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AGDQ 2018
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first for comfy jrpgs

Just looking for my yearly yous.


Do people really not like blechy?

only idiots

retarded people

Any cuties show themselves the past 24 hours?

we were stalking qt azn gf last night, but that's it

Like Blechy?

yes. mostly with penis tho

no, but there's one reading donations right now :3c

He has a lot of admirers for some reason.


is darkman actually 40 years old?

god and im starting to feel old as 25.


have I missed any?

wtf that's racist

That was pretty fun.

>nothing in the marathon will compare to the comfiness of the NES block

It hurts, friends.

>paying $5 a month to shitpost in a censored, spam filled chatroom

Well at least GDQ found a way to censor anyone laughing at the nerd cringe

>please join our community
>we promise you won't literally chop your dick off doing it


>normos using binary instead of hex
it fits perfectly

trannytime over
blackman step up

Fuck that binary donation, obnoxious as shit.

oh, well, I guess I understand the $5 paywall to chat on stream now. You got anything better to do?

Was this a recruitment scheme in order to bring in future runners to ensure gdqs last forever?

it's a subtle "attack" on the trans issue of gdq

ive been jerking off to new comiket doujins

>shilling merch

I had to google both words. I'm not with this neet shit. You jack off to amateur japanese cartoons sold at a nerd convention in japan?

In 2019, it'll be SGDQ - Strider Game Done Quick.

i'm not the guy you responded to but yes

Does anyone else get stuck at their computer?
Like I started watching this like 5 hours ago, i'm get up and do something in my head.
But I just continue to sit here and go through the same web sites and threads in an endless cycle.
Is this autism?

>sunshine 120 shines
PLEASE be comfy

I personally have waited for Chizuru-chan Kaihatsu Nikki 5

it's addiction

Real Previous thread

desu depends on couch

do you expect them to do it for free?

For fucks sake.

This is funny once every 2 hours or so, stop trying to force yourself to be funny

>edobean on donations during it


>edobean on donations during it

Why the fuck are you even on Veeky Forums?

God I hope the couch doesn't say splendido every shine

>all this tranny

I miss 2011-13 agdq

>neet shaming
>on Veeky Forums
Are you for real?

>look at some of the deleted/banned messages in chat
>one is just residentsleeper
>one is just dansgame

trey is super comfy and will probably talk a lot.

god, he got so fucking fat

imagine being this much of a dumb normie

its becoming too mainstream now. Also this cancer charity is pretty depressing. Literally nonstop donations about grandmans, uncles, moms and dads dying of cancer, even one dude sent donation about 7yo girl fighting with brain tumor. The tranny issue somehow helps me not to focus on this too much.
In a few years they will do charity for dick chopping clinic and dilation sets


The SJW word filters they applied are overly complex, do too much and too little at the same time in the wrong places, and are absolutely inefficient at what they are supposed to do.

Just like their ideal government.

So did they give this tranny a spot on the staff for anything other than being a tranny?
It actually seems like in current year.
Being a tranny is a good business move.

>but all muh production value

because it's $5 to post on the twitch

I'll mention it to my wife to see if she has some insight

You don't have to lie to virgins on an anonymous internet chatboard

comon man its 2018


stupid phoneposter



hes a transtrender whoa no way

is that a tranny bfos?


>Comfy game just starting
>Have to leave for work


Huh, didn't know he ran any games.

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Real talk they need to find a cure for autism in order to save all these people from transitioning.

objectively wrong

i kinda do wonder why there are so many MtF runners
not just at gdq but in general
it's not like the speedrunning community is much more or less accepting than any others

woah he trimmed it

yeah, comfy literally means nothing

Reminder that encouraging mental illness and self-destructive behavior is basically textbook evil and we need a holy war to take back the speedrunning community.

comfy is just a code word for WAAAAH

What's the problem with transitioning, it only gives you privileges.

is this the guy who sang the wario karaoke a few years ago

Nah, he just stuffs it in that hat.

what a great therapist
they knew exactly how to dodge that tranny bullet

I bet 4 agdq's worth of donations could find a cure for Autism whereas we will never find a cure for cancer.

PCF is about early detection and prevention, not finding a cure.

i meant the beard
when are they going to release more good music btw
their last album only had like 2 memorable songs

truth in 2018 being a white tranny is the most privileged class in the world

hey I'd really appreciate it if you jumped in front of the shuttlebus

if a cure for cancer existed, the 'prevention' charity scam would end

You should reply to r9k with helpful, realistic advice. It's fun

we need a better understanding of the brain in general

>when are they going to release more good music btw
Just enjoy the first 3 (or 4) albums. It's over.

normies, stacies, chads, reeeeeeeeeeee

is it really

isn't like 10% of the money going to research?

yeah, especially dating advice that you learned naturally at 16 that these shutins never picked up on, like showering

yotbr at least got a bit better with age, at least it has a few songs that i still remember from time to time
i liked both afterman records (afterman itself is one of their better songs, plays to their lyrical style really well)
just dont see myself listening to that color album aside from like, what was it, peace to the mountain?
if they do more stuff like afterman i'll be happy

I have a problem with the charity donating 1.5 mil and 900k to "education/awareness" and "community outreach" or whatever that means and only 1 million to research. If you actually want to make a difference donate to a university lab or a cancer center like mskcc. Most people are aware cancer is bad.

the thing is most cancer is preventable, but when was the last time you got your nuts screened or whatever
dont get me wrong id prefer we found a cure, but in the meantime id rather have some resources making sure that it's affordable for me to prevent it

above said, i do not like PCF at all and have only ever donated to MSF through GDQ

You prevent it by researching better ways to catch it early. No good ways to detect aggressive cancers like pancreatic or ovarian until it's already stage IV or discovered by accident.

true, nes runs are comfy

ninja gaiden, punch out, batman, all smbs, castlevania, chip n' dale, the list goes on

the donation aspect has always been shit