League of Legends General - /lolg/
whoa momma
xth for my wife Syndra
Xth for Sona
The biggest and best bust
The biggest and best waifu
Fact: vastayans are not nearly as smart as their Human masters. When giving them orders it is recommended to speak slowly and use simple words so their undersized brains can understand you.
I love Kled VERY much! He is cute and handsome and fluffy!
Is there a more perfect midriff?
>spiders killing their husbands being something unusual
These threads honestly need a purge.
I want to take fizz's virginity
melee champ thread
rangedniggers not allowed
You may NOT post in this thread if your unmodified attack range is above 175
Why do they keep nerfing her bust?
xth for stop hating Sona it makes her sad
new MF splashes look very nice!
>tfw Riot baited us into think Swain was in 8.3 or 8.3. When at the earliest he will be in 8.4
>huge tits
why are heterosexual men with photoshop so retarded
Remember when Tahm Kench had 200 attack range.
Do you really think Jhinfags avataring would be exempt from that?
I want rape him!
A sonafag infiltrated riot and is working covertly to make sure she never has any competition
I get off to sexuality objectifying her. Imagine how furious she'd be at seeing such a lewd depiction of herself.
It's sad that Swain in already ten times more interesting than Jarvan when he hasn't had his lore updated. It makes me mad too because Jarvan has potential but Riot does not give a shit
> jojofaggot
>Taste Their Fear (Q)
>bonus AD increased from 110% to 120%
>Evolved Reaper Claws cooldown refund increased from 45% to 60%
but y tho
Riot keeps nerfing Sona's tits too. Riot hates the massive mammaries.
Morg will end up flat at this rate.
I wish I were a girl.
you ain't gonna a girl if you get off to sexually objecteifying video game characters my man
As a noob, who are some good streamers/youtubers to watch to learn things?
I've found Neace's bronze and silver coaching videos and Strategy Professor to be helpful. Any other recommendations?
To make evolving it first a more enticing option maybe.
Name a non-support champion that is extremely underwhelming even when super fed right now
tfw playing ranged into destruction man and staving him in lane just to then stomp on the rest of his team for an ez game is the best feeling
I want to cum on MF's thighs!
>MF will never ride you while wearing that dress
Her best skin got the best new splash.
>posting actual Tumblr garbage that the Jojos hate
Too bad they look nothing like the in-game models.
Someone's never brought out the true power of Communism
Yes it did
I thought that was elf Jinx for a second
Enemy team:
And then someone from my team dodged at the last seconds, lmao. Did they really expect that not to happen?
I'd be in her Old Guard if you know what I mean
Thank you for allowing me to post this again, user
>When people say demacia they always think of Garen
>Rioto trying to push Garen over Jarvan as Demacian key figure even though Jarvan is the fucking prince
>New lore has personality of dry paint, Garen got an actual internal conflict
>One of the least popular champions in the fanbase right now - little fanfiction, little art, no one discusses him outside gameplay even though he is the fucking Prince of Demacia
>Will only be brought up as a minor point in demacia or noxus vs demacia discussions.
>The only thing he has going for him is being popular in game
>Rioto refuses to give any skins even though he is popular in game
>Rioto refuses to give him a model upgrade though he looks terrible in game
That's the point you fucking nigger.
Jojo is cancercore and any jojofag isn't at liberty to say what needs to be or not in these threads.
Both Mafia and Secret Agent are her best skins.
How am i doing here lads?
My Sona support was idle under the tower during laning and i was left 60 cs behind. I was able to 1shot enemy vayne mid game and she sold some item to get rageblade for some reason that i not know. Generaly a bad game with bad sup and jungle but how am i doing farm and build wize?
I wanna know if Riot's gonna make that rat on the left a champion
I personally prefer Jessica Rabbit. Mafia and Mad Max are cool too.
But Sona got a boob buff with her model update thing and hasn't been changed since
They really should give Jarvan a VGU. He doesn't even need a completely new skill set, just some modernization a la Warwick. I like him a lot but yeah, he seems to be forgotten in general.
Except that's slut support mains Soraka, Janna, Sona you're thinking of.
They got no rights
>all those guys in the back that she screw'd hard
what a way to go
>Not Captain
>That mafia braum
Does no one fucking hate when pussy junglers gank top
>no targons
>silver 4
now that we have these new MF splashes, which ones with a skirt or dress is she not wearing panties?
xth for picking Rakan + MF bot lane, and the miss fortune goes middle, vayne feeds her fat titties off and you throw the game on purpose
Also Miss Fortune didnt ONCE ult any single one of my Flash +Rs or R+Ws
I've watched that video on youtube many times and I always wonder if he actually would have won that 1v1
Cowgirl and Road Warrior, for sure.
Jessica Rabbit is, because that kind of gig you have to. If not shes covered in sores, cankers, herpes, and HIV.
There's literally a single heal slut mentioned in that post. You are a subhuman jojofaggot, and have no rights
>underwear is a form of STD protection
you really need to ask your parents for "The Talk"
>Lich Bane
Wtf, do people really play sona like that?
She can poke hard but really?
god i wish i was the bike
fuck off acting like Silver means I am bad
>fuck off acting like Silver means I am bad
>silver 4 doesn't mean you're bad
>we now have a chance to get mafia braum
please riot
Did the new season start?
If they actually reference this game I will suck Riot's cock
>has a low rank
>says being a low rank does not mean hes bad
Umm user I dont think you know how ranking works.
They'll tease it for weeks then announce mafia Lux .
>bullying Garen
>Braum and Graves together
Yes this fuels me
this is my favorite skin desu but it kind of lacks in game :[
i want mafia sona
she would be a worker of night
What sort of weapon can he have?
How gay are you?
bros imagine you and her in a room together and then giving her one good hard fucking punch right in the face
Come on, I know Graves is a rat, but don't be rude to him.
Are cute when their under 4 inches.
why isn't twitch in the art?
Easy answer
>implying she wouldn't be the big boss of the mafia
>implying she wouldn't wear a suit and have a gun so she can kill all the waifufags who disrepect her
thats not meim silver 4 because i literally just started playing when you take into consideration there have been 7 seasons. I only bothered in late S7 and climbed out of bronze and stopped to wait for S8
Im just asking on how i can be a better Vayne. No need to be assholes ok?
And why its a lot of twitch siblings? Or Twitch can be like a Meepo, many twitches?
>slight underboob
Ranked is all luck, there are retards in every elo. I
I'm sure it's Mafia Twitch's casino and the rats are his employees.
>League has TWO (2) literal succubi
>several other women are canon seductresses and sluts
>all outclassed by a random fat musician from the puritan socially conservative nation-state
>Ranked is all luck