subjugate kebab edition
subjugate kebab edition
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
What if she farts though?
Urgot's highest winrate masteries are complete garbage.
I see grasp at 53% on other sites.
>after 5 games in a row of inting teammates while I play Xayah I finally get actual human beings for teammates
>while I'm playing Teemo ADC because enemy Draven banned my Xayah
Why does shit have to be so fucking backwards?
Lolis don't do that.
That's literally all they do children fart 24/7 for fun and Zoe being a trickster will eat cabbage for a week just to do it to you
Lets not bring stinky 3D children into this.
Sivir buffs when??
comfy bfs~
0-4: play another game
5-9: watch anime
Why do you never pick me, summoner? Is it because I'm not hot like Ahri?
I play Quinn top all the time.
What's your elo goal for S8 lolg?
Masters here.
She would think that she would be doing something mean by eatting all the cabbage but the more foul the stench the better.
Cause after early game you're useless. You have to dive to kill anybody but if you dive you instantly die and are feeding and have ZERO late game power.
How do you feel about the new resolve interactions with the other trees?
Revert ult and i'd play Quinn again.
After the patch are ranks getting reset or is that still on the 16th?
lol remember when they made the change so when quinn dies you'd play as valor the whole game? that was some next level shit
Not really my concern soon because I am memeing now with Sorcery/Domination for the Cheap Shot bonus since I rush Rylais first item.
But they fucking GUTTED Resolve for no reason as a main tree which is sad, I was just getting into that.
> No more Aftershock
> No 130 bonus HP
>What's your elo goal for S8 lolg?
"elo of not getting upset about other players" 1
still 16th
>those modest tiddy
yes pls
>no more aftershock
Nigga what. I just heard some slut support main crying how they'd get 130 bonus armor at level 1 from proccing it on the PBE.
Buff Sivir when?
How do I make use of Grasp without being forced to shove lane?
Poppy buffs when?
So who is going to be the best with the new aftershock?
> Grasp
> Garen
be a fucking man you pussy
You tell your jungler to dive the enemy laner with you since you're Garen.
I love Camille
How do I play tight fertile French roll of many dommings?
Is Eve oversexualized?
are succibi oversexualized?
pool party annie this year right lads
A girl with tiddies that size irl would be called busty
But I do agree I'd do anything to put my face in those
Can you guys tell me if God Staff Jax is out when NA comes back up? I know it normally takes a few days but I'm hoping since this patch took a month it will just ship when the patch goes live.
I'm going to be at work and won't be home until 11 hours from now. I'll be peeking at this thread often. Thanks.
iv thrown away every close friend that has ever had any meaning to me
im alone and want to die but at least league of legends is fun again
How long is maint?
xth for my wife Syndra
will send lewds for RP, pls help me fuel my addiction to cool skins
are you a girl(female)?
Are you an actual girl?
>that 1:1 KDR guy who thinks he's a born leader and spends most of the game spamming pings and telling others which roles and lines their champs belong to
>ywn be her boytoy
i want to go to bed and die in my sleep but i know ill just be disappointed
you should be aiming a lot lower
singed wont exist in his current state for even 1-2 more months
is it even worth playing ranked during preseason? is it still preseason? idek anymore
i haven't played pre-season
what is the ADC for getting freelo
Name at least one champion with more or equally autistic mains to Udyr's
Which league girls have the best heels?
Split-pushing is over bearing, this game needs TP Scrolls
Yasuo, zoe, riven, zed.
Vayne, Twitch, Tristana
Take fleet footwork, overheal, bloodline and start targons.
Also Klepto Ezreal.
>Rengar can no longer extend his leap range from brush via Hextech Flashtraption
fuck you riot
>rengar can no longer 1 shoot just because he is 1/0
Fuck you riot
Or at least implement it so brainlets that wanna just no effort Tryndamere/IUdyr splitpush and get away for free just to come back again have to fuck off and pick something else.
Evelyn also has nice ones in most skins
>complaining about rengars damage
he's really shit for an assassin
Yeah but trying to cheese his way into being any good with Hexflash needed to be punished. Brain dead Rengo mains/anyone that want Rengo to be relevant again or that want back their 1500+ damage instantly should be gassed
>riot shouldn't fix bugs that benefit champs I like
I bet you're a dirty riven main too
shes a literal sexual trope champion
you want the literal succubus of the game to NOT be sexualized?
riots finally on track to leaving the road marvel followed but then dipshits start thinking the way you do
I don't even play Riven. It's just Rengar deserves all the gutting he got. He was disgusting.
Except he is getting that damage back
you know riot isn't going to make Q unable to crit, and he'll be chaining 4 aa's in a row again
how many of annie skins should be sexualized?
All of them, Annie is a dirty cheap whore.
>they think this is a good idea just cause brainlets cry
I mean I shouldn't even be surprised given the state of LITERALLY everything else. But still.
None of them, Annie is a pure high class maiden.
Play klepto garen instead and collect taxes from the peasants
im confused
which one is it now?
soon fren... soon
Annie lives and breaths cock.
>Season starts 16th
>LCS starts 19th
How the fuck are pros supposed to adapt to the meta in 3 (THREE!) days?
>taking second wind on adc to survive a heavy poke lane will now fuck up my attack speed
Lovely. Hopefully this fleet targon overheal bullshit won't get nerfed.
Annie has never seen a *@!#.
Probably not meant to. This either forces pros to stop being massive boring soyboys, take risks and to be actually entertaining to watch for once OR it makes them bigger fucking soyboys than usual and even more boring to watch because they'll take ZERO risks.
Most definitely the latter since Koreans being the soulless gooks that they are kill any and all competitive games they play.
Just don't get hit by any of the INSANELY OBNOXIOUS amounts of poke that can exist in a single lane user! exdee
You tell me
because the game will be only marginally different to preseason?
That's a nice ass.
I don't understand, why should it take this long to apply a patch?
Jhinfag, do you post your art somewhere.
also did you post the yasuo drawing already?
>that fat ezreal on login screen
I swear if they fuck up his eventual remodel that hard I'm going to rage. He is the OG weeb character, you can't americanize him like that.
Why is everyone playing varus now
His vu made him look worse and soulless
I'm not Jhinfag...
>rakan and xayah skins before asol, tali, illaoi, camille, ivern ect
is there an euw lolg discord
>the rakan and xayah skins are literal shit
>this complicated and retarded matchmaking, elo, MMR system
I've rarely seen a system that tries so hard to prevent you from moving upwards.
Post discord and I'll invite you
Well yeah. If you climbed quickly without being like 3 whole ranks higher than where you're playing you wouldn't be grinding long enough to make Rito money don'tchya know?
Because I don't like ranged champions for the most part barring maybe 4 or 5 exceptions.
We've known that Rakan and Xayah were getting Sweetheart skins since their release and A.Sol, Taliyah, Illaoi, Camille, and Ivern are very unpopular champions. Moreover Illaoi has a skin currently in development so I have no idea why you are bitching. Skin creation is in part a popularity contest so deal with it.
>started in Season 5
>game ran fine even on a potato, could actually tell what was going on most of the time
>skip to the end of Season 7 and FPS basically freezes the moment shit breaks out or something new happens
>now even Dota runs smoother than this shit cause their engine is all bogged down now and shitting the bed just like Hat Simulator 2
>because actually updating and outright renovating in a sense/ripping out and improving some of the engine would mean actual fucking effort on Riot's part and they don't want that. They just wanna pump out zero effort skins to swim in money.
nth for the tens of ahriposters in every thread