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Sibling Bonds III when
Remember the best banner(except Brave Heroes) in the game, /feg/ ?
Boris is a hack.
if Micaiah gets released before the anniversary i will take a picture of myself doing the numale gawp while pointing at the twitter announcement
screencap this post
>responded 32 seconds after thread created
An almost perfect banner that was ruined by Seth; gave more variety in team compositions and unit niches without being blatant powercreep.
Based Magvel.
>the numale gawp
>Micaiahfags know what this even is
Says all you need to know, really.
Give me Lady Lel already, dammit.
Idk man, it's not obvious to me that you don't mean it that way at all. Veeky Forums can be full of retards who unironically think people are literal shills so idk. I've already seen much stupider things come from people on this site anyway.
Literally why doesn't she wear clothes
>Micaiah ever getting in
If she does get a trailer in three days i'll post tits
Who would dub Myrrh?
>let's just have two Lucina centered comics in a row
Jesus christ fuck off IS. What fucking Toriyama-tier waifufag works there
Imagine sex with Tailtiu
Compendium user's tits!
Nice falseflag.
They should do What If scenarios like if the villains won or something.
I want to see a scenario where Julius wasn't stopped or a story where based Zephiel wasn't stopped by Roy.
>countermagic also applies to bolt axes
fuck, I'm too retarded for fire emblem. I'll finish this chapter later.
Damn Amelia was seriously busted when she was announced
>slaying axe
>armor march
>highest bst in the game
Veronica's VA
I want a Zephiel that grew up with a supportive father.
It's not unheard for somebody to ask that, even outside of Veeky Forums. Try not to take everything literally.
Now go away.
how come tharja did not have any dialogue for the ending of this TT?
I love every single one of you!
Boy can't wait for those disgusting man boobs/that flat board.
Fire Emblem Xenoverse would be pretty cool, with a task force created by Naga to resolve the timelines of all FEs.
Outrealm hopping Lucina meeting Dreadlord Chrom seen in Cipher would be great.
No shared colours, 4 units and all pretty good. What a great banner. Stupid Ryo
I just love lolica sorry
i m a g i n e!
Froze to death.
Are we going to get another event schedule soon.
Does it piss anyone else off that they introduce the event calendar system only to not always use it? Either always give it to us or never give it to us
I don't, it's just a matter of being unable to tell genuine stupidity and irony apart.
>Now go away.
Aww did I touch a nerve?
Because she's just a creepy stalker following the others around. Hiding in the shadows when there's nothing annoying to deal with is probably what she's best at.
Lucina has broken you like Drumpf has broken lefties
W-we are getting content tonight r-right?
even they don't know what to schedule for anymore it seems
Seth was my first 5* free summon and god damn did it bum me out.
But thinking about it, it's not the fact that he's a mediocre unit that bothers me, it's the painfully boring art. I didn't mind Karel, Seliph, or a mediocre IV'd Eldigan (pre-forge) pity-breaking me because I liked their art, for example.
> without being blatant powercreep.
Based Magvel.
glad the world forgot about that faggot archer from fates. Frelia wins again
For easy access so you can rub and tickle her smooth tummy as you hold her in your lap and feel her squirm, convulse, and double over in laughter, then redoubling the tickling and feeling her panic, flail, kick the air in front of her and curl her toes as she tries to break free before she tires out and collapses into your arms a gasping, weezing heap of sweaty loli
Yes, but it will leave you dissatisfied and lethargic.
When is the last time they've released content without announcing it beforehand, it being datamined from an update, and said update not being announced beforehand?
The Virgin Sagemaster
>Complains about powercreep and whales, then whales for powercreep units because MUH CATALOG
>Tries to defend himself by saying $1000+ isn't really THAT much
>Doesn't even like playing the game, only trains brave bows + cavalry
>Tier 16, can't complete a deathless run to save his life
>Hundreds of untrained five stars rotting in barracks, sends home 6+ Hinata because playing the actual game would make too much sense
>Threatens to quit the game every day but knows his channel will die without it
>Has to resort to Patreon and nonstop clickbait because he relies on ad revenue to stay alive
>No sponsor supporting his channel
>Demonitized all the time, cutting his ramen noodle budget in half
>Extremely Fat and Incredibly Loud
>Works shit night shift job with shit hours, gets sick three times a month because no sleep
The Chad AbdallahSmash026
>Gets his adoring fanbase to pay for all of his summons
>Sets a budget for himself anyway, millionaire mindset
>Actually plays the game, focusing on endgame FEH and working to improve his arena core constantly
>Stops playing FEH whenever he gets bored, plays other games at his own leisure without fear of going under
>Trains all of his units and kits them out accordingly, heroes love being under his command
>Values fodder wisely, would never send home based Hinatabro
>Nintendo Ambassador AND Sponsored by Google Play
>Criticizes IS constantly for their bullshit and the awful gatcha system
>Never demonitized, gotta get that paper
>Based Walmart Manager on the side, works full hours
>Chad-like physique, clean bill of health
>Sleeps a full 8 hours every night, ready to summon and fuck five stars every morning
They're giving us a week off to recuperate after the hell that was simultaneous VG + TT. Expect an announcement/trailer no sooner than Friday.
They just released the January event schedule on their Twitter, here.
>doing AA
>second match is some high level flier team
>Alfonse survives an (unbuffed) Firesweep Cordelia cause Airzura refused to attack him
>get hype that I got through that with no death
>next match has FiresweepCA Blyn and Reinhardt
Can these people ever not be absolute cancer
I'm fucking mad we only got one GHB list but I guess they no longer make enough to warrent one. Imagine that shit today.
>early Q1 GHB Linus
>late Q3 GHB Hardin
>early 2019 GHB Ceallech
describe the sex
Now that the dust has settled...
Who did Genny marry at the end of SoV?
benis in benis
because shes lightning. we all agreed on this yesterday. she's also more popular than Ike. isnt that right lucinabros?
how dare you
Abdallah was the first FE Youtuber I knew, but I always found him weirdly unlikeable for some reason.
I don't know Sagemaster at all though.
Can you?
>always roll everytime i get orbs like the f2p casual i am
>no new banner and i even have 56 orbs since i don't have the need to pull on the current banners
>Aww did I touch a nerve?
I wasn't being serious with that comment either, but I strongly would prefer to end this conversation here as it's clearly not enjoyable for either party.
>sends home 6+ Hinata because playing the actual game would make too much sense
Did he really do that? I can't imagine even a whale doing something that retarded.
Sonia desu
>spent all day staring at /feg/ and occasionally doing homework
why did all my classes have to be online, I have too much time on my hands now
The flood of shitposting and lack of content that's caused it has made me realize just how much time I spend coming here and doing nothing. I'm wasting just as much time today checking /feg/ when I haven't even touched the game all day.
Try that shit again and see what happens.
It starts with Berkut looking well groomed and composed and ends with him being a sweaty, disheveled mess.
Also Stirrups and a bit are involved.
>innocent anons waiting for the NY TT being released tonight, like idiots
Hope you're excited for your fortress defense seal
the same number of "Marth" comics as "Marth"s we got for Christmas
Honestly the only healer I would use assuming she is one
I do that because I hate using Fury. I know it's good but the -6 HP trigger my autism. I can't help it, I can only put it on units with Renewal.
whos gonna voice her
>not using feg appropriate reaction pics
here take this
He's obviously cut you stupid fucking bitch.
Hahahaha, wait until the second and third and fourth and fifth time you realize that
Hahahahaha ha ha ha ha
>Fortress def seal
>Can run double fortress def Lukas
Very nice.
DonĀ“t know if supports counts as content but they appeared out of nowhere.
New Years Corrin is nowhere to be found because he left to become a Ballistician.
That'd be a cool seal desu, I finally don't have to hold on to that extra Seth I have for fodder. But I don't expect a new TT.
I wanna pull on her ahoge and fuck her from behind
Thanks pal, I've never actually seen that one before.
Awn...you first vidya general, user?
in an alternate timeline Celica had been mating pressed by Desaix repeatably until she produced his heirs after being captured at the villa.
someone post the story
wtf i thought corrin was a twink why is he ripped