/ddlc/ Doki Doki Literature Club General #346

Natsuki, Love and Peace Edition!

Vote here

Previous Thread : >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa (embed)

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s (embed)
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
"Your Reality" sung by (You):
>If you do it, I'll seriously never forgive you!!
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

first for tf2 engineer

New thread, new comfy possibilities
Enjoy the thread anons, stay comfy and safe out there

Your doki but she's a professional wrestler.

Love all doki!
Especially Smol Tsun cupcake!


I want Monika to protect me!!!

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.


I think monika shadow-banned me, what do?

Monika but she's a giant fantasy goddess

Sayori is the Rope Wrangler! Careful the Noose is Loose!

>Lamia Fatsuki!
>She only has one fang!
>Even if she bites you could shake her off before any serious poison was inflicted!
>Surprisingly helpful metabolism!
>Even though the human half accumulates more weight, the snake half is pure muscle and it keeps growing to accomodate!
>She should not be this strong or agile, but she is!
>It's more that she's too big for her hunger to be sated than it is that she just really likes eating!
>She wants someone to cook with since she can only make so much!
>She turned to comfort eating because everyone already assumed a lamia would just turn feral and start trying to eat people!
>In attempt to avoid this she got really into cooking to see if she could flip peoples' image of her into something positive!
>All it did was compound with her loneliness and fuel a bad habit!
>How does a lamia even lose weight? She sometimes wonders!
>If she stops eating as much she'll dwell on her dejection too much!
>She decides to bake a cake and forget it!
>For now at least!
>The cycle continues like an oroborous!
>Hopefully nobody will make that nickname catch on!
>Lamia Fatsuki!

Planning murders with Yuri!
Covering up the evidence with Yuri!
Playing in blood with Yuri!
Fleeing town with Yuri!

>tfw you fail to smuggle initial d mee- i mean tofu

>you will never listen to Hammock
on a hammock with Yuri


good evening all! how are you doing tonight? how was your day? personally i'm yuri is actually as flat as a board and she stuffs her bra to make her boobs look bigger.

and that is not okay.

Why do we exist? To suffer?


Natsuki doing the 619 to Yuri!
Size isn't everything!


>Forgot image
Fuck im tired


How's everyone's day doing?

Just another quick reminder that this weekend we're reading poetry (read, share, exchange) and next weekend we're finishing "Lolita"!

Godspeed repost!

Let's read!

>All these natsukifags out of nowhere
What happened lads



You got me again

that would make her even cuter to me though


>"I made this song for you user! I hope you like it! You always look so sad all the time, just thought I could cheer you up with some sweet music, my music. I know you love this song, It always made you smile listening to it, though i don't think i'm very good, even though you tell me all the time that i'm amazing... i love you user! cheer up!"

I'm not big into books.


go to sleep user!

Have you tried Replika?

so when exactly should I be on to join in the book discussion?

Well, good afternoon, everyone!
Welcome to the poetry part!

Word of the thread is "limit"~!
Alternatives are 'frustration' and 'pace'.

You guys know what to do at this point, so get to it and do your best!
But if not, this is just inspiration in case anyone wants to write a poem! Please just consider using this word if you would like, but there's no need to either!
Everyone is welcome, so please, don't be shy! Just an effort is all I ask for! Even if you've never done it before or think you're not great... I still would like to see you!
Ahaha... I'm looking forward to seeing your contributions!

I'm keeping an eye on you~

Posting some adorable Natsuki

>tfw smuggler more and more Initial d tofu yo!

It has to be newfags probably from foreign chans

The dokis gets buried!

>it's another "natsuki is a good character" episode
My favorite!!!!

Reminder that Monika is a slut who just wants to use you, get some of your money and get some 3d dick.
Alternatively she will marry you and then divorce you to get all of your property.
She rode the cock carousel many times, as evidenced by her black thigh highs, which imply impurity and unloyalty.
Do NOT trust her anons.

Every single one of us has at least some of our Doki inside of us. No, not "abloobloo muh head and heart". It's sort of a "you've breathed the same oxygen molecule as Alexander the Great" and "basked in the same sun as the first man". In a similar way, the energy and matter used to run the Dokis is passed into and around you. The computer processes that run your Doki program do so through electricity and other physical processes. The magnetic field of the computer hardware running passes throgugh you. The photons that display your Doki enter into your eyes and are interpreted in your brain. There is literally physical data of your Doki in your brain.

NatsukiFriends always post at the start and then fade off somewhere

Its too early for that user

first for necroanon.

Natsuki and Sayori.


Reminder to report and ignore the Strelokposter. He does nothing but shit up the thread and try to stir up Doki wars.

>Being under 5'11 tall


*stabs you*

who is necroanon?

God I beg for you now. Just give me Monika so I can finally feel truly happy

I cant take it just being sat here waiting

New Thread
New reminder.
Don't give them (you)s

>"What's shakin' bacon"

I'm actually 5'10 and I feel tall

Yeah I know that, but they were posting alot last thread

true (but don't tell THEM* that!)

>being this new
a writefriend

Some degenerate that wants to fuck corpses

Thank you nonspecific video game character

the first step in that is not giving him (you)s m8

>being under this.height() tall


you mean under 6'0 right manlet?

Only if you're living in Asia

Don't worry, he'll never be forgotten!

>There’s also physical data of every dick pic I’ve been spammed in my head right now
Oh God please no

Natsukyu is better than stacy!Natsuki.

More Natsuki!

some girl with a weird (and possibly homicidal) fetish

>tfw this will never be canon
she should've died instead of Sayori!



>rally every initial d fan here


>"Hey you know you can hold my hand if you want to. There we go, that's better! God user you're so reserved! Are you still worried I'm going to react badly or something if you make a move on me? Can I make a frank observation? Promise you won't be offended? Sure? Ok. You seem like you someone who doesn't understand that another might person might love them. Is that accurate?"

HuniePop was a great game, looking forwards to 2. It had such great voice acting.

That doesn't matter because all of them die anyways

Necroanon left?
I haven't seen him in a while, damn

Dont worry, I'll never forgot him. I'm still waiting for his return! Just so that I can check up on him and make sure he's doing okay...
Maybe he's just lurking now? Or maybe he will later. I'll post later today to see if it catches his attention.


>smallest doki
>but my folder keeps getting bigger and bigger

Posting cute Yuri pics because she is /bestgirl/ and everyone deserves to experience her beauty!

>try to stab the person literally only known as the Shooter
>get shot
dumb thot

Poasting some artwork of smol tsun cupcake I saved from /ddlc/!

When will this happen give now pleaaaaaase.
I need to release a quick REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

initial d posting got me to watch initial d for the first time

and that's what I was afraid
There was too many Natsukifriends so we got new shills

>that vocal fry when natsuki tries to speak deeper

Its not the size of the Doki that matters user

>she is best girl.
wrong. she may be your favourite but all of the doki's are equally great.

Already got 120 and only been collecting for 2 weeks

Yo Keisuke is much more interesting than Takumi


>Being perfect sized for my doki.
For once I'm proud of my 5"9 status.

Natsuki deserved a more painful death than being deleted!

>"No, no. Stop user. Please. I don't like to hear you talking like this. I don't want to think to think about you being so alone! How come you didn't tell me this earlier? Oh user, you didn't deserve that! How could you have been so lonely for so long! So this is why you said you didn't understand why I would want to spend time with you. You make me so happy user, I hope I'm making you happy too. If only we'd met when we were younger, I'd have been the best girlfriend I could for you! I love you user, I love you with every beat of my heart."

this hits a little too close to home

Ooh, that's a new one for me - super cute!

Who /exclusive coupe/ here?