Fighting Games General /fgg/

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play nothing

NOOOO Disney Bros! It was supposed to go down! WTF DO WE DO NOW?

play kolin



the first 10 or so posts are completely worthless
including this one

I just purchased the $15 Ultra Street Fighter IV upgrade thinking I could upgrade Street Fighter IV, but Steam just tells me I need to have the game installed to use the upgrade. Seems the base SFIV doesn't qualify? Do I require *Super* Street Fighter IV or something like that, and is there any way to upgrade to that so I can use the Ultra upgrade I purchased? Thanks.

>Cammy's stHp is +2 on hit now
i just found some undocumented Cummy buff


>matches keep dropping
fuck this game

Please attend/10

just refund that shit and wait for USF4 to go on sale or something

we should go in dota2 and snipe mike ross and when we get into the same game as him we start asking him about the fgc and why he left and sfv

I'm thinking about picking up Ibuki during season 3 so I can use the low tier OS and start #ibukination

I want to bear his children!!!!!

I wrote it in 10 seconds and I wanted to make it a general purpose thing because that shit is common on twitter and other forums too now

if you want a 4chinks specific one
// ==UserScript==
// @name FUCK YOU user
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match boards.Veeky*/*
// @match boards.Veeky*/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==

var container = new Set();
var ayy = document.querySelectorAll(".postMessage");
for(var i=0;i


lmao stfu nerd

Same thing to japan.


Fucking Capcom. Is this really the best they could do, especially with dbfz right around the corner?

she looks cute, like a bug-eyed inbred dog with a fucked up face


Why does everyone talk about the dragonball game like it's any competition whatsoever. No one will be playing it a year from now.

hey luvcheez, who is 3rd best tekken

What fighting games have dash canceling?


play me in jive

I want to hug laura


Luvcheez, you do realize that post was a sarcastic bite against foreigners claiming that Japanese people are ignorant of folklore outside of their homeland, right? Many different Japanese-produced works have vampires and succubus as different kinds of being with them having different habitats, feeding behaviors, and overall styles.

>tfw clicked those advertisement links at the bottom of the page accidentally

wtf bros what will happen to me now?

You're retarded if you actually think that.
It's gonna last a long time especially with how much of a blunder MvCI was, this is the only decent tag fighter now.

>blitz is shilling dbfz
gonna farm hella (you)s from you

only if you post cfn

This is FUCKED up.

Mileena? Kitana? Are you kidding me?

>fighting game character sees a sniffposter.webm

He doesn't, he's like everyone else that keeps parroting it and acting like it's the word of god.


top tier taste, good job guys

but i must introduce you to the way of marie rose. but lets keep that glorious thing a secret for those of us on /fgg/


Good Lord why

>tag fighter

Yeah, no one cares

who the fuck is dawn

>people are more attracted to pikachu than fighting game sniffs


the 3 top chars are overwatch. casuals LOVE that piece of trash

Serenafags on suicide watch

also the zelda searches are from girls who think links name is zelda

Bara fighter when

>ash, gardevoir, pikachu
>no cynthia or mallow
every day we stray further from gods light

>not beating it to pikachu's pink butthole

wish dva was my gf bros...

>Mika patch notes
>Passion Press: Changed the collision boxes during the move

Please tell me, will this fix the Passion Press Whip always whiffing unexpectedly? It even happens to pros sometimes.

This little slut.


Mileena is the best girl in fighting games after all

3rd strike looks gorgeous and fun to play but I've never played a 2D fighting game before and the only people playing the game now have been doing it for 15 years I assume. Is getting into 3rd strike a good idea? will I find someone to play with / is there a training mode where I can git gud?

no and no if on emulators

yes and yes if on ps4

Lili = Eliza > Katarina = Nina > Leo = Asuka.

J did not. Eh, either way I'm still gonna refer to her as succ. I think it sounds better than vamp.

Are you making these impostor post Brick.


buy the 30th anniversary coming out in may? and youll have a shit ton of new people to play with on the best quality version of the game possible

Haven't these people ever heard of "less is more"?

bros, fighting games are the worst form of escapism when you're a brainlet.

It looks like they made here eyes slightly bigger to make up for the lack of a headband.

Dunno why. They could of kept the default eyes and put the headband under the hat and no one would think that it was weird for Sakura to dress like that.

nobody cares you homo

Why does DBFZ only have 3 normal buttons.


It's being made for the casual audience

Why not ?

I was told this game has 6 buttons. wtf was I lied to!?

I don't really care about button configuration but why does dbfz have fucking 8 bars of meter?


The ki blast button shoul be conidered a normal button imo.

But to your point, plenty of anime games only have three normal buttons.

because every arcsys game has 3 normal buttons. this isnt street fighter. you dont need 3 punches and 3 kicks.

why are these faggots talking about dbz in my street fighter thread

Fighting games are something so great

DBZf is going to kill street fighter, bitch.

Good post

this.....cannot be

Street Fighter 5
Street Fighter V

Dragonbros run this town now

>Cammy can combo off her stHP now on counterhit
>hidden buffs and nerfs
typical capcom

Say something nice about succ.

>Cammy can combo off her stHP now on counterhit
come again?

Play DBFZ.

only if they don't add anymore Dragon Ball Super shit

>that guy who still plays sfv in 2018

Why has capcom not made this smug cyborg a character yet. Hugo + evil ryu

the input text is so gay, "le look how much of a nerd i am guys"

are you going to enter it? I am

her stHP is only +1 now, so +3 on counterhit. in AE as shown on the pic her stHP is +2 , so it becomes +4 on counterhit, which is enough to combo into stLP xx spiral arrow, etc..

What will vappa cling to next after DBZF fizzles out after EVO?

did you know it's cancelable?

Soul caliber 6

If you want a serious answer i imagine it'll keep pace similar to T7 where it drops but stays active and it'll be the same shitposting that we always have only we'll have a few more DBZ sniffs

>tfw bamco made my favorite character gay
cud u not

confirming stHP > stLp is now possible and it's really good. good luck confirming from stHp alone

Anyone DOA5LR?

really really cute desu. looks just like my favorite bug eyed actress. a cute!