Wowg world of warcraft
>tauren with beef related name
>namefag thread
time to bring out the pastebin
Daily reminder that females of other races are LITERALLY subhuman TRASH
How can they ever compete with the living and breathing Goddesses that walk around Azeroth?
i'm at 780 leatherworking and all my recipes are greyed out. how am i supposed to level this profession now? don't tell me darkmoon faire is the only way. blizz couldn't be that dumb... right?
Remember to avoid homophobic remarks, racial slurs and never use "KYS"!
Why didn't anyone tell me Fury warrior is so fun?
Today i said fuck you to my tank anxiety and decided to tank Kil'Jaedan on my Brewmaster Monk, and it was really fun :D it even gave me the courage to make my own group to start doing the Balance of Power questline which i've put on hold for so long because just the thought of doing mythics made scared me, but it went super smooth and now i've got my first Mythic Keystone (Lower Kara +2) which i'm gonna try and gather the courage to do tomorrow
It was just LFR Kil'Jaedan and it was only a regular mythic but for someone who barely can tank heroics because of my anxiety it was one of the best moments i've had in WoW.
This probably sounds super pathetic to most of you but for me it was a great achievement and i just really wanted to share it. So to the people out there with the same anxiety problems like me i just want to say, try to gather the courage to do it! trust me, you won't regret it.
Blizzard made 2 revisions to the infamous loading screen everyone thought was shit
I was the first one to speak up about it
every fuckin time
Tanking isn't bad once you learn it. Plus even if you fuck up, most people don't mind. (Even if they do, they won't kick you since no one wants to wait for a tank to queue)
>tfw part of the toxic memelord warlock discord
>tfw its just as shitpost-oriented as I had hoped
i was afraid it was gonna be a beta-friendly zone
but the first one is the best
oh boy this bg sure LOOKS LIKE FUN OH FUCKIN DAMN
i can already imagin the strand of the mines
I respectfully disagree, friend. I think the final revision removes any comedic aspect that was not warranted and allows the piece to finally emanate mystery.
>should I level a X?
>what's better, X or Y?
>what should I reroll guys?
>1st: Windwalker
>2nd: Retribution
>3rd: Unholy
>1st: Blood
>2nd: Brewmaster
>3rd: Prot Paladin
>1st: Discipline
>2nd: Holy Priest
>3rd: Resto Shaman
>1st: Human (M), Panda (F)
>2nd: Dwarf (M), Nelf (F)
>3rd: Worgen (M), Draenei (F)
>1st: Undead (M), Belf (F)
>2nd: Orc (M), Undead (F)
>3rd: Zandalari (M), Panda (F), NBorne (F)
>Blizzard supposed to buff boomkins and assassination rogues
>buffs went live in NA but not in EU
sasuga blizzard
maybe NA has a chance now though
>zandalari not until BfA
fucking enraged desu
Does this happens with other races?
I just can't play fem orcs because every shoulder looks crooked.
Arms warrior hidden artifact skin quest is up today, if such a thing is spread across servers at least.
don't forget the guilds
rpipipip - sargeras
tgiSh - illidan
memeloving club - that rp realm that is not moonguard
another dead guild - another dead server
forsaken pauldrons float above their shoulders
actually its illidan
tgish is a reddit/trade chat guild
How do I find a Draenei cutie to cuddle with?~
and their weapons float over their backs. Undead are so unloved by Blizz
just fucking lessen our hunches it looks fucking ridiculous
aren't we all redditors tho
jokes aside, isn't one of the dead as fuck 4 chan guilds on illidan? Just go to Tgish if you want a Veeky Forums guild but you're not as uptight with Veeky Forums posting requirements.
>bearheart and froo still raid there
Hopefully they'll still be there in BFA, they're cool guys and I might use my boost there so I don't need to level a character from 0 again.
prince love is the purest form of love
At least make a proper OP you fucking moron
t. someone who has never been in tgish or played with those two
pretty dumb post
i just want to be a dumb nelf slut
Not worth it desu
Then get to roleplaying.
i can't decide on a class to do it as though
What don't you play already?
Shut your fucking mouth
druid, priest
Allright guys you had your fun, now, no more shitposting ok
anyone on horde us wanna do argus normal room for like 5
do you erp? :3
That's not even my character. I fucking wish I could use titty mods but I'm not going to risk a ban for that.
i only erp with females sorry you fuckin faggot
>evolution of wow
>create group for all 4 mythcis
>tank leaves after the first dungeon
>dps ITT that cannot burst over 5M single target
explain yourselves
I wish I could get a mythic group. LFD has fucked my brain up so badly that the effort of doing a dungeon without it seems impossible.
>start playing hard last week to start farming wakening essence on all of my characters
>gets hotfixed to ensure I can’t stockpile before they want me to
>have no urge to play any more other than just to keep doing gold order hall missions
>start to see that every new thing that I find myself doing in WoW is just a dangling carrot
Why does Blizzard have to keep shoving their limp little cock into my fun and make me regret playing this fucking game?
alchemy or enchanting
enchanting. raid guilds provide flask and pots for free.
Priest is the obvious choice that springs to mind.
is balance druid good?
im not a fucking loser nerd
>his warrior isnt orc
>his hunter isnt dwarf
>his druid isnt nelf
>his mage isnt belf
>his paladin isnt draenei
>his shaman isnt tauren
>his priest isnt human
>his warlock isnt forsaken
>his monk isnt pandaren
>his dk isnt human
>his rogue isnt goblin
No. There are other casters infinitely better.
This is good info tho, don’t be a jerk
Blizzard currently has a mindset of taking tangible 'effort/time = get reward' systems and replacing them with slot machines that instead follow a model of doing the same content to infinity for completely RNG rewards that will leave you feel frustrated and unsatisfied. I don't know who the target audience of this system is, but the person that enjoys it must actually be insane.
what should i play then
>not troll shaman
>not undead priest
>not gnome warlock
You were close.
My body feels physical pain every time I remember this
Play whatever class has the aesthetic and rotation you most enjoy and your computer and internet can handle.
The WoW class balance team are a herd of gerbils painted different colors and coerced to fight to the death. The last remaining colored gerbil will be the overpowered class for the current patch.
Affliction locks won
Go back to your winter wasteland you jackoff
>people ITT without aotc
>people ITT without a single mythic kill in antorus
>people ITT that main affliction
>people ITT without their trinket
>people ITT with an ilvl under 960
>people ITT that still haven't completed mage tower
what are you even doing when you login?
Leveling so I can get to 100 to play this expansion before it’s basically over which is 2 days ago
catching up since i hit 110 last week, you fucking mong
>dwarf hunter
Literally the worst combo that people have. Dwarfs look retarded with bows and guns are stupid
I just login and wonder why I've become so autistic and can't join a guild or join groups outside of robotic LFD/LFR stuff, but then I don't even do that LFD/LFR stuff because none of it seems worthwhile without a social group connection
>not orc
You speak in tongue like a child
What are you even talking about?
tauren or troll druid? Both races are disgusting.
I miss alliance
Mounts should have been banned from all order halls
Tauren animal forms look way better than trolls
enjoy the game
quit being a fuckin pussy
>a +15 carry is 260k gold
Making sure to call slutmog fags to go be a jackoff somewhere else, no matter how many times I’m called a faggot my storm of shitposting will never end
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
What is good info? "Do not be racist, homophobic or joke with suicide unless the people around you get that you don't really mean it"?
That infograph is so flawed that it is hard to get any useful info from it other than "people might be mean sometimes on some places on the internet"
You should have to pay even more as punishment for being the WoW equivalent of an incel
>needing a carry
>faggot who cant play ugly races
typical allicuck
How is that flawed? Literally don’t be a asshole and respect other people
Forsaken are too beautiful for this world
>that guy in his late 20s that still finds it amusing to call random people nigger faggots and talk openly about how he mistreats womens and hates arabs
>acts surprised when people don't want him around
>t. nigger faggot, woman or arab
user, I...
would u fug
uhhm sweatie... your dad and i has decided to cancel your world of warcraft subscription
how big is your tool
tauren, easily. better animal forms imo, but I also prefer tauren as a race.
What is your all-time favorite mount that you have and what is your most desired mount that you don't have?
My current favorite for a really long time has been the Turbo-charged flying machine and the one I really want to eventually get is the life-binder's handmaiden.
What the least edgy spec of all the spooky/edgy classes?
>any I'm missing
And that’s why you got banned fron the discord dude
Darkmoon dirigible
Korkron wolf because I sold my old account and I will never ever have it
Don't take me wrong, it's just that I want the artifact appearance on this 940 alt
my nelf druid is named mooncoon and I haven't been reported yet, which is a shake because I've already come up with a cheeky replacement