/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

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Just beat a guy named "New meme boy", who was it? Come on user, dont be shy

First for DS2 infusions being the best in the series


Hyper armor isn't instant, and your weapon is generally faster. If you can poke him between his swings or before his hyperarmor kicks in, you'll deal counter-hit damage and stagger him without him being able to attack. It's one reason why straight swords totally shit on ultras, you hit the guy during his slow-ass windup or while he's recovering and dodge out of the way of his easy-to-dodge attacks.

Just done Sinh for the first time in ages.

What do you think about this fight? I really didn't enjoy it, his constant flying when you get near drove me crazy.

The Uchigatana is really good. Great moveset and it's light.

twitch dot tv /darksydephil

What's your favorite weapon in each game?

Not first, but I agree with you user, So I give you my first post position!
breh, you're talking about DS, the shit networkin

>i rate katanas

he's programmed like Midir you dumbo. You have to fight his head or he's going to spin or fly away. If you just constantly circle to spank his ass, that's on you. Sinh has pathetic health anyway and he's very passive.

Gargoyle Halberd
Roaring Halberd
Thrall Axe


Grant or Gravelord Sword
Threaded Cane

He had too many moves copied from Kalameet, and his new attacks were mostly obnoxious flying ones where you can't get any hits in. I probably died to him the most of any of the DS2 DLC final bosses, but he was also the least fun and interesting in my opinion.

Oh, well that would explain it. His head is so small I didn't think it would be like that.

Yeah, his hp is far too low. He's the worst dragon fight for me, out of the named ones anyway.

I'm pretty sure it was New meme boy
Either that or it was user

Zweihander is best. Everything else is literal shit.

Curved Nil GS

fun fact : Sinh's skin deals humongous durability damage if you hit him anywhere else but the head. This mechanic is why they gimped his health because retards would just break their weapons on him when it's just supposed to be a hint to boop him in the snoot.

What are some good fashion sets I can get early on? I forgot defense is useless and I’m tired of looking like metal shit. Using a LKS so lighter stuff would be appreciated

I think Wolnir might be the biggest pushover in this entire franchise.

DS1) Black Knight Sword
DS2) Dragon Tooth
DS3) Crescent Moon Sword/Demon Greataxe
BB) Beasthunter Saif

>ceaseless discharge
>ancient wyvern
>dragon god
At least wolnir has a near instant death move and adds

go grab early millwood chest and use it with the thief mask and northern set to be comfy as fuck, though that's heavy I guess

My go-to is herald with either the cleric, herald, or lothric knight helm depending on how much weight I can carry, just because I get three different helmets which makes it easy to change my weight as needed.

Moonlight butterfly mate.

>every boss in valley of defilement
>covetous demon
he probably is the most overpresented of the joke bosses though

Are there any daggers worth using in ds3 PvE?


Hosting fight club SL120 on PC, High Wall of Lothric

Pass is dsg

Put sign down on bonfire or ledge.

Saw Cleaver

Bandit's Knife is a favorite for doing early Dancer.

What's your favorite King's Field weapon?

Mastodon Halberd

>tfw my fully upgraded Dark infused Dragon's Tooth has a whopping 724 AR

joining, haven't played in 2 months tho so bear with me

Liars, the lots of you, only SS GS and USG are viable in this unbalanced piece of shit. anything else has to do 10x the effort to do the same fucking shit.

>phil streaming souls

>early milwood set
Isn’t that late into AoA?
And the thief mask is sold by greirat right?

>hosting FCs for this dead ass game

>trying this hard to derail the thread

Tie between Gargoyle Halberd and Black Knight Sword
I'm still figuring that out, but the Dragonrider Halberd is cool.
Tie between the Greataxe, Astora Greatsword and Profaned Greatsword.


You just have to make it up the tower in Millwood village in the snowfield. You'll grab the Captain's Ashes for the Millwood Greatarrows anyway.

is this the best way to use vordt's hammer and irythill SS at this level range? Poise about right?


The last two rings can be whatever and I'll probably change the armor and parry tool. I had 4 spare SL so I added two str, one vit, and one faith point for chime WA. Would vig have been better than str? Even at +10 the precent change in HP was greater than the percent change in AR, but if you include all my estus flasks as part of my HP that gets reversed. Am I better off going warrior though? It saves me 1 SL and lets me lower vit, but removes fire surge.

It's not late at all, you just go up the millwood tower before your second big doggo encounter and grab the captain's ashes.

Where to invade with level 70? And can I invade zone if I killed the boss there already?

What's the best class for a beginner on Dark Souls 1?

bandit or warrior are both good. Cleric, pyro, or sorcerer if you intend to play those types of characters

Warrior, you get a 100% phys block shield and a really good weapon that can carry from start to finish

Is that supposed to be Gambino?

why do you have 10 faith

probably lothric castle and upper

doesn't matter

Higher levels cost more souls to attain, so if you start as a lower level class you level up faster technically. For optimization, especially if you want to end your build at a certain level, it's usually best to pick the class with the least of the stats you don't want so that you can get the most of what you do want through leveling. The idea here is that you can only level up, not down. For some reason resistance doesn't contribute to your total starting SL though, so having a high resistance stat is fine. It's absolutely never worth leveling though, ever, under any circumstances.

As for cheesing the game you can just kill the hydra in the darkroot basin then look for the golden crystal golem that spawns, which give you access to the ivory branch. Then get the bare minimum intelligence for magic missiles and congrats, you now can nuke everything in the first two thirds of the game or without having leveled up much at all. Though for actual fun I'd suggest picking warrior and forgoing attunement/intelligence/faith in favor of physical weaponry your first playthrough.

How cruel is it to push an AFK player into a horde of corrosive acid spewing beetles?

>justice warriors are actually playing this game
god help us all

>and one faith point for chime WA

>implying that isn't a memer

>not just throwing Corrosive Urns at them and calling it a day

Alternatively, push them gradually towards a spot where their souls would be very hard to retrieve, like in the middle of a bunch of really tough mobs.

Tie between Zweihander and Heide Knight Sword
Millwood Axe

I already spawned in a terrible position which was behind the giant fuckhuge beetle guarding the path to the DoS, meaning i had to gradually push the fucker out the way and I felt spending more time trying to get them to the center of the Amana Ganksquad Pool would've taken too long, so I had to cut my losses and let the beetles have 'em.

Crypt Blacksword because I basically played through the game with it once I could and never touched 2 again

>gradually becomes more edgy

Anyone interested in a lvl ~240 fight club at the Pontiff plaza? No need for passwords.

How often should I level up in DS1?

how many people in this thread have a SL that high

>the level of autism required to do a low/midlevel ds2 invader
HOW could they drop this shit so hard?
How is it even physically possible?
Are you telling me i will need to ascetic farm every time i'm out of cracked orbs?
Are you telling me that i can't even buy consumables without fucking up my SM or try new weapons for invasions as upgrading itself costs souls?
That's not to mention that i will need to dedicate a ring slot for a shit that unfucks their awful SM system in return from removing all the soul reward i can get from invasions?

but i don't duel

Just enjoy what you enjoy, my dude.
I did some testing with the Frayed Blade. Not only can it deflect crossbow bolts with the WAR2 but if timed perfectly it can deflect all three of them.

Dragon Bone Smasher
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Whirligig Saw

what is the crystal sage supposed to be doing in this pic

"Dark" Souls 1+1


>2HR1 into WAR2 is a true combo, two combos are a guaranteed bleed
>fairly long, great for chasing people down
>WAR1 deals great damage on mid levels, like 350 per use, can hit multiple phantoms at once, can chase and zone people
Frayed is such an amazing katana. Possibly the first katana in whole series that i genuinely enjoy using, even chikage feels like clumsy shit in comparison.

getting ready to shank the ashen one for ogling at his daughteru

is there a list of fun build ideas somewhere

but I use it to test weapons and fashion

Just use collectors edition.

Anyone knows the true combo of valor heart ?

not a true combo but r1r1 jumpattack often rollcatches


I should've clarified earlier. By perfect timing deflecting three bolts, I meant that it could deflect all three from the Avelyn.
While I like the Frayed Blade, I prefer the WA of the normal katana. The WAR1 is great for rollcatching and the WAR2 is a pretty good parry.
Also the katana jumping attack has a ton of range.

>user found the secret space ship area


I thought we got over it already but no, hey, how about get parried once and die from almost full hp to zero? Who thought it is fun?

*spams l2*
*chugs with every mistake*
*gets it once*
*oneshots u*
heh, learn to play, kid

It's Boomhauer

Would you /dsg/ or you guys are 100% gay and want to smash Gwyndolin's boipucci?

If only you could do something else vs people who have over 200 ping every fucking time

Very close
Unparriable weapons are a thing too
>200 ping
>still gets parried
maybe don't be so predictable?

with 200 ping, you get parried on the second hit if the guy tried to parry your first hit because miyazaki is a braindead monkey

the latter but i'm not gay

What's DSG's opinion on twinking?

it's fun, i did it with every game

twinking is for weak faggots that want cheap wins, so it's right up /dsg/'s alley.

watch as some idiot will post some webm of him killing newbies and thinking he's hot shit

why are there so many blood stains around this nice old lady that gave me the banner?

I've never found invading to be fun so I don't know.

Why do I get invaded while trying to invade someone with red orb?

t. got twinked in DaS

It can be fun in moderation, doing some themed build or cosplay that would be too weak otherwise. Or if you try to teach possible new players dos and don'ts. Tryharding as a twink is cancer.

>can be hit when you're knock down in dark souls 3

Why is this a thing? I aint even fucking kidding this is essentially ruining the game for me. 800 hours between Dark Souls 1/2/SOTFS and this is nailing the coffin shut on this one. The lolpoise change already has me losing my shit, but this is just bullshit. I get knocked down and I literally can't get up before being drained of all remaining HP while i'm just laying their like a bass out of water.