Why is there no general edition?
Seriously why? Have to be thousands playing this game and it's just as good if not better than PUBG. This general will continue to be made for eternity so you'd better get to posting.
Why is there no general edition?
Seriously why? Have to be thousands playing this game and it's just as good if not better than PUBG. This general will continue to be made for eternity so you'd better get to posting.
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Boring, plebian shit
Git gud dude I'm sorry you got embarrassed. You know who wants to read your faggy little whining?
Why do you go in a general of a game you don't like?
Why does every fucking fag immediately find a SCAR? I can drop on the ass edge of the map and one asshole will drop with me and find a fucking purple SCAR immediately.
Don't act like there aren't 10,000 people playing this. Bump.
Holy shit I just learned that all weapons besides the sniper rifles and explosives are hitscan.
No wonder I've been doing so shitty.
Has anyone actually spent money on this?
The answer is mostly Discord. Anyone on Veeky Forums who gave a shit left for the Discord a long time ago. Except for me.
There were a few after this, but this was the last proper OP.
>Still only 3 IPs across 8 replies
Stop samefagging your own thread and let it die.
I just play the BR mode but I've been curious about the zombie mode. Seems like it could be really fun.
There's a shitload of people with cosmetics in BR so I'm sure people have.
I don't care about you or your fancy-pants faggotry. There are plenty of people that play this game, so there can be a general about it.
I don't have the time or the desire to sit on some discord with mouth-breathers.
How the fuck (and why) are you checking IP's? Who fucking cares if I spam my own thread? Suck my fucking dick. The DUMBEST fucking games have generals with 500+ replies. This game is more than deserving of a general and there are plenty of fucking players.
This game fucking sucks. That's why it doesn't get a general.
It's better than PUBG by a mile. Veeky Forums is pretty fucking lame lately.
Bummer, used to be a cool fucking board.
It's always been a shitty circlejerk board though.
Fortnite was better than PUBG only because shitters could run it, now PUBG is at least optimized to a point where the lower end of PCs that matter, ie, not your shitty toaster, can run it.
Don't know why would you ever want to play any of these pieces of shit anyways.
They can be addictive. They can get fucking boring after the first time you win or the 30th time you get screwed on an RNG gun, but each match is always a little different.
That's the only reason I play Fortnite, desu, because I don't think my toaster could run PUBG very well. Plus it has its own charm and the building system is crazy weird but can be fun. The last two or three players building brick and metal towers to the sky while shooting rockets and sniping each other is pretty fun to watch.
You know, there's another half to the game entirely.
So talk about that. I'd honestly like to know if people are playing it and/or enjoying it. Been thinking about buying it but no general to ask.
Can't talk, going to sleep in a min, but I enjoy it once and a while. It's not PUBG in the slightest. It's closer to Warframe with mission-based gameplay, but more build and defend bases than running through levels and cutting enemies down. I've been in since late Alpha, so I'll dump some info on whatever tomorrow if thread lives that long.
Thanks user I'll try and keep it alive lol.
This game was great until it became a PUBG ripoff with building
When that new survival game mode stops being locked behind a paywall then I'll consider playing it
it's a pretty fucking fun game. maybe cause im good :^)
>and it's just as good if not better than PUBG.
literally kill yourself
just got it. having fun. the smaller map and cartoony art style kinda give a more laid back feel compared to pubg. for some reason I find I don't feel as shit getting sniped from nowhere in this then I do pubg.
definitely comes down to personal preference. I see people whining and picking sides but that's kinda dumb. Just play what you feel like. and if you think pubg is the better game then get out of this thread. it isn't for you. what a shame.
this game also has some thick girls and I wish it had more art.
>just as good if not better than PUBG
i don't even fucking play pubg but i can tell you that's not true. gunplay in this feels like shit, the aesthetic is a blatant ripoff of tf2's cartoony style, and the base building elements suck balls and combine weapon degredation and damage with fucking loot crate systems
I bought it for $20 when it was on sale
I'm having a blast with the PvE so I bought the $70 upgrade
Been playing for the last 2 months or so, sometimes frustrating because of the shooting model but otherwise pretty fun, been raking up some wins especially in duo, which I play the most.
I bought the battle pass, which costs like 950 coins (it was like 10 euro for 1k coins iirc). If you complete the entire battle pass however you get back more coins than you have spent, plus of course the skins, emotes etc.
It is slow progression though, and it highlights another thing I don't like about the level progression in fortnite, which is the extreme poor reward for kills or even wins in terms of xp. Apparently it doesn't matter if I kill 1 or 15 people during a game, I get the same shit xp. Even with the battle pass booster, leveling after lv60 becomes a chore.
Also keep in mind that leveling is mostly useless, it's useful only if you're doing the battle pass since it gives you stars to progress through it for every level up
what's your favorite landing zone /fng/?
I can tell you this
It's not fucking Tomato Town
Nothing good ever happens in Tomato Town
Mark my fucking words
Put it on a fucking shirt
Nothing good ever happens in Tomato Town
Down for maintenance atm
>2.1 update
>Just bugfixes
>No content to warrant the jump from 1.11 to 2.X
Well okay then.
anyone wanna play?
Where is muh electro shuffle at so i can buy it reeee
anarchy acres masterrace here
same, too bad it doesn't have the original track
pleasant park, retail, salty or the fields
Greentext your best matches/gunfights /fng/.
I got like 2 hours. AMA about the PvE.
fucking bush campers I swear
>proceeding to safe zone with mate
>spot a couple far away, start zooming in with sniper rifle
>suddenly extremely close shotguns volleys in my back
>somehow I literally stomped on a guy camping in a bush while checking out the other team
>he doesn't even manage to kill me before my mate gets rid of him quickly
it's a good thing they are usually bad
>last 2 people in solo
>safe zone getting real tight
>can't see the other guy
>look up
>stone/metal buildings behemoth upon me
>its only anchor to the ground was a long wooden stair, not even far away
>a fucking wooden stair
>not even doubled or something. just a long fucking single wooden stair
>melt it with the scar
>behemoth crumbles
>guy falls to his death
not my best play, but a funny victory
I am a shitter with FX cpu. When's the patch? :(