Avanti Shitposters edition
Avanti Shitposters edition
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Is the ttk thing going to affect the 1903 experimental? Does anyone know?
Doubtful since they lowered the max RoF for whatever fucking reason
Well that’s shit
god dammit im so shit at bf1. all i play is medic and support because i cant get kills for shit. currently trying to do the "get 15 kills with the 8.35 in a round" thing and the highest ive gotten is 7. im gonna kms
Play the campaign operation. If you can’t get 15 kills on verdun heights, you really have a bigger issue.
So when is part 2 of turning tides coming?
Don’t die again
Just gonna skip this one, plz no revive
No. You’re going to get revived and you’re going to like it
>defending on devils anvil
>one of my squad mates is on top of scoreboard and has 130 kills
That’s just scary. Plain scary
>be earlier today
>hop on BF1 after work
>just getting back into the game after taking roughly 2 months off or so
>ooh Turning Tides is out
>learn maps fairly quickly
>find "Infiltrator" pick up
>unsure of how flare gun works, aim it a couple of feet away from me
>naval bombardment from hell directly impacts me, killing me almost instantly
>laugh my ass off and feel like a retard
>a couple of team mates stood and stared for a few seconds
That would have been a sight to see
>52-10 Scout MVP on Galicia
What kind of autism does it take to get 100 stars in the fighter and the heavy tank?
And why did DICE nerf AA? Do they think planes should have no hard counter?
The best way to damage planes other than 1-shotting them with a tank gun or AA is unironically scout rifles and K bullets
Even if you have a chance of headshotting the pilot, it says something that your 8-12 damage every 2 seconds is your best defense against planes.
>Fort De Vaux
>as the Germans
Have I reached shitter status yet /bfg/
Also one piece away from unlocking the Russian Award Knife after getting two pieces in only two Battlepacks, yay.
That was literally the best thing about that gun. What the fuck.
I know you’re going for that challenge, but I would take a medic who knows how to fucking medic with a shit KD over a “combat medic” any and every fucking day. Same for support.
>got wrecked by a corner camper
>see medics are nearby
>for once they’re actually closing in to revive
>mash respawn to try and save them
>they pick you up anyway
>camper kills you again
>camper kills medic
Fucking Christ I hate incompetent medics
That map is built for Scouts. Maybe assaults for wrecking fags in cars too.
M1917 MG telescopic can do some fucking damage too. Once me and a random tankgewehrbro sat on supply crates and tag teamed airplanes on Galicia for a good 15 minutes and took out like 5 planes. Shit was cash.
Is it uncommon to fucking hate operations/rush? Fighting over the same acre of map for two points is just like slamming your head into a wall for me. Fucking torques me. Conquest for dayzeeee
I finally had the Mosin Marksman feel "right" for me in a game
I was waiting for it for so long
Are you kidding me
>hop in AP because Enemy air is murdering our special needs infantry
>schwack 3 planes in one run because they were all tunnel visioned on a bomber.
>comment in chat about how blind they are
>clanbro tells me to “1v1 him without backup” (he had a full squad of buttbuddies)
>proceed to knock his 130 ass out of the sky time after time because his glazed eyes only know the dim thrill of killing slow ground targets. Keeps asking for 1v1
Why is the BF community at large so shit now? Who the fuck thinks this game is acceptable for dogfighting for honor? Where did it all go wrong? When?
>lowered the max RoF
proofs? Since they already lowered the max RoF once
You kind of have. But it’s alright
Are not have. Haven’t any idea how it ended up like that
In my experience, anyone who asks for a 1v1 is just plain retarded anyway. I don’t get the point of it. There was this one ass who wanted a 1v1 in helicopters on bf4 because I blew their sorry memebird out of sky 3 times with a ucav
You just like what you like. I really can’t stand conquest on this game, but like I said everyone has their own tastes
>3 full operations servers in my region
What the fuck this never happens
Which region?
Its only ever one if your lucky and most only on weekends
That’s awful. Why don’t you add Asia to your filter on the server browser? I mainly get put in JP servers and have an Aussie friend that joins me. The worse I’ve saw their ping is about 90 which isn’t bad at all
How can you even use the awful telescopic sight?
>single handedly destroy 3 tanks
>get killed by infantry because your gunner is so fucking shit
>your in game body gets revived anyway but you still have to spend 1 second whilst your getting shot to confirm revive, with literally no benefit to denying the revive
who the fuck thought that option was a good idea?
>buy bf4 dlc at 75% off
>no servers with any of the maps apart from naval and op metro
sucks man.
>op metro
>get claymored
why the fuck did they add claymores? they add nothing to gameplay apart from pointless unfun deaths
>*by some cunt at the other side of the map, who runs all the way back to plant another one.
what about a "combat medic" who also furiously heals & revives his teammates at the risk of his own life?
That's not so bad as long as they aren't the kind of combat medic that will cover to run dead into enemy fire just so the person the person they revive and them self can die in an instant.
>1 hit kills with the Obrez
If he does it intelligently and isn’t foolhardy, then fuck yeah, man, go do it
>They just keep running into my parabellum
i love joining a devil's anvil operation and it switches to brusilov offensive. thanks, dice. that's not fucking annoying at all.
That's the nerf I was talking about, I don't really see them buffing it again since they just nerfed it. At least not back up to how dank it was
They really are the worst. I don’t get why they have a penchant for dogfighting in a game with such a horrific flight model.
>using Gewehr 98 to unlock the Mosin
>domeing fags left and right
why the fuck do i even want the mosin when the 98 is so good?
i mean is it really hard to add a "if (match is nearly finished) { don't join} "
Ded thred ded game
The mosin isn’t even that good anyway
>Playing anything but scout
>Always get server 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for headshots
>Playing scout
>Infinite bodyshots
ded meme
>finished marksman medal with 20 m1903 experimental kills
>tfw you are literally outgunned by everything else
i rather that than the auto 8 .35
>5 rounds
>not even accurate
The 8 .35 is a disgustingly good weapon what are you on about
after the ttk changes drop it's gonna be even better too.
I like having an objective on the map that is something more than 'every fucking blueberry can just run around and do their own thing' as a game mode. Makes you feel like tryharding in CQ is not even worth the time.
>not spamming the trigger and harvesting the delicious, delicious assault tears
The marksman variant is very good too. Very few people use it, but my heart sank a little when I saw some Malaysian person with 100 service stars on it
>No seagulls.
Where the fuck are the seagulls, DICE?
thank fuck there are no seagulls in this game, can't stand those faggots and their shrieks
We have rats in the trenches, no seagulls on Heligoland makes no fucking sense.
maybe birds dont like loud noises
Completionism. Ive unlocked so many of the DLC guns for the challenge, try them out for a bit, then go back to something better
>Birds don't like loud noises.
They subjectively exist to be a loud noise: my.mixtape.moe
It sucks that you can't just unlock weapon skins via assignments imo
Fucking lootbox cancer, i opened like three dozen of em now and not a single skin for my M1907 sweeper (which can be surprisingly accurate even at mid-range in some situations)
Yeah I’ve started to just save my scraps for the shit you can get directly.
Back to WW2 when???
Sweeper a shit
Avtomat a shit
Full auto a shit
hopefully not for another decade or so
>Cei-Rigotti can go full-auto.
>It only has a ten bullet mag and reloads via clip.
Heh. I didn't want to kill more than one guy every reload, anyway.
this year
*next year
I solely play medic without revives because I fucking HATE the fucking look of every medic for every faction. Why the FUCK do they all carry crutches into battle? This design choice has pissed me off since day one.
Ya know, I thought this was a big draw back for the rigotti but you usually end up out killing other auto niggers and ending 1v1s with 5 in the chamber. I spend the rest if I end up with 3 or some shit so the reload is faster.
Sure hope that's co-op only, I'm literally shaking at the thought that you get to play as a Nazi, when will we stop glorifying them in movies and video games?
>one of the Nazis is bound to end up black
>mfw hellriegel is one of the only weapons not getting a buff in ttk patch
looks like shitters might actually have to learn to play
how different would have WW1 been in the hellriegel was the standard issue weapon for all armies?
from what I understand, irl the hellriegel had serious overheating problems, hence why it was only ever a prototype
wow the parabellum fucking sucks
how the fuck did i get 2 stars with this steaming pile before
Can you post a link to your information? That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day
this is an official statement from the xbox platoon
fuck playstation
>le muh platform is better than yours maymay
Grow the fuck
t. playshitter
*Dies to a knife*
PC actually, fucklad. But who gives a fuck about platform? Seriously? Play the game and keep old memes, tired memes where they belong. To yourself
I honestly don't know how console players can stomach sticks for aiming, though. Like, I used to play a shitton of console FPS but once I got a decent enough computer to play an FPS on PC I just couldn't deal with that fucking tank controls for aiming. There is no room for precision. Which I guess isn't so bad in BF1 since most of the guns require no real finesse -- which I'm fine with considering it's WW1 age weaponry, this shit isn't designed to be finesse, it's designed to spew as much boolet into the enemy trench as possible before you get boolet'd to death -- but sniping must be fucking terrible to do. How the fuck anyone could be enjoying their time sniping on a console is beyond me, unless they are masochistic or the auto-aim is literally playing the game for them.
>join game
>lose horribly, like 500 - 1000 bad
>map vote pops up
>overwhelmingly vote for Tsaritsyn
It's like they didn't lose badly enough last round so they REALLY want to have no fun next game.
>hey remember when we made Suez and it only had three points and it fucking sucked so bad as a map we had to modify it?
>yeah let’s do the exact same thing except THIS TIME the center flag has a balcony overlooking the cap point for people to set up some goddamn tents
>OH and the only way to uproot them from that balcony is from a ramp that that balcony overlooks
Goddamn brilliant
>Join a squad of guys who are in a Platoon
>Request Order and take SL position, soon get spammed with "Request Order"
>They all leave when I don't give it up
>mfw I got #1 lone wolf platoon-wise on the team with all of them below me