/fog/ - Fallout General

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:
pastebin.com/mtYCtDLV (embed) (embed)

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
pastebin.com/u29WKkGy (embed) (embed)

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:
pastebin.com/EL3CCTS4 (embed) (embed)
>NEW! Creation Club Stuff:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>NEW! Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:
pastebin.com/MWEPKj5m (embed) (embed)

>OP Pasta:
pastebin.com/eecqFB6D (embed) (embed)

/aco/ thread:
Pre-War thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



2nd for Piper sux

all the dicks

Also you've posted this picture 40+ times in the past 5 months. Is it considered spam yet?

Trying Merciless ENB.
Finally got Curie a Pip-boy - now the backstory that I fabricated for her (A vault dweller born to descendants of French immigrants - even if that makes no sense at all) is believable.

Curie vanilla also looks like an ayy lmao for some reason.

You don't seem very bright.

Are you talking shit about my waifu?

>Fallout 4 VR

Bethesda should reboot the Fallout franchise to 10yrs after the war for a more believable post-apocalypse experience.

Introduce heavily mutated beings besides Or-Super Mutants and ramp up the actual sci-fi aspect and not harp on the 50's as much.


Its okay to be a ghoul!

In fact, its RAD-ical!

>bethesda should gut the very little that's left that makes fallout unique in its setting

or you could fuck off back to cod

But Fallout is post-post apocalyptic.

How's it not spam? Posted 11 times in the month of December alone

1, 2 and NV never needed the 50's aspect to be good games.


>no one has modded this in yet

>one image in several threads

>power armor helmets in 4 are too large for the human head

it's modeled after 40s-50s pulp sci fi. it's supposed to be this way.

Posted once a thread is not spam. You'd have a stronger case against Caitfag as he posts the same handful of images and made his own copypasta.

this any good?


been wondering bout this one myself


How do you define a "post-apocalypse"? Are we technically in a post-apocalyptic world since the Roman Empire fell, or the Black Plague?

the fuck am i supposed to play then? ive already played all teh DLCs and both FCR and O&R

dont be obtuse

Time to move on, lad

>Christine gets a new voice
I liked it better when she doesn't talk

I don't even know what that word means


unsurprising desu

It was a genuine question

google is a thing you utter mong

It's okay to be a deathclaw!

geez, excuse me for trying to have a conversation

>Cataclysmic event

>Post apocalypse
>Collapse of society after said impact event
>Can be set immediately after but mainly deals with the survivors and the psychology after the events and humanities struggle to survive in some way
>Pre-event life is seen as a myth or legend if far enough ahead
>Tribes form and fight over what little resources remain left

>Post-post Apocalypse
>Return of civilization in small but substantial ways
>Tribal villages turns into towns, cities
>Governments and nations forming
>Various industries
>Division between rich and poor
>Even with raiders and other n'er do wells life has reached a sense of normalcy and as shown in NV, a sense of peace and loss of adventure enough to go out west in search of danger and adventure.

Adding on to this(despite the fact that I harp on about it a lot) that Fallout is becoming less Mad Max and more Planet of the Apes.

You should watch the movie series. Good stuff.

I don't remember Fort Strong being this well lit.

I think what offends me the most is their nakedness.
Put some clothes on! What are you, a wild animal?

Well, user, they ARE deathclaws...

What offends me is they don't take new screenshots.
At least the ghoul fucker does that.

slm is such a powerful and fun thing to play with... off to radically change others

>Have the stupid geforce experience
>Hit record
>nothing happens
My .webms would have been shit anyway...

change Piper back right this instance

That last one is a new shot.


Is there any mod that adds the vent to the x-01 power armor? I remember seeing it not too long ago in another thread but I didn't really care until I found the apa out by the glowing sea.

why does it feel like these tips were written by a literal child?
there arent even any zombies in the fucking fallout universe, whose idea was to write this?? jesus fuck
i cringe at every other loading screen tip as well, its like it treats the players like they're in special needs ed or some shit

best texture mod for NV?

What Fallout 4 needs is a Sheogorath mod, like Skyrim


I cringe at the fucking Quad Rocket Launcher in which the cylinder dosn't even spin and the four rockets are fired STRAIGHT from it, resulting in
A: a horribly burned, if not decapitated head
B: the rocket hitting ground meters before you
C: the rocket launcher flying out of your hand

Looks even shittier than before

Tfw /ss/ isn't canon

So make it canon.

go to bed buffscale

You'd figure it would be more common in a post-apocalypse world, especially in "uncivilized" places.

for console kiddies user
depends on what you want to retexture
>mgs neat clutter
>neglected clutter
>hires chems and health retexture
>pm's med retextures
>amidian book of water
>improved robots textures
>crt for securitrons
>weapon retexture project
>weapon enhancement pack
>high resolution male body textures
>lost in light eye retextures mod(on FO3 Nexus, just drag and drop)
>zzjays type 3 texture workshop
>wasteland clothing HD
you probably saw the one I slapped together using the one from junkmaster
it's really not worth it and none of the textures line up
it's quite literally a part of the NV APA mesh thats been ported and rigged to the FO4 system

It's what happens when the people in charge of the content don't know shit about the universe.

obviously bethesda would never include child prostitution in FO but its pretty clear that if in a post-post-apocalyptic scenario like FO it would be plentiful, alongside kiddie rape and whatnot
its funny because kiddie rape was literally explicitly implied in new vegas. one of the slaves in caesar's camp says something along the lines about the legion when talking about rape, "at least they leave the young ones alone... mostly"

also explicitly implied that lots of raiders just outright raped, tortured and burned little kids alive routinely, specially prominent ones like cook cook and whatnot, and then theres dermot whos a slaver who kidnaps and sells children to known rapists. theres also a bunch of other shit im forgetting about right now

>tfw loli sex mods are literally canon

>My headcanon is more canon than canon

Are you familiar with the concept of humor?

>you probably saw the one I slapped together using the one from junkmaster
It looks fucking awesome. Why wasn't this added to the X-01 from the start? it was always one of the cool features.


>It's what happens when the people in charge of the content don't know shit about the universe.
OwO whats this

reminder that ghouls literally shout "BRAINS" in fo1

That's not even supposed to be humorous. What the fuck are you talking about?

Clearly an easter egg.

>easter egg
>in almost ALL of the ghoul combat dialogue shouts
the also talk about eating your organs

>That's not even supposed to be humorous.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you not see the ironic humor of "they're not actually zombies, they're really just people whose brains have rotted away and turned into humanoid flesh eating monsters"?

what's the difference there then? you don't seem very bright either

That's not what the tip says you fucking soyboy.

nora is leaking again

a wiki entry of early mention of zombie it would seem

yes all the supermutant and raider jizz she took yesterday is still leaking

so that's what you jack off to. obscene

Is there anything different about the trapping Elijah in the vault route other than.. well he's trapped? Can I go get Christine and Dog afterwards?

he is trapped forever
>can I go get christine and dog afterwards
that's up to you

>Once in an entire thread
>Multiple times every thread
>Hurf durf wha da diffawance
Back to preschool with you.

what else would i fap to

>obviously bethesda would never include child prostitution in FO
As of Fallout 4 they won't even do regular prostitution.

do you literally not know what spam is or something?

>go to fo4 sexy screens thread on LL
>the same people posting the same abominations
fuck me up senpai

>those armpits
>those oily textures

Supermutants are sterile. I'd wager they can't even get an erection

>he asked me if I ever had any medical issues

That's not what's up for debate here. Don't segue just because you've lost the argument.

West coast mutants can have sex but they're sterile.
Vault 87 are Ken Dolls
Nothing of note has been said about institute strain of Supermutants.

You seem really stupid, user. It's time to stop.

Theres this scene in Far Harbor with Allen Lee executing a captive CoA in front of the town. Is there any way i can interfere with that scene or not?

not my screenshot, grabbeed it off LL because im too lazy to go in-game and take a screenshot of my waifu getting humped by a mutie

sterile people can still get erections, mate

>tfw no LL plugin that tracks how many non-human sex companions you've had so far and let's you reply with a fully voiced answer

do you even get unique dialogue if you fucked Hancock?
I bet not

the vault 87 mutants but not the ones out west

Calling something X when it is in fact not X isn't semantics. It's you being dumb

If we aren't discussing what spam is or isn't then what do you think we're discussing? What am I segueing from if this conversation wasn't about something being spam or not?

>tfw the only interaction between the BoS and Atom Cats is Danse calling their races a "waste of armor"

Me fuggin your mom

Sorry about the child support thing

I like cait and her erect nipples

I like to think they work with cameras. But power armor was completely redesigned in 4, it's no longer simply a suit one wears but rather something along the lines of a mini-mech. Even Black Isle's original 3D Fallout was going to feature a much more "body armor" like design than the previous games.

not him but he's right
spam can be considered 'once every thread'
ive been banned from Veeky Forums for doing that before

Do something about it then.

I want to know how he achieved this body type.
