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This banner is bait for Brave Tharja on the anniversary.


New squad maps to help you plan your runs

Snoozing on this banner desu


hold the fuck up edit for Zelgius please

in case anyone needs the apk

I kinda want Zelgius but same, Oliver being a GHB is the best part

Zelgius seems "OK" but I expected better SPD, if Amelia was red I think she would be better unit, Slaying weapon -1cd +3 SPD +5 HP DC A skill > DC weapon Steady Breath.

Like if I was using +SPD Draug +10 as my red armour because nobody else could get that high before I wouldn't even be sad, he still has 2 more SPD than him due to weapon refine

I'm waiting on a faster red armour to spend orbs on

If I am lacking in blue mages, should I pull for micaiah?



If you are posting pics of "your wife" atleast post decent arts and not dogshit

>Miccy and Zelgius at once

>skipped through every story segment since like chapter seven
should I catch up? is it finally getting good?

>Radiant Banner is bait for a banner coming out 6 months from now

You are an utter retard

Same here.

How are you lacking blue mages?

no, you'll get spooked by one eventually

Wonder who'll get chain challenged in the main story and paralogue?

Get ready for her legendary banner anons, it's the only way to get her.

if anyone is worried with zephiel map, just use fliers with any of the flying mages, otherwise good luck breaking through 80+hp even if their res is shit.


anniversary is in like 3 or 4 weeks

>mfw there are fags out there that actually shill BK as top candidate for steady breath over dragons
>post yfw you didn't waste steady breath/vengeful/bold fighter on BK
Get fucked

>/ourguy/ made Anna art

>Zelgius powercreeped himself
(lol Can't wait for Zeke to be a better Camus.

So there was something hinting at a one-time sale in the datamine here For all the f2p players, how good of a deal would this have to be to get you to crack?

Is there any pros to using boost skills over death blow/darting blow?
I have a few spare Lukes that I got from pity breakers to fodder off his skills. Would fire boost be any better than death blow for Charlotte?

>Micaiah is worse than Lute

>I can use my favorite three way deadlock again
>While still getting feathers


Fuck these bonus units. I also should have gave up my family and whaled for W!Tharja, she's too good. Couldn't manage much this week with my normal team, it upsets my autism when the game gives me shitty 698 scores instead of the occassional 706 I sometimes get. Settled for the constant 700s. Once Hana gets more merges and Aether eventually it'll look better.

Will happily roll green if it includes Summer Elise

I have thundercock and nothing else.

Problem is I dont really use him often since he isnt +atk and unmerged. But he is still pretty stronk.

>waste steady breath
that would require me actually rolling a brave ike!

shouldn't reinhardt be able to cheese them?

Alright, now that everyone's calmed down. Plans for this banner?

>~110 orbs
>Thank fuck Oliver is GHB
>Will pull blue for Micaiah but actually just want Subaki
>Fuck the other two
>Won't pull more than a full circle's worth of orbs

>playing since day 1
>have only three blue mages
>reinhradt, linde, doot
>all +spd (including rein)
i am both lacking and perfectly fine in the blue mage category

Not really. Look at the book II ones if you're interested in getting up to date.
I can't remember what the details were before book II honestly.

literally stronger than Ike

>Another character I'd want to dump orbs into ended up being a TT/GHB

it's basically just learning Zach is Bruno and he and Veronica have an evil hereditary blood curse that he's trying to break

sometimes Alfonse plays the straight man and it's mildly humorous

Only thing I'm upset about is Zelgius instead of almost any other RD character

Hey, guys, make sure you beat the upcoming GHB to unlock the powerful new Mage, Arvis!

I can't wait until Brave Tharja is a Dark Knight horse cancer just to purposely fuck you over

at least there is a reason now to roll fucking blue if someone wanted excuse for blue fodder
i used him on other map so dunno, possibly but you have fair share of forests there.

20-40k feathers, and at least enough stones/coins for a full upgraded seal/weapon along with orbs equivalent to the regular prices and maybe some neutral unit
as you can see i don't plan to spend money on this kusoge

With all this new upcoming content I guess we're no longer /deadgame/, so all that remains is what they'll do for the anniversary.
Any guesses?

Do you want a guaranteed +6 Atk on initiation or possibly wasting your A slot when every enemy unit has a refined weapon and more HP than her?

What the fuck happened to Micaiah's eyes aaaaaaa

Post Micaiah to celebrate her arrival.

Not pulling for this banner. The only character worth getting is Oliver

Reminder to give your Blessed Bouquet to Oliver.

I am so glad I inherited Steady Breath onto Nephenee instead of BK due to waifuism.

The actual cost would matter most to me, something like $5-10. Starbucks level money that I don't have to think about after I spend it.

The anniversary is at the start of next month

Have you not realize Heroes is already almost a year old?

They work during both phases but they're nigh unusable in pve and in pvp they'll last one battle before being useless.

>you can now run a 2 range team that have effective against practically everything
>Micaiah for cavs and armors
>Julia or Deidre for dragons
>Kagero/any Poison Dagger for infantry
>any archer for Fliers

>Brave Tharja gets added
>Powercrept few months later just like Brave Roy

You are just as dumb as the spic

35 orbs. Will free roll on blue and get Donnel then stop giving a shit about this garbage banner.

Boost skills work on both turns, opponents and yours. Charlotte has good HP, so she's alright. Most won't be higher than her, the ones that are tend to have shit for speed.

I like Zelgius but his art is only okay and they didn’t use his red Begnion armor

But I hate her

I legitimately voted for oliver for choose your legends so him being free is definitely a big relief. I'll just pull blue until I get micaiah. I'm a huge RDfag, but sothe doesn't really do anything for me and zelguis is a really weird choice out of everyone they could have picked. I like BK with his helmet on more anyways.

Maybe twink PoR Ike

Wait for true RD gorilla Ike with 50 atk and 1 spd with a prf hammer

>BK was always a potentially broken unit thanks to his Prf and Black Luna held back by lack of merges and IVs
>create a version of him without that limit and even better stats
So does IS just not give a fuck about powercreep anymore?

>she'll be the worst of the Braves anyway

>10 orbs
>4.25 on NY banner

I'll keep rolling on NY until I have all of them (I'm 1 for 3), then roll for Rhajat and Gray if I still can. I can comfortably skip this one, though Micaiah and Sothe look like neat units.


free roll on blue and maybe spend 4 on a second blue if there's more than one blue orb.

>one blue orb as the free summon
>that's it

don't even need julia/deirdre, dragons are considered infantry

I can't believe Oliver saved this dead game

>Lucina and (((Marth))) have the exact same stats
>Black Knight and Zelgius do not
What do they mean by this?

Im ready to be cucked.

I don't think they could possibly incentivize spending money on mobage gacha enough that I'd actually want to do it. I'd probably end up deleting the game afterwards because there would be nothing left.

the game came out feb 2 2017 you retard, the 1 year anniversary in 23 days

I look forward to that because I like her and made her dark knight in awakening because the sorcerer outfit is silly.

I do like his art since I actually like Daisuke's stuff, but agreed on the armor thing. I'm mostly upset since we already have BK and I just wanted some of the lesser known characters like Edward for Wrath or Pelleas not Pelleasanon btw

What the fuck is happening?
I went to take a shit break and look through /feg/ and suddenly there's a radiant dawn banner?
Give me the run down:
GHB, banner units, who looks interesing, AND is Michaiah actually good?
My wife Julia would love to have a new companion

The hero /feg/ needed

I need help to beat SA4, stage 2, I can't bait anyone in this shit.

>based Daisuke drawing more chads
Can't complain

Trip back on.

I gave him steady breath before the dragon update. If we get a BK rerun before I get another steady breath, I'll give him to Nowi.

rest in peace kagero and black knight

we hardly knew ye

I can't believe I'm considering sacking my bride caede to give him the bouquet

Free roll. Blue, if not then Red, then Colourless.

>people mad about a spoiler for a 15 year old game

Could have been more subtle but really?

At least he's going to be in the common pool I guess

our lord and savior

>So does IS just not give a fuck about powercreep anymore?
Nice timely deduction, Arden.

>people are actually responding to the beaner
>and Veeky Forums x has no recursive filtering depth, so if it injects itself into a conversation then half the thread might vanish

Didn't you hear? Brave art got leaked.

There's 3 years and change of stats between PoR's Burger King and RD's Burger King/Zelgius

I mean, BK's stats between PoR and RD got better too

I can't wait to see RD Ike be ridiculous as well

>tfw just spent 5 orbs 20 minutes ago on a whim and got takumi
Is he good?

Maybe they realized nobody liked Rukina (male) and we won't have to get xir as a reward for any more tempests.
Well, I can hope.

The only thing he needs to be viable is Ward Armor/Spur Def 3, WoM shenanigans tear through arena shitters like crazy.