/hg/ - Halo General

#390 - 10 Left edition

Welcome to Halo General. Here we discuss the Halo games, expanded universe, and fan projects. Discussion of general Xbox developments, news, and games is also allowed unless stated otherwise.

>Halo 5: Guardians has received a major weapons tuning update that radically changes up the gameplay. This update has gone into effect in all arena playlists, warzone playlists, and even custom games.
For a full list of changes, see the link here: halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/weapon-tuning-update

>Latest Halo Community Update

>Important Halo Links and Notes

>Halo 5 Spartan Company
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>SPV3, the Halo CE fan remix project, can be downloaded for free
youtube.com/watch?v=VOMzNMe8qHE [Open]

>>>Halo News

Other urls found in this thread:



Do elites have horse c*cks or what?

Elites have hooves, therefore they have horse cocks.


>Halo on PC:

>SPV3 w/ crack:

>Halo 2 Project Cartographer w/ crack:

>Base game: mediafire.com/file/7v0fulcl0ll9lk9/ElDewrito_0.5.1.1_Release.zip
>Foundation Mod Manager:

>Halo 5: Forge (WINDOWS 10 ONLY):

>AVAILABLE ON STEAM (and Windows Store):
Halo Wars: Definitive Edition
Halo Wars 2
Halo: Spartan Assault
Halo: Spartan Strike

ElDewrito version 0.6 will release THIS MONTH, will feature a forge mode better than Halo 5, will eliminate many bugs, and will release with Halo 3 assets stock. Already has Team Slayer and Action Sack servers.
Project Contingency is a fan-made Halo game being made in Unreal Engine 4. Coming soon.
Installation 01 is a fan-made Halo game being made in Unity and shows a lot of promise. Coming Soon.

Who’s working on the 400 thread collage pic?

Off to a great start!


so how about removing Kai as company leader? long overdue

Dead Island is the best 343 Halo game.

>breaks silence to turn on his teammates and reveal their positions by screaming "they're in the bayseemunt"

>built from the ground up

Greetings from /gowg/!

Gears is shit

Just playing some functioning Halo 5 gametypes with RED & friends

>tfw MCC is more functional than Halo 5: Guardians

He's not wrong. I only do well when I have a team to carry me.
The sticky grenade going through his head was bullshit though

You're doing God's work, user

Does collage user exist?

Party of 14 playing Halo 5 customs.

Join Flippant Sol


That was fun

Yeah I'm "mad", because 343 has ruined one of my favorite franchises. I might have a heavy bias against 343 and their games, but, most of what I stated is in fact, factual. As for unlocking everything by playing the game, while technically correct it would take such an inordinate amount of time you're almost forced to use the microtransactions just to have a chance at getting what you want. There are no challenges tied to armor aside from like 3 sets and seemingly nobody gives 343 flack for it. But then EASWBF2 comes along and you have to initially spend 60 hours to unlock a hero and EVERYBODY FLIPS THEIR SHIT, mostly because there was alot of overblown controversy and a hefty amount of mis-information being spread. Double standards much? Especially from the people who loves 343 halo and hates EA just because.

Unless 343 can actually make a good campaign from that dumpster fire of cliched, contrived horse shit they call Halo 5: Guardians, I'll be legitimately surprised. I don't even care about the MP at this point, they've proven they can't competently iterate on it already. And I'm not talking about the try-hard competitive playlists, I'm talking about their completely lack of attention to casual or fun game modes and their barely-there efforts in creating new ones.

>I'm talking about their completely lack of attention to casual or fun game modes and their barely-there efforts in creating new ones.
Yeah I hate this, the social playlist is a big joke, and now with there being no social slayer it's basically just there for big team and whatever shitmode gets featured. Action Sack is full of dumb modes that don't belong too, Super Fiesta is more Action Sacky than half the modes in Action Sack. Sad!

Getting all the reqs takes 200-300 hours of multiplayer depending on how grindy your playstyle is.

Halo tree

Lol you mad

Thankfully that gets cut down significantly with all the free REQ packs they give during stream and other seasonal stuff.

>tfw crazy king and king of the hill are locked into the same playlist as prop hunt

Haven't played since a month after launch. What's new?

And it's not like you can vote for the game type you want.

>That feel when you will never stick your pee pee in sigmund82's succlent boipucci while you simultaneously fuck him in MCC customs.

That's a smooth gif

I meant webm fuck

If voting was enabled, almost everything involving forgehub would never get played.

Veto > Random > Voting

Fite me

I only have a handful from way back.

Goodnight, /hg/

What is the plan for the collage?

There isn't one. People want a collage but they also don't want to do any of the work.



Local units

>Halo was an original idea™

>Marathon was an original idea™

>"interactive electronic video game" was an original idea™

>fun was an original idea™
Aaand we're back to Halo.

What is this





Good morning, /hg/

go to sleep

Hollow tree

>tool of destruction: storm rifle

>less than 30 posts in 9 hours

Brits don't do their job so a few of us have to carry the thread in the early hours.
Not a big deal.

>Brits don't do their job
Bitch I'm here until 5am posting. Damn right you should be picking up the slack you lazy bastards


I was j-just meming, user. Please don't abandon /hg/
but seriously like 2 brits actually do their job

do people here still go for achievements in halo games?
can you point out the ones who do?

Yes, many of us.


Make me leader.

>Halofest has skee ball
Finally something I'm good at

Oh shit.
Guess I'll have to practice

This is assuming I can get it to be 16 players

You can not. Too much scripting.


>Halo 5: Guardians, the most expansive Halo game ever released
Whar did they mean by this?

It means 343 knows promethians are everyone's favorite enemy to fight so they included more of them this time around.

Just make it a games with Gold game already.
They will get more money doing that because of req micros purchased by new people trying to compete.

That it had the most/longest post launch support and updates i guess?

Updates become a hindrance after a while.
Stop changing the game and maps.

It's already part of Game Pass. That's good enough

Nah, updates were fine for the most part.

This so much.
Let the game fucking breathe. Stop changing the maps/weapon balance every month

pls no that game is shit tier

Can't we just vote for the games in the halofest? Having one or two people in charge would just lead to bad games on bad maps

That's what's going to happen next time. As far as skeeball does, it's not confirmed.

>next time
literally no reason why that can't happen this time

Too short notice.

Nope. There's still 16 days left to plan and playtest. Action sack tier modes shouldn't be in

We're talking about the same Halofest with Basketball returning twice, aren't we?

Basketball isn't in action sack and it's actually fun. Skee ball is absolute pleb tier.

How Spartans are even a threat with that thing existing is beyond me

>Dark Souls 1 gets a remaster for the fucking Switch before H3A happens

It's fucking nothing

Why would you want H3A

At this point I'll take anything


A broken, buggy piece of shit

Gamepass literally killed Games with gold

Why not? Wouldn't you like to see pic related stab the fuck out of Truth?

It's good but i want the proper Anniversary treatment with updated models, textures, sounds and cutscenes.

Aren't tired of this shit meme? MCC is playable as for now. It's going to be patched this spring

I'm buying it for Xbone, i don't care if it's just resolution and framerate improvements, the original isn't aging so well.

Personally I wouldn't really care, Halo 3 was a disappointment as far as story goes, equaled by 4 (though surpassed by 5).

Replacing the art style is a good idea though.

Let them work on Halo 6 and deliver a solid game for now.

This gen should be called the "remastered gen" moslty from japan