not how you spell akbraton prime

But what if the only thing that'll cheer him up is a hug?

How does 100% more damage than 1.5 become 2.0?
Zanuka frame, just straight up costs plat from Alad V. Only 5 available per day, you can get around that if you buy the bundle from the shop.
I actually went and fought them for the first time today, because I never thought Valk seemed that cool, and the whole fight needs to be redone. Lotus says Zanuka is supposed to be as strong as a fully modded warframe but it's not even as strong as one of the hyenas.

i have a max rank mag and these are the mods for my max rank soma prime

I think it's meant to be read as +0.50 to +1.0.

user what the fuck are you doing

are the helminth chargers technically undead because of that infestation n shiet?

Okay, you are new so i wont laugh too hard at you.
Get rid everything except for serration and storbringer. Build Point Strike, vital sense, Split chamber, and as many elements as you can

Do not bring mag to the fight if possible, her magnetize doesnt work on him.

i honestly have no idea, i never spent much time learning what mods are good

time to educate wfg

its 50% bonus at base, so .5(1+x), x being your benefit from mods
>building for channeling
user, pls

>focus 2.0
I haven't played this shit in a while; what do I do with this now?



go back to jail, quentin

Oh, that would make sense. I'm not really building for channeling but I was curious, like if it's going to cost me 5 mana for every single person I hit with each swing that might be worth it if I was dealing triple damage. But double damage isn't nearly enough compared to using maiming strike for a flat 90% crit chance, for an attack that already does like 2.5x damage, and then I can improve that even more with crit damage mods.

get the energy regen from zenurik
Waybounds pass over to your primary school from the ones you arent using. namaron and madurai waybounds are good, rest are just happy little wastes of time

you are the only person who posts these, go back to plebbit with your forced meme

To be fair, Anno never intended it to be deep and like warfame intended to be more about 'rule of cool' more than anything. Though I do wish DE's writers would be more edgy, like the twin queens being literally the polluted womb where all grineer come from.


I know you're memeing me, but it hurts knowing how many people go without something as simple as a hug. It makes me sad that I can't send mine to the people that need them. people deserve a little affection and comfort.

I thought way back in the day all the grineer were supposed to be shitty clones of the twin queens and I was expecting some absolute bombshell babes with blue lips, red hair, and amber eyes.

I don't have vital sense and split chamber so until i get them can i just throw in whatever?

you're going to want corrosive for Lephantis

To my knowledge I'm the second person, at least.

if you post your ign I'll give them to you user. I've got spares on spares.

its a crit weapon, without crit chance or crit damage you will be doing a fraction of the possible damage. they are common mods, you could probably just ask trade chat for handouts.

if you cant then just load up on elements, check the wiki about element combos

Swasdola surah! Its passed some time since you reposted the excalikun adventures

Buy them. Serration/Point Strike/Vital Sense/Split Chamber will be in 90% or more of all the rifle builds you do in this game. Play the game, get void relics, play in public rooms in void fissure missions, get the best drop you can (gold>silver>bronze, obviously), check on the links on the OP for market prices, try to sell them, buy mods.

Or post your IGN and platform here, maybe some kind user might have those mods to gift you, you never know.

Yeah, I got suspended from warframe chat for a week as per shitbot, so I blew all my time on Skyrim, and then I decided I'd waste a second week on it.

Why would there be male clones of two women?

how would you fix shields, /wfg/?

I dunno you should ask /lgbt/

>just realized the last time I was hugged by anyone was before I became a teenager
>i'm in my late 20's
Good thing I'm alone otherwise people would think less of me for getting drunk on a Tuesday

Make armor effect them at half value.

I'm also not the original excalicun poster, of course, I picked it up last month. I just post it in wfg when I can.

give them an equivalent armor stat, or like user said but either way that adds more wrinkles for DE to iron out, and I'm scared to even suggest it while they're trying to rework damage. god knows how many fucking bugs would crop up, and how little playtesting they'd do against the corpus without their devgodmode.

By stealing the shield lancers shields and using them.

Make them a separate modding screen, introduce a bunch of new modules for them, raise average damage across the whole game to make people care.

The double trips check out. I honestly rank them as one of the worst units to deal with, up there with nullies and sappers. Fuck them.

I've never had much trouble with them. Their shield bash is obnoxious, but that's it. Their shields are pretty bad at protecting them. You can shoot them through the eye slot in the shield.

GATING. That thing DE said they'd do.

you'd think bulletproof glass would be a must have for something like that.

to be fair, building for channeling COULD make sense if channel damage mods were twice as good as they actually are
especially with zenurik to reduce costs and zaws with the big channel-damage arcanes

>Crit got the "meta" treatment
>Status got the "meta" treatment
bet your asscheeks that channeling is next


stop installing rank 0 mods holy shit
instead of spending 6 mod points on "+15% crit damage" with hammer shot you could level stormbringer and serration up to fill that capacity and get a way more massive bonus
having empty mod slots is much better than having 8 mods but all underleveled
i'm not even going into the rest of the mod choice but i'll assume you just have shit rng and never found point strike/vital sense/shred/etc