/civ4xg/ Endless, Stellaris, Civilization, and 4X

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>Official and Unofficial Wiki
>Community Hub
>Planets Stats
>Ships Stats
>Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.
>ES2 prequel


>The Development of Stellaris en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_hell

>Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2
>Civ IV XML fix
>Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
>Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
>Civ 5 Mods
>Civ 5 More Mods
>Civ 5 Drafter
>District Cheat Sheet:

>Essential improvements:

>MoO 2


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what a punchable face

Don't talk about wiz that way!

Any reason to overflow with food in stellaris? Are the growth bonuses any good?

What are some good mods for Stellaris that make the game even slightly less tedious and/or monotonous?


What's so funny? It's pretty common sense to assume that a community for a shitty game will set up mods to make the game less shit.

You can improve stellaris with mods, but you can't make it not a tedious progress-bar-filling simulator.

Or they could just play a better game
Please buy Endless Space 2 merci

I do also play ES2, but it's pirated just like Stellaris

The game is fundamentally broken. Mods can polish a turd but won't stop it being a turd.

Alright, so what mods are best for improving/polishing it?

>Civ 6 Georgia video
Is the leader a dwarf? Her proportions look all fucked up, even more so than every other disney pixar inspired leader.

I find this funny. Time to start activating edicts everywhere

They are really decent, it isn't long before you double your growth. You're better off not increasing your stockpile ever for that reason.



Oh shit. The Neborite Heralds of Death have declared a pogrom against our brothers and sisters and our homeworld. Earth has her xeno allies and my fleet isn't up to snuff against the Heralds of Death, but I don't know if she can withstand the nefarious Nebonites unless humanity stands together.


Find a website which lets you manually download Stellaris mods and look through the most popular section. It’s that easy.

>start a game
>science ships find absolute fucktons of minerals
>all my energy is under tile blockers
>no energy is in space
>have to make a far ass frontier outpost to get any energy

Is there a way to play stellaris mutiplayer on pirated version?

>Playing Sophons
>Turn 20
>Vodyani starts harvesting essence in one of my fresh systems
>Tell them to fuck off
>"Yeah sure man whatever you say"
>Two turns later ask for 990 Dust as tribute to the church
>Bend the knee and give it too them because I haven't researched military ships yet
>Next turn they turn hostile because I didn't give them tribute
As soon as I get a substantial fleet I'm wiping them off the map

why are sophons such aggressive assholes?

They got their lunch money stolen in high school

Does anyone else experience a significant leap in difficulty from Immortal to Deity in Civ 5 or did I just become stupid? It didn't take me too many attempts to beat Prince through Immortal (I moved up one each time I won and went for different victories each time) but on Deity I can't get past the medieval era without something fucking up. And I hadn't been relying on it up until now or anything, but I'm finding it impossible to do a wide empire at all because the AIs just expand too fast and I'm left without any room. All my game settings are default except I disable time victory and have been using low sea level lately, though I actually don't notice much of a difference.

>core crack the shophons homeworld
>endless space 2 is not responding

you little shits

ENFER is watching you you little shit

Out played by ENFER.


any word on when the next stellaris update/DLC is coming out?
I haven't been in this general or even played the game in like 3 months because I didn't want to burn myself out of the game by the time all the cool looking shit came around

>decide to play MoO2 since people say good things about it
>start on easy, since I know I don't know what I'm doing
>totally dominate the game with no effort
>jump to average
>150 turns in, antaran raider destroys cruiser/2 destroyers without a scratch
>AI sends a battle ship to conquer half my colonies after half my navy is killed by super-aliens
>rebuild my fleet to command cap and prepare to recover my colonies
>expect relatively easy fights, since I'm telepathic and outnumber his fleet
>cruiser/2destroyer/3frigate attack starbase
>all 6 killed without doing any damage
this game is bullshit
how could anyone like it

No announced date yet
Check the dev diaries for the new update though, it changes a lot.

just play nu-moo

I still prefer MoO2 to numoo

>Be Teddy
>Share a continent with Rome and Straya
>Rome declares war on Straya
>Walk my military to those faggots
>Their militaries are both sitting in the classical era while I'm sitting here with my guns and cannons
>Declare war on Rome
>Siege Rome in two turns
>The fucking city has four citizens
>My weakest city has six

R8 my 'vette guise:

Napoleon class Corvette 3000 tons 20 Crew 1207.5 BP TCS 60 TH 700 EM 0
11666 km/s Armour 3-18 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 0 PPV 22.4
Maint Life 0 Years MSP 0 AFR 600% IFR 8.3% 1YR 558 5YR 8377 Max Repair 360 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 0.1 months Spare Berths 1

Nixon-Short 100 EP Internal Fusion Drive (7) Power 100 Fuel Use 484.22% Signature 100 Exp 25%
Fuel Capacity 200000 Litres Range 2.5 billion km (59 hours at full power)

45cm C6 Near Ultraviolet Laser (1) Range 384000km TS: 11666 km/s Power 53-6 RM 3 ROF 45
Single Atkinson & Gregory Gauss Cannon R4-50 Turret (2x4) Range 40000km TS: 25000 km/s Power 0-0 RM 4 ROF 5
Fire Control S04 192-12500 (1) Max Range: 384000 km TS: 12500 km/s 97 95 92 90 87 84 82 79 77 74
Fire Control S02 48-25000 (1) Max Range: 96000 km TS: 25000 km/s 90 79 69 58 48 38 27 17 6 0
Tokamak Fusion Reactor Technology PB-1 (1) Total Power Output 6.4 Armour 0 Exp 5%

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as Oversized Fighter for maintenance purposes


Is this Aurora?


See I plan on sticking a couple (dozen) of 'em into PDC hangars & unleashing the whole swarm at once (in case shit happens in Sol)

Specialized ships are better.
Fighters can be produced by fighter factories.
You could split the ship into two FACs and save some tonnage on the bridge, merge the engines into a bigger one so it's more fuel efficient and save some space from needing less fuel.

Is Nu Moo any good? I've been eyeing it but I find it hard to believe it will stack up.

Building your fleets and teching properly are a huge part of the game. Also, well defended planets are very hard to crack without overwhelming force.

While MoO2 isn't bad, you'd have been better off playing MoO1 instead. Perhaps the nice java remake "Remnants of the Precursors"? It adds a lot of nice UI functionality; like scrollwheel to control sliders, better galaxy map, much bigger galaxies, etc.

Yeah. You can grow pops very quick so try not to upgrade your storage capacity. It's possible it could be nerfed in 2.0 though.
Stellaris DD 100 in 3 hours!

DLC announcement,trailer,stream feature show off imminent.

Announcement today.


Lost me at "3 000 tons".

Truly the epitome of autism.

>waa waa something's too complicated for my brain used to Call of Warfare
>better call it autism !!!!

In case you're looking for a (supposely) good mod for Empire At War X, check this out : moddb.com/mods/empire-at-war-re

>Getting so angry about a joke
My point stands.

>get rekt



How is The Last Federation?



I lava you, lava corpse man !

What event is this? I have never had it.

What do hey mean by finding no foot wear? They lost in the Stellaris the floor is lava game ?

It's a dorf fort reference, I think it's from a mod.


Boatmurdered, son.
A famous Dwarf Fortress succession game who ended up poorly. The dwarves survived goblins, undead elephants, and finally lost to ashes and a master brawler who killed everyone. While being on fire.

5 minutes till new dev diary drops, get pumped bois

just wake up, how long till dev diary?


they said there's an announcement today, I suspect they're going to shill their DLC to go with Stellaris 2.0

> planet destroyers


Death Star battering rams when


The Time To Redefine Warfare is Now!

Space Marauders, Planetary Destruction Weapons and so much more. A world ending expansion! Available to pre-order now.

Apocalypse will bring new levels of warfare and destruction to the galactic exploration and discovery game and will add many new ways to extend one’s galactic dominion – including the ability to destroy entire enemy planets.

Apocalypse will bring new military options, civic paths, and challenges to Stellaris when it arrives in early 2018.


>That’s No Moon, neither is That One, That One Might be a Moon, Wait, No: Keep the local systems in line with fear of the new “Colossus” planet-killer weapon – a technological terror that eliminates entire worlds from the universe.

>All Your Base Are Belong to You: New enormous “Titan” capital ships can lead your fleets to conquest, offering tremendous bonuses to the vessels under their command. Meanwhile, fortify key systems with massive orbital installations and secure your homeworld as an impenetrable bastion among the stars.

>Pirates of the Constellation: Watch out for Marauders – space nomads who raid settled empires and carve out their lives on the fringe of civilization. Hire them as mercenaries in your own conflicts, but take care that they don’t unify and trigger a new late-game crisis!

>Some Non-Violent Features: New Ascension Perks and Civics are added in the expansion, along with new Unity Ambitions that provide new ways to spend Unity and customize your development

Dev Diary 100 is also here


>titans and a planet destroyer ship station
doomsday weapons did it better

>the World Cracker can be used on uncolonized rock-type worlds (but will not always generate a mineral deposit in that case).

>spend innumerable resources on advancing your tech, traditions and production
>take several long steps in order to unlock the ultimate mining device
>use it on Mercury, which is mostly metal
>no minerals because natural 1
t-thanks Paradox
how so? Haven't played Stellaris with mods

>World Cracker: Shatters a planet, leaving behind a broken debris field that can be mined for resources. Available to non-Pacifists.

Literally making a mod based on Dead Space a paid DLC.

Glad I was right when I told that nigger in the last thread that titans would be paid content.

just install nsc and isb with their patch and you got a free apocalypse

correction, you get a better result, and today
I wish I could just get the carriers and defence platform from nsc without the rest tho

Don't tell me this is some Vaulter shit.

>vaulter theme plays at the end
Nah dude it's completely unrelated to vaulters.

>one of the worst factions of EL is STILL getting sucked off
Amplitude no

New player here. Does having a massive surplus of food on one world that's maxed out population help with the growth of other newly colonised worlds? Also what happens when your worlds have maxed pops and you can't colonize anymore?

Yes. Food is Empire wide.
Nothing. It just piles up to your food cap.

Oh boy, I sure can't wait to pay for things that should have been in the base game! It isn't like mods haven't added those features fucking ages ago. If we wait another 5 years and add another $150 of DLC we might be able to get where the base game should have been!

The dev dairy looks meh. They've spent all this time to rebalance warfare only to introduce another ship type with weapons that will break any form of balance. Plus we still don't have dedicated screening ships.

>screening ships.
You mean carriers?

When I read "You can only have 1 planet destroyer at a time" I got mad. Just... WHY?! So sick of these stupid arbitrary rules.

You can have more than 1 at a time... for 20 more bucks.

>ever believing that vaulters, the protagonists of the franchise that have actually been in every single title they made, wouldn't be in ES2
you are a fool

>the protagonists of the franchise

Paradox has it's faults, but they've never been pay to win.

so retards dont spam them ?
So this Super ship dont losses its uniqueness

Cap: original Star Wars trilogy
No cap: nu wars

No, pdx is pay to play.


he doesnt know

Spam them in what, multiplayer? How would that be boring? If single player, who gives a shit?

Is there something like an automate surveying button in aurora?

Special orders/organizations in the F12 Task Group window.
There you can give ships default primary and secondary orders. I set three gravitational survey as primary, five bodies survey as secondary. When they enter a new system, I manually order my exploration ships to check out a few gas giants and planets that could be colonizable, too.

>Those Titants are HUGE!-Wiz

That's cute. pic related an actual ship in the Star Trek mod.

Thanks for the help
DO I have to design civilian ships for my commercial shipping or do my civs design them themselves?

That planet crack was BEAUTIFUL.
Holy shit balls. I want to see what the other planet destroyers are like.