Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/


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say something nice about blaze

need a light

reminder that if OW didn't exist, you wouldn't have literal Yasuo mains in your team

>Play Alexstrasza
>Use ult
>Everyone runs away from the circles
>Especially your own team

Why exactly can Blaze's Q be interrupted? There is no channel in the description

>tfw you shit on a 5 stack in qm with your fellow randoms

His little flame burst? No.
His ult? It's gone off while I've been stunned before.

>Still no Tyrande announcer
Ummm hotsbabs?

>tfw i carry my team

Have a nice day /hotsg/ :3

>no aram queue

Fuck you

I love you /hotsg/

>Blaze's Mastery portrait

>"okay guys lets not focus blaze because he has good selfheal and alotta hp, also theres a healer on their team-"

>hurr dun focus tank guis


>regular portrait
>i sleep
>mastery portrait

>Li Ming
So many characters who needs announcer packs, and pretty sure I missed a lot who need. Did Blaze get one?


ya this patch had one for blaze and tyrael

Is Blaze good for a beginner?


Chadmaker > Avatard

damn some people are retards and matchmaking team me up with them all the time

But the tank is blocking me from doing that
They any good?

Tyrone announcer is baller
Blaze one is good too


xul announcer when

Vector targeting can be tricky though

Why is blizzard so stingy with silences? There are like 3 times as many stuns.

is blaze auto attacks spell damage or normal damage ?

I like the Blaze one but I think its a bit too quiet. I could barely hear it most of the time in the few games I played with it on.

Silences are all over the place nigger

Silence is also a weaker soft CC and isn't as useful as a stun for most hero kits

Normal basic attack damage but a cleave

Even counting taunt as silence
>all over the place
>12 heroes
>4 of which are heroics

Actually if you are counting taunt as a silence its 6 as heroics.

Taunt is a silence.

Imperius better be this year or else

Taunt is Taunt

Taunt is a silence that makes you fixate. Talents that remove silence removes Taunt. Technically Horrify is also a silence.

taunt is silence brainlet

The lack of silences is what is enabling the hyper mobile overwatch cancer.


Valeera is the best counter to hyper mobile carries and the fact that shitters exist will keep Valeera for being viable ever.

You want original or extra crispy?

She is still only 1 hero and can just be banned. If blizzard wants to do something about overwatch cancer they need to add more heroes with reliable silences.

>mfw valeera is actually anti-overwatch

I hope Imperius gets the duel ability to fuck overshits

>shitters will get her nerfed in to irrelevance again

Surely Maiev will have some sort of lockdown skill because she's a jailer. That'd counter those overshits.

>when varian taunts you, and you picked press the attack at 16

>all the braindead qm splitpushers will screech until she's been put in the dumpster

Uhmm... maybe, MAYBE you were a retard all this time user? The mirror is looking at you.

I just unironically bought Hanzo announcer. The whole honorabru shit on top of his nip accent is so fucking anime I luv it.

Or you could stop being shit at the game and play Raynor to counter any Overwatch hero, or anyone with a strong auto attack really.

t. genji main

t. tracer

You don't understand how hard Genji loses to auto attackers do you?

Raynor can't do much vs Genji
Raynor is outranged by Hanzo and Ana and Junkrat
Raynor gets punked by D.Va and he can't even use his Q if she has the bomb
Raynor is free energy for Zarya

Raynor can annoy Tracer with his banshees and trade somewhat favorably but still dies to a pulse bomb negating his E he's still on the losing end most of the time

congrats on "countering" 1/7 of the overwatch cast with arguably one of the worst heroes in the current meta since his early game is non existent


Even if he did there are 4 other people on the team.

oh forgot the brown dj so it's actually 1/8th of the ow he counters, good ratio

You're retarded

it will be like butcher's silence but with no silence

>hyper mobile
Raynor can do a lot to Genji, mostly he can kill him while Genji can't kill Raynor.
Q knocks the robot but Dva is another character that Raynor can easily kill.
Everyone is free energy for Zarya it they are brain dead idiots.
>Raynor loses to Tracer
Oh so you're a brain dead idiot

If Raynor is to complicated for you then feel free to go Zuljin

a good tracer won't mindlessly try to 1v1 raynor you dumb faggot, but since she can easily blink melee pulse oneshot him and recall, there isn't much he can't do

reminder he has 1300-ish base life before his E, which does nothing against a pulse bomb, he's a free snack for any tracer that knows how to position

I'd play that
Last year we got absurd amount of community demanded heroes (Malth, Stukov, KTZ, D.Va, Ana, Trashmouse, Seppuku bros) and a firebat as a bonus. Surely this is the year we'll get Maiev, Cairne and a dreadlord.

>Tracer dies 10+ times and gives the enemy a free win

Why is it that the worst player is also the most vocal?

And a good Tracer knows that there is nothing she can do In team flights while there is a Raynor. Because he can easily target her and kill her in a couple of hits, and unlike Tracer Raynor has access to good self sustain. But I see that Raynor is obviously to complicated for you, perhaps you should play Zuljin instead.

I'd take mal'ganis but you can Fuck off with you trash generic shitty nelf n°3000 and le meme cow. We need prime evils, Imperivs, mengsk, vashj, Draeneï first.

Dunno, why do the bitchiest beta bitchboys bungapost on Bulgarian bananaslinging imageboards

>prime evils
sure, those too. I'm just a War2-3 fag who never cared for Diablo. But yeah, those definitely too
never gonna happen, no matter how much I'd like him to be...

Did I struck a nerve? Damn son, do you really feed 10 times with a hero with 4 escapes? How the fuck?

He's my daddy, I would main mengsk to death and buy anything related including emojis.

By being out drafted to the point of dead weight

Is Blaze's AA actually a cone or does it only visually look like one and acts like a blast?

I believe all those are possible releases
fuck off

Imperium now has poppy's anti mobility w from league of legends
How viable is he with this one ability

we can dream user, we can dream...
I've got literally every hero from my wishlist back in beta, except for him

Its a cone, more like a rectangle in front of him.

post more of the glorius Emperor

nice you committed a shit hero just to counter tracer in teamfights, teamfights you lose anyway because that shit hero puts you behind in the first 10 minutes of the game

dumb fucking bronzie

What his kit will be?

As mentioned before Raynor is obviously to complex for you, so go Valla or Zuljin if you want someone that counter Tracer.


>be melee tank
>get chunked to 50% hp by junkrat's triple Q
>get chunked to 50% hp by hanzo's sharpened arrowhead and a Q+W
>they jump away when getting caught lols!

>flipping through Veeky Forums
>see thumbnail
>hmmm, what dreadnought variant is that
>oh it's just a blizzard chink tier copy.

Do you know who else counters tracer but actually isn't an auto loss

>Be corruption build Gul'dan
>Hit the entire enemy team with corruption at level 16
>Half their health gone in an instant

>warhammer fag
>dumb frogposter
Need I say more?

Every single game I've played with Blaze in it so far (including the 2 where I was him) the team with him has lost.

You know who else does it? Valla, Greymane, Illidan, Zuljin, Lunara, Artanis, Sergant Hammer, Lili, Sylvanas,

There are many characters who counters Tracer, Raynor just happens to be the easiest one to point too.
>isn't an auto loss
Right Right Raynor is the auto lose and not the trash that is Tracer.

I'm taking a fucking break. Overwatch heroes seriously fuck my games up. It's actually so fucking retarded how much mobility they have and people allow it like they allowed the new Hanzo buffs. Fuck this shit, man. I took a break once because of double OW hero release and now this.

Good riddance

>Unity on to the towers
>You have unity the 3 tribute
>Hero of UNITY!

We need more Overwatch heroes!

>forced 50 is a meme lol learn2play fagg
>you can carry just git gud
Uuuh guys? I literally have as much kills as the whole entire team (almost). How can I possibly carry any harder? The 3 deaths were all last few minutes when the retards gave away 2 bosses and 3 forts even though I called for taking their boss after wiping all their team by myself at top objective. Like I killed 4, took tribute, called to take their boss who was just there and they fucked off to take the siege giants at the other sides of the map, they respawned, took the 2 bosses and finished. How can you beat the forced 50/50 meme in such situations?

If you mean Reinhardt, I agree.