gsl tonight
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i'm surprised they didn't use mlg
fappin tto illegal kpussy rn
thad said these posts were "a joke"
they never said that
tired of winter
check this sick meme out boys
it's time to think like the swarm!
Watch and learn with Livibee: twitch
can't write livibee without vibe
i bet she sucked someones dick that night...
girls like doing that sort of thing
yeaeh i bet
I'm just too dumb for this world
what race do you play
terran, formerly protoss
>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
heh kid you're days are numbered
does that still exist
or is that the joke?
ummm im not actually sure. i just remember blizzard or activision swooped mlg up awhile ago maybe for cod tourneys or other fps shit
mlb had like a trillion dollars in "venture capital"
whatever that means
that means sundance get bailed out
not feelin good...feelin bad
tired with a sore throat
i recommend vitamin c and some stats
whats the emergency!!
delete this ugly whore
which do you prefer
i'm gaytarded
yeah we know
i got the medic portrait because 1v1 gave me such bad anxiety i played thousands of 4v4s
4v4s can be laid back
do normal people in europe even understand how fucked the european union is? you can't make another united states when everything is so different there
even if you could, why the FUCK would you WANT to be like the united states?
western europe is dead
should probably link the euro to litecoin
shit taste
no not shit, tumblr taste
stats is killing it
hangingout with that nerd innovation
nerd shaming
cant wear glasses anymore
i thought he used his winnings to get the lasik so he wouldn't have to wear glasses and you could just stare at that snoz
maybe hes a hipster
yeah and they're fake glasses....well he betterh hope he can see cause he's playing on stats account now!!!
what if they get banned for that
do teens make us mad because they remind us of the time that has left us?
yeah teens left us for 162 lmao btfo
being a teen sucked
agreed but the thing about those times is your hope isn't gone
your dreams haven't been crushed as many times as they have been if you are deep into your 20s
good point
love life way more now than in my teens just sort urselves out buckos
gsl is live!
they're hyping up shit.o.s. so hard because hes about to FUCK this kkid
This once hottest threads on v and vg
Now just a backwater like teamliquid before sc2 anouncement
Shut these poor threads down scv was right to call it quits and move on
Show some dignity and class plox
you still underestimate just how little i have to lose janny
Close the thread
>everyone is wolf
go to bed khaldor
as i mention
be as wise as serpents
I maek marine
Win gsl
Reminder stay hydrated
go mech
i dun need woaches i bet adept wif ling
slytherin here
are you guys happy that gsl is back? also overwatch league today. blizzard esport is in its prime
candlelit dinner with m'gook
get fucked zerg scum
ded ;_;
at least sos made it out...
my clothes stink
oh! is now 8 years old :/
fucking lol
dog bless protoss