/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

Demo Day 18 is the 18th entry into the demo day franchise

> Current Demo Day 18

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/74btH1aJ
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/mU021G8w

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:



Does someone have the latest compiled version of aseprite? Thanks.

>find an amazing indie game
>this is awesome.jpg
>get that nagging feeling of jealousy and being slightly pissed off
>"no why is it so good, this means my good game isn't going to be as unique/impressive when it's out and its equally as good"

how do I become famous?

post progress

Get a lot of people to notice you.

Do something really smart or really stupid

Lewd Jam II when?

The biggest issue I have about agdg is the lack of tutorials in the op.

So that´s why I am asking: I need some 2D pixel tutorials for unity can anyone help me?

from yesterday. i have a family function all day today, but i'll try to find time and make a running one next

don't do 2D pixel in unity

>never released a big game before
>never even had a job before
>land a gig to budget and lead a team of devs to finish a 3D game in a year

wtf am i getting myself into

How early is too early to clean up logic? Right now, all my stuff is state based, so when I go to move, I set a bunch of flags about who's moving, and what tiles are marked moveable, so then when an action happens it goes through the data (Is someone moving? Is someone attacking? If the action is clicking, and the tile is a moveable one, and a mover exists, I should put them there), then clear out all the flags on everything whenever an action is resolved or cancelled. This is an all right way to do things when the player's actions are limited to essentially clicking fancy buttons, right?

Reposting progress because my last gif was at the end of the thread.

it's fine senpai, my first job after a life of NEETness was video editing, and I knew more than the normies working there for years after the first week

tell me your secrets
how do i get a budget

Well, you should delete your post and then wait for the new one to post again :^)

Just do your best and don't be afraid to admit you don't know when you don't know. It's about figuring things out and delegating. Just recognize who's good at what and enable them to do the best work they can do.

If you've got a shitty team or coworkers, though, good fukken luck man.

>making your own walkcycle in 2k18
just download a mocap walkcycle and remap it to your character
there are thousands of good ones that are free too

Posting this again for anons in different timezones. I'm going to be doing a stream with all the demos, same as last time, with a tentative schedule as follows:
19:00 Vinyl Hunger 2000
19:20 Project Wingman
19:40 Harmon:i:c
20:00 Ex-Carmine
20:20 valentine-404
20:40 SledFree:D
21:00 Dogma: The Golden Age
21:20 Space Jellies
21:40 Whimp the Bold
22:00 Pseudo Princess
22:40 Halloween Party
23:00 Sweet Fukushu
23:20 Ghost Knight Victis

19:00 HACK the FBI
19:20 Galactic Super Justice Team
19:40 Project Able
20:00 Gunsun Zeros
20:20 Infinite Spire Floor Generation Test
20:40 Switcheroo 2: Electric Boogaloo
21:00 FERAS
21:20 ProcGenLab
21:40 Bloodworks
22:00 Hair Receive Bullet II
22:20 Cash_Out
22:40 RRshooter
23:00 SlimeRPG

19:00 Dungeon Game
19:20 Beany booper
19:40 BreakWeapons
20:00 Mech Chip
20:20 Re
20:40 Project Alchemist
21:00 Baby Redemption
21:20 DinoSorcerer
21:40 South Sectors
22:00 Wasteland Rampage
22:20 Space Breakout
22:40 Figurasa
23:00 StarCraftRL

I've swapped times for Whimp the Bold and Space Breakout, lemme know if there are any other changes you want.

user quite shitty to ask but can i have your model for studying i wont use it in my game. Its from blender right? are you in the discord too?

>Right now, all my stuff is state based, so when I go to move, I set a bunch of flags about who's moving, and what tiles are marked moveable, so then when an action happens it goes through the data (Is someone moving? Is someone attacking? If the action is clicking, and the tile is a moveable one, and a mover exists, I should put them there), then clear out all the flags on everything whenever an action is resolved or cancelled.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe because I'm too drunk, but maybe because your explanation is shit?

I think the point was less to have a walk cycle and more to learn blender. Don't discourage people from learning, they can always default back to grabbing shit off the internet.

>making your own model in 2k18
just download a character and rig it to your walkcycle
there are thousands of good ones that are free too

the guys from rainworld did that so I don´t think it will be that hard for me.

Also when I talk about pixels I don´t mean stuff like hyper light drifter, but more like alttp.

>Click on a dude.
Is anyone moving? No. Can this dude move? Yes. Does it belong to the person whose turn it is? Yes.
Run script that sets dude to be mover, and sets all the tiles in dude's range to moveable tiles.
>Click tile.
Is someone moving? Yes. Is this tile marked as in range? Yes.
>Move dude.
>Clear all flags.
>Wait for next click.

Depends on your game. It can become worldwide famous or famous with a niche audience.

I'm happy if mine get as know as Niko.

I don't know shit about this game other than the cat that everyone spams, really goes to show how cute characters are what sell and nothing else.

Have you streamed past demos before? If yes, do you have any VODs of past streams?

Your rant about state based flags confused me. What states do you have other than moving and static? With state based character controllers I'd associate tons of more states, like idle, moving from A to B, working job X, sleeping, eating, drinking, fucking character Y, and so on.

Just DO IT

Yeah, did this last DD too. Playlist is here: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUckhMH5m-MqMrPzlAx9M22sH0V1p8X_a and the descriptions should have the games played with timestamps. First day has a shitty resolution and is broken up a bunch since I fucked up my streaming settings and couldn't fix it very well until after I was already done.

great, and when i need a walkcycle and attack/jump animations of something unusual like pic related for example, i'll download it too?
how will i make my game stand out if i'll just copy shit off of someone else with no originality?
i'm not in discord, but sure, why not, tell me how to get there and i'll give it to you

My game is the exact opposite of cute and charming, who do I sell it to?

Post game

Not that guy, but mocap usually looks much better. You can notice this in games which tried to mix mocap and handmade animations, the difference in quality/realism is jarring. AAA studios can afford to have their own mocap studios, the rest of us have to rely on buying premade assets, and there are tons of companies which have specialized on that and offer huge libraries with about anything you could possibly want for your shitty indie game.

>watch tutorials to try and get a grip on how best to structure overall game architecture and minimise coupling, something which I'm a brainlet at
>everything is oriented to immediate results with little if any attention to scaleability and structure

There's a niche audience for anything.


Mocap always looks horrible and you have to spent twice as much time cleaning up the mocap data than you would have spent just hand animating something from scratch.

Not going to keep it like that -- I don't have any art skills, so I can't do any rigging, modeling, or animating. Everything is just programmer art placeholders for now.

I'm planning that once I get the project to be "feature-complete" that I'll either try to find an artist or just crack some books and try to manage it myself.

bumping my question.

>tfw being afraid of making a right wing videogame about brown and black hordes invading a white country but I am afraid the industry will blacklist me
I'm not even white, but brown.

>everything is oriented to immediate results with little if any attention to scaleability and structure

This is what I used to hate most about Microsoft's official DirectX demos and tutorials. Remember the demo with the female 3d models running around on a checkerboard? It was supposed to showcase stuff like their skeletal animation and instancing hundreds of models which are in different animation frames, and it did exactly that. And nothing more. Took me days to understand how they move the fucking entities around on the checkerboard, and their solution was impossible to transfer to a real game world.

Mocap can look really good. There's a chinese "wushu" themed MMO and the game is shit but the animations are amazing.

Aw man, I like centered weapons.

There is no static flag. Nodes have flags for holding the attacker, holding the mover, valid for movement and valid for attack.

Models have flags for: have action, have move, exhausted, stunned, rooted, disarmed, pending destroyed and mortally wounded, at the moment.

They're markers so my effects know how to deal with them. They're fancy chess pieces, not wandering dwarves. They can't be 'ing anything, because there's either resolution of a sequence going on or there's not, and the relevant actors in that sequence will be marked as such. I also don't think they eat, sleep, work or get laid very often.


is it satirical, or do you hate other brown people?

I think they have genetically disadvantages because their racial IQ is lower, therefore making them unable on average to have more geniuses, and their average IQ put them on the range to be more violent and criminal and their civilizations didn't invent modern civilization.

Am I going to ignore the historical, cultural and other shit that indicates whites are superior just because I'm brown?

t. 130 IQ brown spic

amazing user thank you! But these are mostly for drawing right?

I also need a good 2D Unity tutorial, because I can´t figure this fucking engine out.

Here's a nice retro game you could clone.

I have so many good ideas but my skills sucks.

You're reasoning's pretty bad, there. If a difference exists, IQ shouldn't be factored in because IQ is bullshit. If there's anything that puts America or Europe ahead of the rest of the world, it's stubborn, bullheaded individualism combined with wanderlust. In India, you tell someone trans "You're a hijra, you aren't a real person, go sit in the slums and scrape by on sex work because no one's gonna give you a real job" they say "ok..." In the US, you tell a trans person "You aren't actually that gender" they say "Fuck you I'll burn your house down and shit on the ashes I am whatever I say I am and anyone who says otherwise is subhuman."

Procrastinating won't help you with your skills. Been there, done that.

I get your point user and i won't argue your view, but:
- i don't have the money to buy assets
- i doubt there's mocap data for cosmic horrors and tentacle monsters
- i'm just a dude that wants to learn stuff and make game, if i buy stuff then i'm not learning

Some people in here hate the discord guys - Sakuyoi btw.

Ignore them, user. Keep working on your blender stuff. If you want any advice, I'd say do stuff more stylized, like action figure'y. If you wanna end up doing spider walker monster things, it'll be better if you learn exaggerated proportions. Makes your stuff look more fun, too.

Anyone who looks at something you made and says "You could have just taken someone else's work" isn't worth replying to.

>How early is too early to clean up logic?
it's never too early

my friend made a game about killng muslims and got visited by the fbi, no 'industry blacklist' though

There's no limit to the number of lights I can have in scene with deferred rendering is there?

Well, why don't I just mess around with dumb bullshit instead?

In the most basic sense no, but you might find engine/performance limitations depending on what you're doing.

mocap in games always has that same cheap stiff feeling to it that every AAA game has. uncharted is the only exception in recent memory that didn't have that, but even then they didn't do 100% mocap.
mocap is lazy.

>tfw i read postmortems of failed indiedevs to make myself feel better

>tfw when they make a million excuses instead of just admitting their game sucked

wow, thank you

No one wants to admit their lives were wasted.

>because IQ is bullshit
Out of all emperically measurable psychological factors, IQ is the most reliable indicator of how successful an individual is going to be in their life.

The worst ones are where it all could have been prevented if the dev spent 5 minutes in AGDG and got told all the obviously terrible things about their game.

Hugboxes aren't your friend.

>Mess around with game maker or godot
>Want to make a classicvania and eventually release it on itch.io but afraid that it'll not succeed or not well received?
How the fuck do you move past that? Should I go fill a specific niche that people want? Is said true so long the characters are cute?

dont focus on making something marketable if you're making your first game dude

>but afraid that it'll not succeed or not well received?
>How the fuck do you move past that?
You just like, make game. I mean fuck I'm scared about how well received my shit will be, but I just make it.

not really. So long you can market yourself and have a general sense of business self then you're good.

it will be well received if it's good, simple as that

I made 2 attempts at makign something marketable and abandoned it halfway through. You need to focus on shit working and being presentable first and actually having it in a "barebones ferature complete" state, then you worry about marketing

Are you making games for other people or yourself? Figure that out.


And it is extremely unreliable. When it comes to psychology and sociology, it's just not worth speaking with any certainty. We can talk about how white people made guns and castles when people in hotter climates were still throwing stones and living in huts, but I'm not gonna pretend I have any idea why that is, or what would have happened if you had a bunch of new born south africans raised as normal citizens in 1400's Europe, but people sure like to act like they know exactly what.

Better know how to draw.
Or at least how to make a marginally cute character that autistic people will feel attached to.

Hey guys, just letting you know that I'm making my game in javascript. Fuck you all.

Reposting DD18 montage (Last time)
in case anyone hasn't seen yet :)

the only texture in my game is the normal texture, which is also being used as the diffuse texture

post them pls.

>can market yourself
>have a general sense of business self
Yes, because these are clearly defined concept that are easily measurable, and not just two topics where having high IQ would help you in, right.

>We can talk about how white people made guns and castles when people in hotter climates were still throwing stones and living in huts, but I'm not gonna pretend I have any idea why that is, or what would have happened if you had a bunch of new born south africans raised as normal citizens in 1400's Europe, but people sure like to act like they know exactly what
Not the same user who was talking about race, so this whole tangent is completely unrelated to the point I was making.

----[ Recap ]----
Game: HACK the F.B.I.
Dev: Vestigial
Tools: Unity
Web: @vestigialdev
+ Experimented with saving code into assemblies that
+ Submitted something to demoday

where is the gameplay

>posting recap on wednesday

It is, but it's related to the original person talking about "racial IQ."

Thank you for putting that together. I have to ask, what made you decide to use music that's so... bad?

guys find me a tutorial in making 3d games in love2d

How does /agdg/ feel about doing something similar to Rust maps where it's procedural generated with common structures (power plant, launch site) placed randomly?

its devs from here singing
it was just a bit of fun :)


Do this one next time

Nice b8

haha this is magical :D

muh combo score

It depends on how critical the structures are, or if you can somehow get a bonus from spawning far from one. Its too tempting to just restart until you get a good map

You can power up to grow bigger or smaller

There's no such thing as an industry blacklist. At maximum some sites may refuse to host it, but that's it.

Single player
My current idea for a game is exploration based, basically I'd like the player to have a different exploration path each play through but I know PCG can be a hindrance if not done right.

AGDG hates all devs who achieve some success through.

just make it orcs and elves dummy