AGDQ 2018, Day 3
Current game: Dying Light
Up Next: Resident Evil 7
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AGDQ 2018, Day 3
Current game: Dying Light
Up Next: Resident Evil 7
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>this run is too fun!!11 ban the runners!!1 lulz!!!1!!
shut up bonesawfags
First for trannycide.
Is Gassy Mexican a speed runner? Or is he just doing this for money/recognition?
who the fuck is this manlet
yeah bring back le trannies
xth for sayvitv run
Are Amyrlinn and TheFunCannon gay?
I totally ship them, they are an adorable couple.
That's blechy, the pillar of stability.
It's just an exemplary run of what the norm should be, not a masterpiece like that one. Chill user.
Matt Damondwarf
get the fuck out
Who are the girls (men)?
Wow AGDQ is ded as fug
I made a video for you, honoring AGDQ.
any new trannies since miles??
Is oceanside going to be good?
here! =p how r u? \(^o^)\
jesus christ
suicidal already, /pol/?
wow i can't believe miles is a tranny.
i haven't watched these marathons since 2013-2014 and i remember his metroid prime runs.
seemed like a totally normal dude, rip.
Is blechy at the event? It says on the schedule he was in the pre-show, but I didn't watch that so I didn't see. Is he couching for anything?
please tell me girl with bangs isn't trans
give me some good news
he's only done that one interview in the OP
Can someone with a twatter ask him if he's couching anything?
She's trans, dude.
except croni
mental illness can strike anyone, its truly damaging then when they are denied help under the guise of tolerance.
I'm sorry
Is resident evil 7 even a good game to speed run? Re4 and 5 are.
Madhouse New Game is. New game as in NO NEW GAME +
Also its Carci.
>tfw scared to watch RE7 run because i know there are several jumpscares
One would think the true speed tech would come from the VR version.
quit being a child senpai
>the true horror block at agdq
like it actually blows my mind. truly a degenerative disease.
>spooky games
I'm just catching up on the Ristar run. Why don't they even attempt female voices?
you're cute, user
holy fuck do they even try to look like girls ?
they look like a dude with granny hair
All in favor of not giving a fuck anymore and just gassing all degenerates say HEIL
lol, what is this gay shit
Before you ask, this girl is pretty homely
Men, not mere males dressing up as girls
>checks twitter
>sees skycunt
into the trash she goes
>reads donation that includes a couch call out with no couch.
is carcinogen the dude that ran SH: The room last agdq
This song though.
finally someone passable
it's ok i'll hold you :3c
is RE7 a good speed run?
>is RE7 a good speed run?
Madhouse is.
based grav
The dude on the far left in the blue shirt watching him kek
carci fuckin rules and re7 is a great game. excited for this
>keeps bringing up pussy spam
Are there still building likes this in Germany? I understand that nazism is verboten and all but it's a part of history and it is history best not forgotten, i hope they didn't raze everything.
Who's the cute blonde in the bottom left panel?
someone redpill me on the metroid prime 3 run
holy shit i think the dude in the middle is an alien
Girl or girl(male)?
I feel like this lost its charm because it's been posted so much
>hopefully this helps find a cure
if this voice is coming from a tranny I'm just going to end it all
um, none of you guys are funny. if you want to prevent cancer, consider standing in front of the shuttle that's running in front of the hotel on the hour.
He must be smoking some heavy doobies.
That's clearly purple, you colorblind cunt
I guess, humans have necks the last time I checked
Fuck. I've been had.
based fucking brock
Seems like a real grill. I think her real name is April
>t. Star of webm
Im looking forward to this run. Resident evil runs are always fun.
What does madhouse do? I've never played it so I have no clue
>hard difficulty
>still has autosave
Isn't the guy on the far left somebody who never shuts the fuck up?
I might actually try this difficulty now that I know this
It's just a super hard difficulty with limited saves, I think.
new enemy spawns, very limited resources, more damage taken, but also has fuck loads of more optional upgrades with coins, but only about 5 saves, and about 4 autosave checkpoints.
It turns RE7 into classic Hard RE. Its actually fantastic to play.
god damn it...
Watching the speedrun will demystify it for you. They're probably going deadpan say so when they've lost control and entered a scripted sequence for the game's scares, not even to warn you but because the game's full of them and they're boring for runners.
That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Is this mode available from the start or do you need to finish the game first to unlock it? And I can imagine a speedrun of such a mode being pretty damn cool
need to beat the game once. Its incredibly well balanced though.
someone link the "run a game pretending to be a tranny then jump up mid run and condemn all the trannies" pic
This game is 2scary guys.
I hate when games force me to beat the game to unlock the harder difficulties, I hade the same issue with RE4. And even bioshit infinite.
But It sounds fun enough I should pick it up
it's a game good enough to play twice imo
um this is a PG stream, this game's violence is MENTALLY SCARRING me