AGDQ 2018
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/srg/ - Speedrunning General
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thats a lit couch
I really like this runner and couch too bad we won't be seeing them again on account of them having too much fun and too few trans
man some love went into this game
also latest tranny watch pic
bunch a egg heads
this run is hot hot hot hot
>the entire couch dropping down every time woody gets burned with the lense
my sides.
What is it about speedrunning that makes dudes want to chop off their penises?
Why do you keep posting this ugly slut?
white shirt guy is drunk as af fuck
i wonder how this wooden hot tub for capybaras is drained and if it its with a pipe, does it become clogged with fur?
man remember when all runs were like this haha
makes your balls fall down from boredom so might as well cut the penis too
autistic virgins go AGP
is this nigga drunk or high?
>couch having fun
What is this time rift that's been opened?
More important question. Why do they keep image posting?
>as af fuck
>as as fuck fuck
i am an autistic virgin and i have never understood agp
No because most runs were always social insecur nerds barely being able to mumble a word out.
I don't either but I guess it's when you fall so low that the only way to love yourself is to imagine or insist that you are actually one of your cute anime girls
Penis Breath
aight that was fun lets go back to estalking that asian bitch
if i were to speculate i would say its probably more related to lack of male role models during formative years. or maybe i just dont have the right version of autism. i'm the 'ace calculus' kind of autism not the 'play the same game from 1998 for 3000 hours' kind of 'tism.
Notice how you can have fun without insulting groups of people or mention suicide way too much.
praise allah
>not the gif from the last thread
Name a comfier returning block than the NES block.
You can't
except you can't publically make jokes about corporations like air canada das ist verboten
Notice how the only time time period people are allowed to have fun is when none of the "problematic kids" (i.e. trannies) are there
>ANONYMOUS 1k donation
yeah things are nice when its only straight white cis runners playing quality games. Maybe one day the entire country will just be like that
>wanted to go to sleep earlier so i could do things i've been procrastinating
>fun run of a game i played as a kid cheered me up and helped me forget my miserable existence
>long as fuck nes block starting
"tomorrow" is such a dangerous word
>Host reads "High Energy" donation message
>Sustained silence afterward
>Next donation is far more subdued.
>m-muh sad existence with a silver spoon shoved up my ass
go see a shrink or open up to a hug box
So when did the crowd cam come back? Just woke up a bit ago and wow it's there now
Came back last night
if ur existence is miserable then make some positive changes till it stops being miserable
hell yeah we got a tranny bashing game now
What happened to tasman?
based iceplug
Where do I unsubscribe to this blog?
this is meme advice only ever written by people who never overcame apathy and learned helplessness. real advice if ur miserable is to make some fucking money and take care of your body. which is a pain in the dick to do. lots of research.
That is a really sturdy couch.
this is a good game shame its not prime time and enacted out irl
thats a real big boy
>real advice
whoa genius on Veeky Forums here
Not him but I went to that without access to internet where I can whine about my shit while having all the solutions a few keyboard hits away.
Fucking pussy retard.
Problem with NES games is that they are obviously limited by the hardware
At least with SNES games you can tell SMW, ALTTP etc. are as designed and imagined
been offline since the lfd2 playthrough
what have I missed?
>tfw too fat old and arthritic to get gud at video games
should I kill myself
re7 run was really good. everything has been decent though. no trannies in sight
don't trying to sound like an internet tough guy if you're ESL, m8
10/10 pure Kino re7 run
>snes games are not limited by hardware
Yeah man love how limited the pool of locations time puzzles are in chrono trigger thanks to the card size limitation.
so basically everything after 9pm theres no tranny in sight and everyone gets along better than expected?
>no trannies
>hard, fun games being run fast
we gucci
Obnoxious newfag shitposter is also a tranny-lover
Who would have thought?
>It is the 666th year for the world of magic, and the Crimson Kingdom is facing destruction at the hands of The Black Slayer, Demon King of the Underground Dark Empire. Realizing that his days are numbered, the 16th Crimson Emperor Ronnie IV decides to entrusts his two infant sons, Randy and Zakk, to his faithful servant Ozzy. With Slayer's forces closing in, Ozzy, Randy, and Zakk enter another dimension in the hope of eventually bringing light back into the world.
>Over the following 17 years, Randy, Zakk, and Ozzy devote and train themselves to the cause of Holy Magic Justice, becoming wizard kings. Meanwhile Black Slayer has increased his empire over the countryside, making his interdimensional forces even stronger. In order to defeat Black Slayer and his army, Randy must retrieve the Five Crimson Emblem Seals. With Zakk suddenly missing, and Ozzy passing away, Randy now sets out alone in his war against Black Slayer.
japan is crazy
I can never get this song out of my head when this game is on.
basically only neets who stay up at night and sleep during the day and europeans can enjoy this AGDQ
where the fuck are the trannies? this block is boring as fuck without them
the most metal game of all time?
>30.000$ for a shit meme game
they are desperate as fuck for memes. they just dont realize their fucking shit is boring now
gdq is not about speedrunning anymore.
its about lame speedrunning memes, literal lets plays and cutting of your dick
>$400,000 for a shit meme charity
He got an interview section with three mics and no sound.
are you kidding?
he didnt pay $4.99
No that is still Doom.
so nice to watch real runs instead of let's plays like that batman arkham asylum one
non meme answer: It stopped being about breaking games, it started just being a "hey look what we are doing whilst we're not responding to ID-10T calls"
>comfy good run with some old bois
Good, good.
How did they get Peter Dinklage on the couch for Kid Icarus?
>the city of you
But TAS's are so cool to watch. I saw someone making a zelda TP TAS and it was really cool
The TASes of old are really cool. The last they did at a GDQ was emulating Portal 1 on an NES or some shit. It was a proper ResidentSleeper block
thank you based blechy for S tier commentary
all the morning runs are boring as fuck and all the night runs have actual interesting games that nobody will ever see
This is also a good run. nintendo games have been delivering
Can confirm, watched my fav run at 1am (UTC+1)
I could never beat that dragon or whatever he just fought.
fair enough
Anyone have a comparison for the current donations with this time last year?
Comfy game, comfy runner, comfy couch.
one of the old threads had the tracker for it