Fighting Games General /fgg/
yatagarasu sucks lmaooooooo
This is the OFFICIAL Sakura pairing!
What game does /fgg/ support?
sfv is
GG is /ourgame/
Cute lesbian fighters.
tag games fucking suck
Play Asuka
This game will be dead when people realize they got tricked into playing Goober Gear.
playing best blue
guile is my waifu
Jimmy-chan disagrees
does the hits you do by running combo into themselves?
I NEED TO see gameplay footage of ANDROID 21!!!
I just can't hit diamond with ryu. Every online match is a bad mu for this character
Cummy will dominate AE!
Rare guile for u
only on counterhit you can combo two steps together
Does anyone want to play anything?
Hello fgg. Tekken was my first fighting game and now I’m looking to branch out. I decided to pick up street fighter and learn zeku, is there any advice you could give me? Im using pad atm, do you also use the claw hand position or can you just hold it normally?
Just play Akuma already.
links = chains = combos
whats the point of it hitting multiple times then
>a bit
If you post more Asuka then maybe I will.
i hate fighting games
Why would you need to play with claw hand? Is that a thing in tekken?
I need to fuck her
Play Rose
Yes... Super Sayaijin Rose..
I thought you liked Lili cheez
>tfw sfv is already 3 years old
damn time is moving too fast...
*teleports in behind you* donut get so cocky
You mean two, it was released in february 2016.
I really hate how long early access games are taking these days
we are soon in season 3
season 1 = year
season 2 = 2 year
season 3 = 3 year
ryu might be ass but at least his low forward still low profiles a lot of shit
i got banned for posting this once
Do you guys think they'll add more characters after Noctis to Tekken because I'm starting to seriously doubt it.
you have to substract one year, unless you think arcade edition dragonball fighterz is "0 years old" when it comes out
back dashing is fun
it's gonna be 3 soon because the game didn't change during the 7 month beta anyway
You're retarded.
It's 2 years since release, a bit more if you count the betas.
You don’t have to, but playing claw is standard in tekken.
just fgg things
its not fair half of that is strifehomo
How do I become the FGC's biggest villain? Who do I gotta dethrone for that title?
kept us waiting Brick!
Really? Why?
Call MenaRD a porch monkey.
Bow down to Jive or die
I do like Lili more. But I like Asuka too. Not as much as Lili, Eliza, Kat, Leo or Nina, but still one of the characters I like a lot. Asuka was my favorite character in 5 behind Nina until Lili was added in 5 DR. Then Nina moved down to second and Asuka third. When I first starting seriously learning tekken with 5 DR Lili and Asuka were the two characters I started with. Then Devil Jin and later Nina.
that doesn't even make sense
I was literally about to reply "most strifeomo post of the month" but then anonymous replied too
le feel when 12 hours work days
Remember when they said wouldn't release a 'super' version of jive because of seasons? Lmaaaooo
you know that youre not immediately 1 year old when you're born, right?
It's a 4 button game. People play claw in all sorts of games, I did too when I played playstation sf collection. Claw is pretty common in all forms of pad fighters but Tekken makes the most sense.
he might be korean, because thats how they reckon age
the moment you are 1 second older than 0, you are no longer 0.
0.00001 = 1
go back to school, friend
why do people call Tiger Kneeing Tiger Kneeing?
like I understand what the input is but what does it have to do with Tiger Knee? What Street Fighter is it from and what did the input do?
We playing that game are we
nigger what
It's the input for sagat's tiger knee
that's why it's called tiger knee
in sf2 the input for sagats tiger knee was 12369+k
Oh, right hand claw
My bad, I thought of the MonHun claw for some reason
My friend at MAGfest got some e-celebs to call me trash at street fighter and he put it up on youtube.
I will not stand for this
Stop jiving.
but do we have to take into account the beta per- I mean, the gestation period?
>What Street Fighter is it from
>and what did the input do?
A Tiger Knee
This is why women shouldn't be allowed in DBZ.
sometimes i forget i'm in the minority general
That doesn't make sense at all, if anything being 4 buttons makes it even more dumb because you can press every button with no problem (and you have shortcuts for multiple buttons). Claw only makes sense for shit like 6 button fighting games on a fightpad and even then it's a meme.
>not posting it for /fgg/
You a bitch and your homie is right
chill dude people dont make fun of you for not being able to react to shit
so is abigails run just a full screen mixup then if you cant break through 3 armor
fuck off back to /a/
no, there is a universal escape if you wait until just as he is about to come into grab range and then upforward
most characters have at least something specific to them that they can do also
Just jump over him
I've got no problem posting it, I just forgot too
but that's caulifla
They also said they wouldn't nerf top tiers.
it's more that they add the being in the womb part. the number thing is a big confusion even with time because of the difference with cardinal and ordinal numbers. the west is kinda fucked because Romans didn't do anything with 0, that's why clocks are 1-12 and we get ambiguous cases of why 12am follows 11pm or 12pm follows 11am.
Interesting read
i used to just wait and block and punish the mixups but now im just gonna start jumping.
upvoting your post
they said you wouldnt have to buy new versions, which still holds true