>b-b-b-buy the d-d-dip

Be greedy when others are scared.

It will rise to new heights this week

what in the fuck is with these gets

dont you know its on sale cause all the whales did a splish splash, no biggie it'll be 5k a pop soon

It's 5k right now.

30k here .... im holding but i dont know how long i can endure this.

Why would anyone buy this coin? You can just buy Bitbean and stake it yourself and get huge staking interest.

the very definition of

Why do you do it to yourselves Veeky Forums, there is some really obvious, (relatively) stable investments in crypto right now, and you gamble on someone pumping garbage.

Same with 25k.. I think I will ignore biz and the Charts for a while, so i dont get panic

My Bitbean holdings feel very comfy right now


Literally lmao at you posw faggots

how can you fuck up this hard?

You posw clowns could have thrown a dart at a list of shitcoins and hit something that would net you 20% profit this week, but you chose an african nigger coin run by a bunch of designated poos so you could lose 30%


I'm going to kill myself guys.

I put almost everything I had into POSW, and I can't sell now, and the price just keeps tanking

Just hold. Wait a month and laugh. Literally every crypto has gone through hard dips.

Okay, thanks user. Here's hoping.

You think bitcoin always $1300+

You think Ethereum never lose 80% of it's value overnight?

Show me 1 cryptocurrency who never get dumped and lost its value >50%

Go ahead, fucking show me you nigger!

Fucking noob like this should not invest any money in crypto, you should probably better off just kill yourself if this kind of shit makes you want to suicide. Nothing of value will be lost.

This made me lol then I remembered I'm in the same situation

Everyone has to learn the "retrace after ATH" lesson when dealing with cheap low volume stocks/crypto.
Profits are always taken

Price steadily climbing back now

ya what the fuck is going on, just a few seconds ago we were at 5k sats now all of a sudden its hitting 7k+ orders like nothing

Either this was the dip or it'll dip at 5k, but it's going to have a massive with all the news coming out this week
Don't listen to the fudders they're just trying to take control of your future profits

Whale manipulation. Not even kidding

Just look at sell and buy orders. They are preparing stage for pump. Then they will dump again. Rinse and repeat,

This time they are going past 20k maybe even 30k and back to 15-10k. They want to shake off early buyers so they can monopolize posw when they pump lots of btc into it. It'll repeat up until around 2$ then, there will be mega dump. I've been watching poloniex doing this shit with many coins. 1$ will be possible, but only after whales get full and are sure to own most of the coins. It's just my prediction.

2 more days and I'm going to buy in big, hope it's this red till then

The only reason I'm upset is that if I had been just a little less confident about the coin I could've bought under 10k.

where are you buying your POSW from?


>Tfw going to sell at the height of every pump and buy part back at every dip

Stfu with this image you've been shilling with this in every thread. Your crypto is dead.